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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I like the premise of FiCoN, and I really enjoy Oliver and Felicity's growing relationship - I think the writers have really done a great job with the two of them, and have really enjoyed the character development. I do still read the story, but I do find myself skimming a lot. I think this story is really suffering from serialization. Only two or three days have passed in the fic, but I've been reading it for four months. Oliver and Felicity took to the idea of having this child and being together relatively quickly - they decided to give it a go about two months ago in our time, but it's only been two days in theirs. So, of course they're still having these I-can't-believe-this-is-happening, I-would-do-anything-to-have-this-I-want-it-so-badly thoughts, because it's so new to them. But I've read 100k words about it already - so I feel like their internal monologues meander a bit with repetitive information that we've already been given, so if I see paragraph after paragraph with no dialog, I do tend to skip it. I enjoy long chapters on occasion, but to me, long is around 8k words. 25k words is legit nearly halfway to novel status, which is too long IMO, but I'm hoping there's a lot going on in that 25k words tomorrow.
  2. She said that Lian Yu had a nexus chamber, which I'm guessing is the place that Oliver remembers being - according to her, it takes you to another plane of existence. So, not the whole island, just a particular place, and maybe that person would have to know what they were doing (like the shaman) in order to use it? IDK. Maybe they explained this in the flashbacks when I wasn't paying attention, haha.
  3. I like her hat a lot. The rest is...not great. And SA's suit doesn't look like it fits very well, but maybe it's just the angle?
  4. Perhaps I'm reading the list wrong, but isn't that the number of figurines comic stores ordered from the distributor to sell in their stores, not the actual number of figurines sold to customers? So, it seems comics shops expect some demand for it - maybe because of Rebirth - but that list isn't indicative of actual interest based on sales? Seems like if the figurine is on next month's list that might be a better indicator of interest/popularity?
  5. I wasn't really kidding, as ridiculous as the idea is. And yeah, it was a nexus.
  6. Maybe the "surprising place" they end up is... ANOTHER PLANE OF EXISTENCE
  7. He said "Where'd everybody go?" So, for once his math is right!
  8. He said there isn't any chance of Laurel coming back.
  9. Yeah, that's what I was thinking of.
  10. Aching! I hope they get some relief.
  11. Her main plot IIRC was being kidnapped by the guy who burned down Queen Manor. And she also appeared once or twice because of Quentin, and she was in the lair for a reason I can't remember, but Diggle did hug her, I think?
  12. I agree. I hope it gives them what they're looking for, and I hope Ben Percy makes their relationship less gross than it seems to have been in the past.
  13. I'm guessing that the promise of BC/GA will give it a bump at least in the beginning. But if it's as romance-centered as they say it is, all those superhero loving, soap opera hating people will probably steer clear, right? Right? LOL.
  14. Maybe? Although I find the idea that the citizens of the city would be a surprising ally in saving their own city pretty amusing. But then again they are idiots, so.
  15. Didn't they tie her adrenaline junkie-ness to the pit effects?
  16. Yeah, I was just going to remind anyone feeling angsty about it that this happened just a little over a month ago:
  17. Once upon a time I worked at a place run by people who spoke nearly unintelligible English. So I've learned to make things out, haha.
  18. Digg: "How could you do this to everyone again for a second time?" Andy: "Oh. I know what you're doing. You're referring to former wife and son. I left that life a long time ago, John."
  19. "There's that temper I remember. It's a good thing Sara's not gonna have to grow up with it like I did."
  20. Yeah, unfortunately I figured that out after I posted, haha.
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