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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. There was certainly no need to spend A WHOLE EPISODE ON IT
  2. It's too late for that - they have to get those dumb tattoos soon.
  3. The only good thing coming out of this is Oliver being willing to throw Emiko's awful ass under the bus for Roy. My boy's all grown up again. :*)
  4. Dinah doesn't have to be good at acting, she's that much of an asshole on a normal basis.
  5. Whatever this payoff is going to be isn't going to be worth sitting through this. IT IS A PUNISHMENT
  6. Whose idea was this? I want them to get put in a corner.
  7. The Queens who took everything from you aren't even alive anymore you stupid bint.
  8. "At a certain point people need to take responsibility for their actions." Oliver! My baby's all grown up. :*)
  9. He was in the Training Day episode - IDK if he'd been around before that.
  10. I'm really trying to figure out what the point of faking it would be. Are they trying to get someone in particular put in jail to set some kind of plan in motion? Does someone on the force think Dinah's not loyal because she's a vigilante too? This is so dumb.
  11. Weird that the cops are so concerned about these guards getting murdered but a couple of weeks ago their own ~undercover DA was party to quite a few people getting murdered and nary a word was said about it.
  12. Yeah - I'm like...90% sure she's faking, although I can't work out why she would need to play innocent when the cops know she's on the team. The sad thing is that you can't tell if she's pretending or not because she's been a hypocritical asshole oh so many times!
  13. I think they think this true crime BS is groundbreaking - that's probably why Chico or her intern minions mentioned it in the synopsis.
  14. "Your team was out there"? The team that you are on? Ugh, fall off a cliff, even if you are faking, Dinah.
  15. Emiko flashbacks in the previouslies? What have I done to deserve this
  16. Also, it's going to pain me to watch Dinah be insufferable interrogating Oliver, who could put us all out of our misery by giving up his awful idiot sister Emiko, but he's "too good a person" to do that or whatever, ugh. ETA: I just thought about it maybe being Roy hopped up on Lazarus Pit water? If so that would make this more bearable.
  17. I'm hoping for the sake of my own blood pressure that there's more going on and she's putting on a show for the other cop but I'm fully aware that is the longest of shots lmao.
  18. If the con had agreed to foot the bill for his travel expenses and they didn't abide by their contract, then there's everything sketchy and shady about it, no matter how much Colton could afford to pay for himself. If they bailed on paying the travel fees (and their tweet about it does indicate that it was something along these lines), then Colton has no reason to believe that they wouldn't break other terms of the contract as it suits them. And if the con isn't able to abide by their contractual terms because they've mismanaged their cash flow, it isn't on any of the con guests to extend themselves financially to help them out of a jam of their own creation. They're running a business, not a charity - and if they can't run that business then they should shut it down (which it seems like they are in the process of doing, if the info in this tweet is any indication). Stephen can be a dickhead on social media, but he doesn't have any kind of history whatsoever that indicates he's happy screwing his fans over. His behavior has always indicated the opposite. And I can't say what went on behind the scenes when Stephen was still involved with the company, but it seems as if they've cut ties now and I don't blame anyone for hopping off of a sinking ship.
  19. He did at one point, but I feel like that's probably over. His last cancellation announcement made it sound like he wasn't going to be attending any further HVFF cons. That company seems to be a hot-ass mess - I wouldn't be surprised if they go under soon.
  20. Yep. There was a "most unexpected crossover ever" or something listed on TV Line's May sweeps scorecard. It's not the worst guess.
  21. I don't think this is the case. I think that TPTB had advance notice that Emily was leaving and likely knew that they wouldn't be able to lock her down as a regular. David was telling people back in May that Felicity was going to be pregnant in S7. There really wasn't a reason to give Oliver and Felicity a baby before the end of the series (if at all) unless it was for a plot point, and that plot point was to write Felicity off of the show.
  22. Also, why is Dinah interrogating members of a team that she's a part of? This show is so dumb.
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