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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Arrow always gets ribbed for being Batman lite - if Oliver isn't the same as he is in the comics, why on earth would anyone expect Laurel to be?
  2. Yeah, I think it'll be something like that too.
  3. Team Arrow is occasionally painfully idiotic, but Team Flash gives them a run for their money big time based on...well, several episodes, but Tuesday's episode in particular. So, just for that I'll go with Team Arrow.
  4. I think they were just hanging out while the scene was setting up, regardless of where it actually takes place. Because SA had his eye black on later in the evening, and didn't have it on when he was in CR's Snapchat, so he wasn't fully dressed as Green Arrow at that point.
  5. Oliver offered to let him stay there after he decided to turn against Darhk because it wasn't safe for him to go home. They never really did any follow up to it, though.
  6. Yeah, it's definitely Charlotte's arm - you can make out the line of her sweater if you look closely enough. And thanks. :) I couldn't tell if Willa had her arm around the girl or if Emily's hand was on top. I can't tell where her hand is - maybe on her leg since she's crouching down?
  7. Yeah, actually, that probably is Emily's hand. ETA: No, wait...Now I think I see her other hand on Willa's stunt double's shoulder? IDK. ETAA: No, I think it's Charlotte - she's wearing a black shirt, and the sleeve attached to the hand is also black.
  8. Yes, but she was the one packing. Why would he let her pack all his stuff, and then leave while she was in the middle of doing it? I figured he was going to help her, but couldn't stand to do it, so he hired someone to do it for him so he wouldn't have to be there when she left, and that he was going to stay in the bunker until the movers had come - and that throughout Broken Hearts - they hadn't done that yet. He could've totally been the one to move out, but it'd make more sense to me if they both left rather than Felicity staying in an apartment that belonged to his sister, where the two of them had lived together and planned on getting married. If I was either of them, I'd want to get as far away from that as possible.
  9. Felicity's stuff was in the boxes, so I think Oliver stayed in the bunker from the time she called off the engagement until she moved out. Provided they both didn't move out.
  10. Yes. And I think it's partly based on the fact that Felicity's dad is back in the final two episodes. But, since it seems like he's part of the group of criminals who bust out of Iron Heights with Damien Darhk and not back for his own reason, it's kind of difficult to get a read on what that's about. Yes, he filmed yesterday. CR and EK both had him in their snaps.
  11. I think he was probably not expecting to be filmed right then, haha.
  12. There are people who wouldn't be happy unless they got to pillage SA and EBR's iPhoto accounts for any and all personal pictures together, but I do think most of the drive for it does have to do with the CW not even attempting to ever do a photo shoot with the two of them. If they did that, I agree - the request would probably die down a whole lot.
  13. Yeah, but they cleared their stuff out shortly after. I think the only reason there were headstones at the manor was because there weren't any bodies to go along with them. I don't think they would've actually buried Robert or Oliver on their land.
  14. Moira's got to be buried in a cemetery - they'd already lost all their assets when she died - I don't think even Oliver and Thea are dumb enough to bury their mother on land they don't own anymore, haha.
  15. He could be dressed up for some mayoral thing if that ever pans out after Ruve Darhk is disposed of.
  16. The show needed DD to be prosecuted by Laurel so that Lance could openly betray him, and so that Laurel could pay the price for that. Benefits include: Laurel getting to do something, and the other criminals breaking out from Iron Heights, which seems to play a part in the last couple of episodes.
  17. That would probably be my best case scenario. My fear is that it's after Tommy died, and...I cannot express how much I don't want that.
  18. I wish they'd start showing a different promo for the next ep. I need some new material. Laurel and Oliver probably being garbage over their dead friend's barely cold body, imposter!Canary, and Diggle going off the rails is making me not wanna watch (even though I will watch). Give me something interesting in the next 7 days, CW. Please. She needs more cotton in her diet!
  19. I thought for sure Harry was going to switch out the vials, and instead of Barry's speed force he'd be giving Zoom something that will at some point kill him. They're all idiots. Barry especially, but that's nothing new.
  20. No clue whose grave they'd be visiting. Is it Laurel's and they've moved the set because they couldn't secure the same location? Moira's, maybe? Tommy's in a new area? In other words, I have no idea. "Laurel," Oliver says, reaching out and touching her headstone. "You wanted us to find our way back to each other." ::reaches out, takes Felicity's hand. They give each other watery smiles:: "We have." LMAO
  21. If this is true, what a whiny little pissbaby he is.
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