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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I don't think the pink hoodie comment was meant to be disparaging necessarily, just "look at me, a manly man at a manly hockey game, secure enough in my manliness to hold a pink hoodie while doing man stuff!" But yeah, I think he's got a pretty consistent track record of expressing some not-so-great thoughts about women on both his Twitter and Facebook. Also, this is just an aside, and I know this also has something to do with musical preferences as well, but talking up Ryan Adams' male take on a song that Taylor Swift wrote, from her own POV, as a superior version while putting her down is gross. And I've seen a lot of people do it, not just SA.
  2. I don't think anyone ever implied that the ratings would be that high, just that with all the hype about Constantine coming on that people might have thought they would be higher.
  3. Bruised or like she had dirt on her face, yeah. I think something happens that will lead us to believe Felicity's dead, then she'll be found and in the hospital in 4x10.
  4. Yeah, we're probably gonna get "Laurel Lance, always trying to save the world," part whatever.
  5. I'm guessing she's the one in the hospital, and there maybe aren't that many scenes there? At this point, we've seen everyone but her and DR-so one of them has to be the patient, assuming it's not baby mama or kid.
  6. I feel bad for Constantine fans who were hoping for a ratings boom (as unlikely as a show resurrection may be). I think the leak might have hurt, primarily because Constantine's backstory with Oliver was pretty ridiculous, as was Sara's rescue. I enjoyed the ep overall, but I thought that the Constantine storyline wasn't all that well done, considering the hype.
  7. I'm really curious about the liviing sitch now. Is Sara living in Lance's hovel? Is she taking the couch at Laurel's? Does Thea sleep with 50 padlocks and a dresser in front of the door? And something large and heavy covering her window, since that seems to be new Sara's preferred alternative entrance?
  8. Not only send her out in the field generally speaking, but to send her out in the field WITH Thea, who...she wants to kill? Unless somehow that part of it magically goes away for her, even though it didn't for Thea?
  9. Yeah, he didn't tell her he was the Arrow in S1 because she hated his guts at first, so who knows what she would've done. In S2, she was anti-Arrow, and sicced the police on him, so...sound reasoning there. He didn't tell her about the pit because it seems like he was worried about her doing exactly what she did. Oliver definitely needed to be called out on his secret keeping, but it would've worked better from someone who didn't make his secret keeping look like solid decision making.
  10. "Bringing out the best" in Sara wasn't a requirement for going on that little vision quest. All Constantine said was that Thea shouldn't go, because Sara had spent all episode trying to kill her. Someone Sara's driven to kill by virtue of supernatural hot tub rules is probably not the person who should be sent to bring her back to herself.
  11. Eddie erasing himself from existence did cause the singularity, but IIRC the only reason he needed to do that is because Barry for whatever reason let Wells out of his cell at S.T.A.R. Labs.
  12. Because they were FIGHTING for Sara's soul!
  13. Thea specifically said that she understands how Sara feels because she feels the same way about Ra's. But she's not driven to murder him like Sara's driven to murder her, because Ra's is already dead.
  14. They didn't really address anything though. It was more like Laurel told Oliver off and Oliver decided he hadn't been a good friend and was totally going to be a good friend, yay! They didn't work through anything, just...done. Which I'm not complaining about, because less Laurel is better for me.
  15. Well, there wouldn't necessarily have been cheating. Oliver and Felicity could've BEEN ON A BREAK.
  16. Okay, HOW did Sara get into Thea's room? I refuse to believe that Laurel was so distracted by staring at the floor that she was able to sneak in. Did Sara hitch a ride on the meal cart or something? I don't understand. If she's not jumping through a window, I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW THIS SARA TRAVELS.
  17. Like it's literally rejecting the idea of covering it up.
  18. This makes me think that maybe they *don't* know who's in that grave. Because people who had these thoughts are the kind of people who would kill someone off with absolutely no plan.
  19. Maybe with Shadowspire involved on the island, this story is going to take kind of a turn? Oliver didn't see himself as a hero when he went home, so that wouldn't change anything between him and Felicity wrt his journey (for me). I would call BS if she gave him the Green Arrow name, because why wouldn't he have used it when he first came home? Ah, I'm not going to let myself read too much into it at this point, haha.
  20. Yeah, I'm guessing the guys whose files he was deleting are all his little clones or whatever.
  21. Aw, Poppy's real name is Taiana. Guess we're going full Year One.
  22. I wonder if anyone's going to bother telling her shitty mother that she's alive again.
  23. Felicity couldn't even tell Ray she loved him, because she loved Oliver. She left with Oliver on a summer of love. Why would anyone even bring rekindling up? They made sure whatever they had was dead in S3. Interviews always make me worry about these people.
  24. I know! The stapler in the background, DD's ginormous face. Oh, man. I can't wait? I never thought I'd say that about anything regarding Ray Palmer.
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