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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I'm pretty sure some version of most of the masked characters in the Arrowverse will wind up teaming up with Oliver to help him fulfill his quest to save the multiverse. Like...isn't that the point of the mission the Monitor is sending him on? There will definitely be a contingent of fans who ship Laurel with a married guy who just left his wife and infant daughter to go on this quest no matter how long they're shown together (if at all), but that would be fandom stuff almost certainly not validated by anything actually in the show.
  2. Some idiocy is constant across the multiverse, I guess.
  3. IDK if it matters whether Laurel is Black Canary already or not. There have been, what...3 or 4 already? And there are a thousand of them in the future. The name doesn't mean anything special anymore.
  4. I think he's being honest. I mean, even if they stick with the ending they already have it's an Arrow kind of happy since Felicity gets to go and be with Oliver wherever in the hell he is. It's very bee-esque
  5. I don't trust that anyone on this show knows the definition of anything they promise. See also: love letter to the fans (but 🤞)
  6. What a perfect fanvid trailer! Out of the minimal new stuff, welcome back hot Oliver. It is a travesty that you look like that while you're away from your wife, who deserves to see you in all your hot glory all day everyday. Always here for Josh Segarra, and on a shallow note, KC's hair looks tragic IRL but really good styled with whatever that outfit/mask they have her in is. That's all I got.
  7. Oh yeah, I don't necessarily think it's true - looking at his twitter convos I would be surprised if he was fueling bitterness through DMs, I was just explaining where that rumor started, because this isn't the only place I've seen it mentioned.
  8. He is DM-ing fans on Twitter. I don't know what exactly he's telling them - I haven't seen any screenshots, but I have seen several comments about him allegedly telling a person/people that RT and KB didn't like Logan and LoVe overshadowing the show, and that's why Logan was killed off - maybe all coming from the same person? IDK.
  9. I agree with you there. The way it ended seemed to me like RT just wanted to rid himself of Neptune so he could propel Veronica forward into new places and new situations with new people. If there is an additional season I do expect Veronica's pain and the issues stemming from it to be addressed somehow, but probably not in a way that I would've liked or think the story/characters deserve. This felt like the closing chapter of a book that I would be very surprised to be really opened again (and I hope I'm wrong!).
  10. Yeah, "okay," was probably a bad choice of words. I'm sure she is still struggling, but that should be something that was actually shown to us. We got to see zero of the aftermath of Logan's death, none of her reaction to it - just a jump cut from her realizing it was going to happen to already being a year out and seemingly at least having learned how to cope. It's a disservice to Logan, a disservice to their relationship, and a disservice to Veronica as a character. It is something they could definitely delve into if there is an additional season, but if there isn't it's a crappy sendoff to Logan and to their relationship.
  11. My immense fandom for this show has died down a lot over the years, so the ending didn't devastate me in a way that it would've at one time, but I am pretty pissed off at how completely half-assed it felt. I didn't feel like there was any weight to the death, it was just like...oh well, that's happened and she's okay. Which, I want her to be okay! It just would've been nice to not have it all pretty much wrapped up within a minute or two. I did like the final scene with the voicemail narrating the drive, and..yeah. That's pretty much all I can say about it.
  12. I'd love for Mia to take the Green Arrow mantle. Oliver was her dad, Felicity made sure to train her so that she would know how to fight like he did, she used the same weapons he did, and given the way Star City 2040 thinks of vigilantes, it would make sense that the next person to take on that identity would do it to honor Oliver and reshape his legacy - who better to do that than his own daughter? Now that Mia understands vigilantes and no longer has a need to want to disappear (or however she explained the reasoning behind her Blackstar tattoo/name) and seems to have grown into the role of a vigilante, I'd call shenanigans if it's anyone *but* her.
  13. If Oliver’s ending is going to be changed and he lives, then I would love to see even a quick reunion. If it’s not and he’s going to die like Monitor says he is, then I would prefer to not see any grieving or heartbreak and just have my last thoughts of her being what we already saw in the finale, since that ended on such a surprisingly hopeful note.
  14. My favorite part was when Tyrion - in shackles because of his treason, was allowed to nominate a king and - while IN SHACKLES BECAUSE OF HIS TREASON - was asked to be that king's hand. LOL
  15. I assume only one version of each character lives, but I have no idea. Did Mia indicate she knew every Canary in Dinah's network? Laurel's over 50, so maybe she just didn't go out that much anymore, or maybe Mia never ran into her. There are so many Canaries, it's possible. It's also possible that it won't hold up if you put a microscope to it, much like William's complaining about being abandoned when in reality he A) chose to leave and B) his dad died! And however many other dumb things don't add up about the future.
  16. All the Earths merge into one. Mia would've known about Laurel anyway from the Green Arrow documentary she stole. With Felicity in hiding, Laurel and Mia not knowing each other personally is pretty easy to explain away.
  17. Oliver has sacrificed his happiness for the greater good (or for someone he loves) more times than I care to think of during the course of Arrow. He literally never gets to be happy for longer than half an episode before it gets ripped away from him for some dumb reason or another. His sacrificing himself for Barry and Kara is an actual character trait that he demonstrates on his own show, that they are using to propel a storyline on the crossover. Misery and self-sacrifice are built into Arrow's DNA - if there's going to be a big sacrifice and someone's going to take the hit, it's going to be Oliver because it fits his character and the show's tone and fans of that show expect it at this point. I would be very pleasantly surprised if Barry or Kara were made to suffer any long-term consequences from any of this stuff because I just don't think it suits the tone of their shows. I don't need Oliver's death to be heroic or have fanfare. He's consistently heroic on his own show, so a crossover doesn't need to make up for it. Although it would be nice to see other characters with their own well-documented flaws not shitting all over him all the time for once. At this point I'm sure someone would manage to get a dig in at him during his own funeral. I really, really do hope that Barry and/or Kara (or literally anyone else) step up to the plate and do something huge to prevent Oliver from meeting the fate that the Monitor promised him. I'm 100% all for it. Please.
  18. The only redeeming part of the whole dumb relationship with Susan was the laugh I got out of her having to remind Oliver they hadn’t had sex yet. Great stuff.
  19. Me too. I would prefer if Arrow wasn't even involved with this crossover. Oliver gets shit on even for the sacrifices he makes that benefit other people. You'd prefer those people make heroic sacrifices? Cool, same. Let Barry and/or Kara die so they can get a sympathetic hero moment. Oliver couldn't even enjoy what little bit of time he knew he had left in his life as he knew it because yet another Allen had to go and mess with the timeline again. Let Barry or Kara suffer - I'm all for it.
  20. If it's just to be around in the present day post Oliver's death, I hope Emily tells them no. If they're changing the timeline, I'm all for it. Come back, please!
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