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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Could also be a general statement that means absolutely nothing in regards to projects he's personally worked on. He could just mean that you can really mess up casting someone, but Melissa IS Supergirl!!! #everyonewatchourshowpls Debating what he COULD be talking about is kinda pointless.
  2. My anger from the potshots isn't really even about Oliver, it's because it's to build up Barry, who IMO isn't shit, haha. I have such terrible feels about that dumbass Barry Allen and his Flash Day, ugh.
  3. I think he might have meant that it was a bigger undertaking because of special effects and stuff, but I'm not feeling particularly charitable toward that show, haha.
  4. Oliver's kill/no kill stance is both inconsistent and ridiculously stupid, but sinking the show? Nah.
  5. I think they: A) Know who they'd like to be in the grave, but are getting approval from the network B) Know for sure who is in the grave, but are saying they don't so they don't have to tell the cast member who's dying or C) Know, but are pretending they don't. I don't believe that they don't know who's in there. It doesn't mean anything - over half of the CW episode descriptions are rated TBD for that week - I guess they haven't been reviewed yet. I'm fairly certain there is a sex scene in that ep though - that's where that upside-down kiss is from.
  6. Yes. Thea didn't want him to do it because of the side-effects she's experiencing (which would be worse for Sara), but because Malcolm was the one who was actually responsible for Sara's death, he wanted to alleviate Thea's guilt or something? IDK, it was all very stupid and yes, contrived.
  7. People on The Flash taking good-natured jabs at Oliver would be perfectly fine IMO, because Oliver is the kind of guy who needs to be ribbed every once in a while. But acting like Barry is somehow the superior hero when yes, Oliver has done some terrible things, but he's never risked the entire UNIVERSE out of selfishness. Barry's dumb ass opens a black hole over Central City, and he's lauded for CLEANING UP HIS OWN MESS. Drives me crazy, haha.
  8. I really hope so. And I'm hoping that DD's issues with kidnapping daughters isn't because he has one, but because he knows one of his partners does (and possibly even knows about Felicity) and thinks family in general is off-limits. Also, given what we know about Felicity's dad - that they were close, and that he was into electronics - I really just don't see that with DD. My biggest fear if he is her father is that she's going to recognize him next week, and she's not going to tell Oliver about it (although that interview with NM about Oliver using something against him, or saying something that gets to him indicates that she might possibly tell him right away).
  9. It's been brought up here before, too. I also think him being her grandfather is ridiculous, but less ridiculous than him being her father.
  10. Yeah, I'm not keen at all on the big bad evil dad route. It's a replay of the Malcolm/Thea dynamic, which hasn't been all that great IMO. I don't mind Felicity's dad being a villain necessarily, I just don't want him to be some talisman-using, magic-having, Lazarus Pit-using psycho. He's over 122 years old, I just...I can't. The idea that some dude who wanted to be the next Ra's al Ghul, stole Lazarus Pit waters, and has some kind of magic-granting totem or whatever hiding in a closet shacked up in Vegas and had a family with Donna for 5-6 years is so ridiculous to me I absolutely dread them going there. I agree that there are anvils falling all over the place with his comment about daughters and NM's comment about having something precious in his life that it is likely he is her father, but I will hope until I can't hope anymore that isn't the case. I'd rather he be Donna's father/Felicity's grandfather, or basically anyone else other than her dad.
  11. I don't think the sister-in-law joke was a jab. I think it was just a joke - something to let the audience know that they're not pretending the wedding didn't happen. It was a good joke, too, until people started asking MG to explain it, and he started explaining it.
  12. I thought it was a ring too, but it looks like it's sticking out too far? I think it's a design or a speck of something on the armrest.
  13. No way is anyone on this show paying any kind of attention to campaign finance laws. Guaranteed.
  14. DD doesn't want anyone to be mayor, so if he can't off Oliver it would make sense for him to put his own guy up against him, so he can push his own agenda.
  15. We don't know that he stays unopposed though.
  16. I'm pretty sure Oliver mentioned that it was in the Hindu Kush last season.
  17. It's probably a little Christmas party for the campaign workers. Look at Oliver, being a good boss. :*) He's come such a long, stupid way.
  18. I was just reading Diggle's ANDY'S DEATH RESEARCH COMPOSITION BOOK and he's a psychic! On November 12th of some unknown year, he wrote about Star City (and also cannibals, yuck), so he foresaw the great name change of 2015. He also had a handy flow chart with a "Damien" at the center of it (leading to a "heist"), but I can't tell if that's a new or an old drawing. I would also like to point out that he highlights the most random things ever.
  19. It makes him look like a bad brother because he was allegedly desperate to avenge Andy's death but he decided to keep the investigation from the two people who could help him-for reasons that make no sense considering both Oliver and Felicity have helped him with family matters in the past. So, how badly could he really want to find Andy's killer?And it made him look like an idiot because he had a key piece of information about the ghosts (that they are HIVE) that he chose not to share with the team despite the fact that they were getting beaten by the ghosts constantly and not making any headway with defeating them. Laurel also chose to keep that key information to herself, which is idiotic as well, especially after mentioning that they don't keep secrets anymore and that Diggle would regret keeping this one, but still didn't say anything about the ghosts being HIVE at least. Glad it's out in the open now, but it went against Diggle's character and what we know about him to keep it a secret and not ask for help in the first place.
  20. Plus, DD is allegedly over 120 years old-how many loved ones could he have? Must be material things, like his soldiers or whatever gives him powers.
  21. Yeah, I find her annoying too. I try not to, because *I* know Oliver isn't going to hurt her, so her continued resistance/attitude toward him is trying, while at the same time I know she doesn't have any reason to trust him. I wish they had made it clear that she was lying about stealing he drugs, because ever since she let that dude take one to the head for her I'm constantly thinking , "just shut up and go along with it, at least you isn't suffer a headshot like THAT GUY YOU LET TAKE THE FALL FOR YOU."
  22. Yeah, I highly doubt they're killing Felicity, and I'm also wondering what they're doing with the FB love interest. I too am having difficulty imagining the two of them together, and I agree with AyChihuahua that she seems kind of shitty to me. I still don't get what they were doing with the drug thing-if she was being honest, why did she let one guy take a bullet to the head before she spoke up?
  23. Sorry, I misread! Yeah, IDK. I think Oliver might find out through Thea? I also wouldn't be surprised if Oliver didn't find out about Sara until the end of next week's episode, as a cliffhanger. And ugh @ the proposal for fakeout purposes.
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