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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Yeah, I don't think he meets the kid necessarily. Maybe he finds out as a cliffie in 4x07, struggles with it in 4x08, and then goes and actually meets him at some point in 4x10? If DD targets Felicity because of her connection to Oliver and not the Arrow, then naturally he'd be concerned about the kid's safety. Although why they'd meet outside, I have no idea. Unless it's a surprise visit or something.
  2. CR had been back in LA, so maybe that pic she posted of her and SA was an old one.
  3. Something with the kid seems to be happening during the crossover events - MG or WM (I can't remember who) said that Oliver and Felicity have an "emotional journey" or something along those lines starting in the 8th episode. What else could it be?
  4. Yeah, I hadn't seen the update to the initial post over in the spoiler thread-it was originally posted as an appearance on The Flash.As for Oliver visiting Baby Mama, assuming it is in 4x10, the timing might not be so weird if Oliver is worried about their safety.
  5. I think Oliver visits the kid and baby mama over on The Flash.
  6. I don't like the comforter either. It's very Bed In A Bag. I do like that they brought it with them from Ivy Town. Ugly here, ugly there, ugly everywhere.
  7. Oh, I know. It's just that they're in the fireplace, they're on the mantel, they're on almost every single surface, like she hit up a clearance sale at Bath and Body works or something.
  8. I think it could, depending on what it is that character is up to. But we'll never have any kind of valuable data on it, so it's pointless to speculate.
  9. I think that certain characters absolutely drive some people away. It's just not the same character for every person.
  10. Yeah, it was strangely devoid of any kind of emotion. Nothing with them catching her up on what's been going on in their lives since she's been gone. Nothing with Diggle telling her he named his daughter after her. Nothing with Thea about the unfortunate murder she committed. Seems like Sara knows Thea's been in the pit, and it would've been interesting to hear what she thought of Ra's running Thea through. Or the fact that Oliver killed him. Or the fact that Malcolm is the head of the League and Nyssa is locked up. They obviously didn't think past the part where she was living and breathing again.
  11. I was just doing a re-watch, and I wonder how much time Laurel devotes to lighting candles in her apartment every night. They're even in the fireplace. Such dedication to energy conservation. Always trying to save the world, indeed!
  12. But Malcolm didn't give a shit if anyone saw him; he was flaunting it like the asshole he is. Ray is smarter than that. I mean, maybe he is staying in a hotel, and he's just working at Oliver & Felicity's because he can't be seen at Palmer Tech, but it also wouldn't surprise me if he was staying there or at the lair, given the fact that it seems like DD is probably still wanting his tech?
  13. It's not wrapped up, though. What they're hoping is that you and everyone else will be curious enough about what happens to Sara that you'll tune into LoT to find out. We were never going to get closure for her on this show, although after 3 eps that dealt with resurrecting her/restoring her soul, they probably should've done a little more. Maybe some of it'll be covered in the crossover.
  14. I bet his journal is just a bunch of this:
  15. Probably. Especially if that proposal was as public as it seemed in that video that was released.
  16. If he's keeping the fact that he's alive a secret, there are only so many places he can stay: with a friend, in a car, on the street. He's not going to go to a hotel where someone could recognize him. Although where he stayed last night is a mystery.
  17. He was probably sketching a Thanksgiving tablescape.
  18. Curtis is married, and what on earth did he do to deserve that (the roommate, not the husband)?!
  19. I wonder if there's an actual reason (apart from spin off!) that he's choosing not to come out as being alive? Is it because he doesn't want to explain what happened, I guess? And if he doesn't have anywhere to go, where exactly did Felicity take him last night? She said he got upset when he learned that she sold his condo, haha. Did he sleep in the lair or something? Maybe he's staying there? Back from the dead zombie sibling feels!
  20. Kudos to the on-set photographer for that butt shot, thank you sir/ma'am. Also, I hope Ray isn't staying with O/F - that could lead to some weirdness because I noticed last night that their bedroom doesn't have an actual wall - there are just curtains that hang there to separate it from the main living area below. How awkward would it have been for either Thea or Oliver to have an overnight visitor back when they were living together? No wonder Thea and DJ douchebag did it on the couch - they'd pretty much be doing it out in the open anyway.
  21. Yeah, I'd never try to guess why someone stopped watching, or decided to tune in one week and not another. It's a pointless argument to make, because there's no way to know. I'm a die-hard viewer of Arrow. I haven't ever missed a live broadcast (sad, I know), and the only ep I ever considered not watching live because of a storyline was the first ep back from winter break last year, because I really hated that Oliver's "dead" storyline. I'm a casual viewer of The Flash, and I don't choose to tune in based on whatever's happening that week, just whether or not I'm home or in the mood to watch it. So, I've missed the past two eps, but not because of anything that was happening in the show. Next week's ep doesn't seem all that interesting to me, but if I'm home and in the mood, I'll watch it.
  22. Well, an argument could be made that the whole resurrection arc turned people off and they decided not to tune in to see more of it. Or maybe no one wanted to watch anything to do with Ray. Maybe the hint at Olicity angst in the summary turned people off. Too bad there's no way of knowing.
  23. Isn't the drop in viewers what people were worrying about? Not necessarily the demo?
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