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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. See the new Deathstroke's debut in Arrow’s final season premiere clip
  2. See the new Deathstroke's debut in Arrow’s final season premiere clip Wow, Diggle and Lyla really went wrong with bb JJ, huh.
  3. Clever wording. So, the Monitor's misleading Barry for whatever reason and some other Flash is gonna bite it?
  4. My thought was that he didn't want to give the game away because surely he knows his grandson has idiotic tendencies and might let something slip to Logan even if he didn't mean to. Then again, he is an asshole and a Roy so he's probably just using Greg as a prop in his pissing match with his brother.
  5. I thought that Ewan was telling Greg to stop working for Logan because he’s backing the whistleblower and didn’t want Greg to get caught up in what’s coming, and was smart enough to not spell it out because he was worried about Greg spilling to one of the Roys? Maybe I overthought it.
  6. I’ll never get over KenW.A.
  7. I'm not surprised to see Laurel and Dinah join in the spinoff. You know what they say - if at first you don't succeed, you try (Sara), try (Laurel), try (Evelyn), try (Dinah), try (Laurel again), try (Zoe), try (rebooted spinoff Laurel?), try (rebooted spinoff Dinah?) again! It would be very Arrow to completely obliterate the world building they've spent a whole season and a half doing, so I wouldn't be surprised if they reconfigured the premise outside of the flash forwards. They kind of have to anyway, since the Canary Network made the name lose whatever prestige it had left after so many people held it in the present.
  8. Eh, who cares about Black Canary? There are 100 of them. There’s nothing special about the name, no motivating factor to be one. Anyone who has a modicum of fighting ability and can fit into leather pants can take the name - you don’t even have to be a good person. The Black Canary is superhero clown shoes on this show. 🤡
  9. Oh yeah, I totally get the thought process behind it since they've done it before - too many times IMO. And it's a nice idea, and I'm sure the scenes will be heartwarming because it will mean something to Oliver. My distaste for it is just part and parcel for how this show treats doppelgängers in general, like they're the same person spread throughout multiple universes instead of individuals living on different earths with different experiences that make them different people.
  10. Yes, I understand how it works. I still don't think that any measure of closure or comfort can be gained from saying something you want to say to the doppelgänger of a person you love. You still know it's not really them - you still know you didn't actually get the chance to say what you wanted to say to them. You can give comfort to them, because they wouldn't know the difference, but IMO that doesn't work the other way around. We'll have to agree to disagree.
  11. I'm not sure how Oliver going back in the past would work. MG said that we'll be seeing "not the version of Tommy we know." Would they rewrite canon to show that he was actually involved in some of Malcolm's shady dealings? Are they rewriting canon for him to have a beard? How would Adrian come into play? In the trailer he's talking to someone who's been on an island for years and came back a vigilante - if that is Oliver, then it's 4 years too early. Maybe his first mission is pulling a Barry and sticking his dick in the timeline? Maybe it's another earth where events unfolded similarly? If Oliver isn't time traveling, then I'm gonna take issue with Stephen saying that Oliver reconciles and gets closure with 5 people he thought he wouldn't over the first 3 eps. Other earths' doppelgängers can't give you closure! They aren't the same people and this is the hill I will die on and I will yell about this forever!!!
  12. That's kind of what I was thinking. I can't imagine these people just trailing along with him until they're needed. Although didn't someone involved with the show say that the first three episodes are like stand-alones? So maybe they don't specifically relate to recruitment but doing something else, and then Oliver runs a mobile multiverse job fair after that?
  13. I'll be upset if he isn't! Pls show, give me one shot behind bars.
  14. Wait, what? I thought Rene went off the grid with Dinah, Roy and Felicity?
  15. I don't know if Katie's assessment of the Laurel situation is correct. She talks about E-2 Laurel being just like E-1 Laurel: The Laureling, but then goes on to say she's still got that "edgy sassiness" which was what made E-2 Laurel stand out in the first place. I think she's just going with that because we're going to see E-2 Laurel as a Black Canary - I think she only really cares about getting that name, and thinks that's all E-1 Laurel was, so if they both have the moniker then they're the same person. As a related aside, there's a longer version of one of her table interviews where she mentions her new costume so many times that when one of the journalists asks her what she's going to miss most about Arrow he adds, "Aside from the costume." LOL
  16. I agree. IMO Logan and Logan/Veronica's relationship dominates discussion about the show, but it doesn't translate to actual show time for him/them.
  17. I wouldn't be surprised. In the TVLine interview Matt Mitovich asked Katie what Laurel was up to and she said she liked to say that Laurel was on her own island, on her own journey. Matt said "she's a lone wolf," and she said yes. Then Stephen interrupted and told her that she wasn't, that she had a team member in the premiere. She looks to him and starts to say who it is, but then asks him if it's been revealed and he says no, and she says, "Somebody who we can't mention." That made me think it was a guest star they didn't want to reveal, but it could very well be Oliver. Who knows with her.
  18. I think the Chase as Green Arrow thing comes from the trailer since he's surrounded by green light in one scene and wearing what resembles a hooded Green Arrow-esque ensemble. Stephen saying that he gets to defeat Chase finally seems to put a pin in that theory unless some other earth's Green Arrow is a bad guy. The Tommy being Dark Archer or Prometheus theory seems to come from MG (or whoever, I can't remember) saying that Colin was playing the version of Tommy they always intended for him to play or something along those lines.
  19. Agreed! It was so cute at first when it was still brown. The color really washes her out, and accentuates the weird styling.
  20. That color scheme hurts my eyes. And Katie should fire whoever did that to her hair.
  21. There are enough Black Canaries running around I'm surprised they haven't recreated every version of the costume from the comics.
  22. It wasn't a shippery comment. Veronica's relationships also involve her family, her friends, the one with Neptune. Everything about Rob's commentary indicates that they're going to be moving on from those to continue with Veronica in new places with new people. Granted, I could be wrong and they could uproot a person or two to carry over, but it just doesn't seem like that's the plan based on what I've read, and I think that's a mistake.
  23. After reading the postmortems, I am kind of surprised (IDK why, but I am) to see that Rob thinks the primary driver of fandom for this show is the mysteries, and not Veronica's relationships. How the mysteries involved/evolved her relationships were what made them interesting to me! I don't think Veronica Mars out solving mysteries in unfamiliar places with unfamiliar people is nearly as big of a draw as he seems to think it is. I'm not even really sure why he believes it would be.
  24. LOL, yes. Chico’s at the top of her game as always!
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