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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. He's just achingly desperate to be seen as a badass, hence his whole idiotic #KidVicious schtick.
  2. That since Emily was going to leave anyway they should've let him kill her - he said it would've been better for the storyline and the show. "She can't just walk away. They should've had me kill her!"
  3. He's definitely playing to his audience. I'm happy that clearly great desire of his will forever go unfulfilled.
  4. Personally, I would rather Tommy not return, although I'm fully expecting him to. I don't think this show ever demonstrated Oliver really caring about Tommy, despite how many storylines depended on us believing they had a real, deep connection. Oliver was an absolute shit friend to him. The ick of he and Laurel practically humping each other on Tommy's fresh grave, and Oliver sitting there listening to Laurel make dreamy plans about their future together literally right after he'd died runs deep with me. I mean I guess Oliver did have the decency to disappear to another continent after that, but he shouldn't have been there with her in the first place considering one of the last things Tommy saw him doing was being a porny exhibitionist with the woman that he loved. I'd honestly rather not have a doppelgänger storyline that's dependent on Oliver's "love" for E-1 Tommy and inability to separate the two (which is just a guess based on how the show stupidly dealt with its other doppelgänger). But, if it is in fact inevitable and he shows up having a connection to E-2 Oliver and E-2 Laurel, I sure hope they treated him better than their E-1 counterparts.
  5. I certainly hope so. If it’s not solved before she leaves the show and it’s involved in the reasoning for Felicity leaving Star City, that’ll be dumber than Dinah covering up for Laurel’s little crime and accessory to murder spree by telling people she was undercover as the DA.
  6. I'm not sure what kind of consequences she can really suffer considering she's allegedly running a company under her own name in the future. Unless that's a lie. If Archer is already being used for badness, it'll be an unfortunate testament to her if she still hasn't managed to get it under control in 20 years.
  7. Probably because Archer has something to do with the city getting as bad as it is and she feels responsible for that and wants to fix it. ETA: I just realized this seems snarky and I didn't mean it that way, haha
  8. I hope she's giving Juliana a cut of whatever she's making for that fresh beauty ad, LOL.
  9. Yeah, I totally missed that mention. It just seems so weird to me that for all the times she’s dropped tidbits about “her” version of people (Quentin, Felicity, Oliver), she never mentioned even having a sister until the end of this episode and even then didn’t mention it was Sara. Since she’s mentioned “her” version to other characters it seems kinda natural that she would’ve said something to Sara about what she was like on her earth. Did I miss that too? If not, I guess I can write it off because this is Arrow. Or...maybe that’s something they’re planning on exploring at a later date.
  10. This is such garbage from a toilet because while - yes, Dinah sucks and is a hypocrite - she and Laurel were never pals and at best had a snarky, snappy working relationship and little else. Dinah - with reason - was wary of Black Siren and then walks in on her threatening to harm a witness. I mean...it's not like she just decided Laurel was guilty of killing the guy when he turned up dead. SHE WALKED IN ON LAUREL THREATENING TO DO IT. And then Dinah, as Laurel is flitting around the city robbing people, attempting to kill people, being an accessory to murder, etc. decides that Laurel doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt because, uh...she's running around doing awful things that would make people doubt her! It killed me that she apologized at the end when she was right for not trusting Laurel. And that she then based founding a whole flock of seagulls in the future based on this "mistake." FLUSH IT. FLUSH IT ALL DOWN, IT'S TERRIBLE.
  11. Also - are we ever gonna revisit the fact that Oliver can't get in touch with his son? He seems not at all concerned about it and it's been at least a month. If William had still been pissy when he left with his grandparents I could *maybe* see Oliver giving him some space (but even that's a stretch). Since things were fine when he went to Central City, seems Oliver should be more alarmed? This show, LOL.
  12. Yeah, it doesn't hold up at all. It's so dumb that I kinda wish that it hadn't been mentioned at all. The people that Shadow Thief killed don't matter I guess? It's okay for Laurel to be party to that for...reasons? It's especially dumb because not only is Laurel a very public figure both as a DA and a former vigilante, but she doesn't even have the kind of job where going undercover is a thing. I would've loved to see a scene of Dinah trying to explain why a high-profile DA went undercover to stop a criminal instead of...IDK, a rando SCPD cop. It's dumb. It hurts.
  13. I'm not sure. I guess with whatever's happening with the Ninth Circle they could call on her for additional backup and bring her back into the present. I don't know if she'll be in the future more - given Mia only knew her from the vigilante documentary, and that she asked Mia to pass off that helmet to Felicity instead of giving it to her herself makes it seem like she's not around much in the future? Although why she'd bring a gaggle of other canaries with her from another earth is a mystery, unless they're all just used to working with whoever's around since there are so many of them.
  14. So...I take this back. It was pointed out to me last night that Dinah said she was going to cover for Laurel's little crime spree by saying that she, uh...went undercover to bring down the Shadow Thief. Which, I guess is now a thing that DA's do. Sympathy revoked. And also thanks for the laugh, show.
  15. I didn't get the sense that she was around all that much. Mia only knew her from the vigilante documentary that she'd been watching, and the way Black Siren asked her to pass whatever that was on to Felicity didn't make it seem like the'd been in touch recently if at all either.
  16. I don't really care, I was just curious. I just figured that since there was talk about what Sara's Laurel was like to Other!Laurel that there might've been some talk about what Other!Laurel's Sara was like, just as...IDK some kind of bookend to that conversation once Laurel had decided she was going to be good again. But this show is half-assed so of course that wouldn't happen, haha.
  17. Was her sister for sure Sara? I don't recall her ever mentioning, which I thought was weird considering Sara was in this ep.
  18. Also, I would sit through this dumpster fire again for Sara and for the great Olicity. The "precious cargo," the cute scene at the end with the snuggling and the foot rub. Worth it.
  19. I don't think she's ever been mentioned? I'm not even sure that the sister Laurel mentioned tonight was actually Sara? But I might've missed it.
  20. She tried a few times but I don't think she actually succeeded. She just stood by while her friend did it. I don't really care about E-1 Laurel, but I find myself kind of sad for her. Her reputation is fully ruined on this earth because someone came and stole her life, and people she cared about cheered it on. Ick. I found this all so awfully cheesy in the same ways that turned me off of the Flash's hashtag feminism episode. Laurel's full turn for...no reason it seems, and immediate acceptance, coupled by Dinah's "we're better when we work together, and I'm just now beginning to see that." LOL Anyway, I'm glad this is over. Phew.
  21. I was worried that it was going to wind up being Diggle, even though that doesn't make sense given the fact that he asked Connor to watch over her.
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