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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Mayor Queen inadvertently giving local businesses a shot in the arm!
  2. Ah, okay. I tuned out during a whole lot of this episode, haha.
  3. We were repeatedly hit over the head with how great Tinah is, we were repeatedly hit over the head with Oliver thinking he can save her (for reasons that don't quite make sense since he didn't even know the chick and let her reject him 100 times). There was the parallel of Oliver's flashback plot with Talia and his current recruitment of Tinah, the death of Tinah's "lover" being similar to Laurel's death for Oliver. Just repeated beatings on the head all over.
  4. So...Oliver shot a random helicopter out of the sky, who even knows what happened to the pilots and then turned around and lectured Tinah on killing. LMAO, show. You are terrible. This episode was especially parallel-y and anvil-y. Yikes. I did appreciate that they had Oliver and Tinah leave room for 10,000 Jesuses during their talk in the mayor's office, regardless of what happens (or doesn't happen) between them in the future.
  5. This is a repeat of last week's episode with Tinah in E2 Laurel's spot.
  6. I thought that was allowed as long as we didn't leave vague spoilers? We've always done it.
  7. It makes sense with the way they're selling her so far. She is the nicest, the best, the greatest.
  8. (in Jewish use) a person's soulmate, especially when considered as an ideal or predestined marriage partner. To be fair, Rory was the one who brought it up, and he said it meant fate or destiny IIRC (I don't recall exactly what he said).
  9. It's in reference to Tina/bringing her on the team.
  10. "Bashert." These people are such trolls.
  11. I want to know spoilers a year in advance if possible.
  12. It's a little weird because they're both married, and SA himself is on the list, not Oliver.
  13. Oh yeah! I agree. I wasn't really thinking that about the story motivations but more why they'd be pushing the equals thing so hard - I thought it was probably because she's gonna be out in the field with the newbies sans Oliver, not necessarily because of any leadership or decision-making responsibilities on the team.
  14. I'm not sure what you mean by it's the other way around? I just meant that I think they're making her an Oliver- level fighter so that there's an experienced fighter out in the field when he's not around and is off doing mayor stuff.
  15. SA mentioned that Oliver was going to being some situations coming up where he thought he'd be more effective as mayor than Green Arrow, so I wonder if they're marketing her as an equal so that there's a built-in explanation for having a good fighter in the field with the team while he's off being mayor.
  16. Seriously. I can look the other way at ridiculous hacking and other feats that are impossible, but I refuse to believe that Dinah's replacement is also Dinah who has the real version of the collar the other Dinah used and that she lost someone in the same way Oliver did and that Curtis just randomly found her on the street. It's too much. Even one of those things is too much, but it's anvil on top of anvil on top of anvil until you're Wile E. Coyote smushed in the street. I'm also really bothered by her telling Oliver that she and this Vincent person were "lovers," like this is the Thorn Birds FFS.
  17. Look, I can deal with metahumans and magic herbs and alien invasions and whatnot, but I am having such difficulty with Dinah Laurel Lance with the canary cry collar's replacement being Dinah Drake with the real canary cry who lost her guy in the same way Laurel died and does she have a sister named SaraH? And they just randomly found this chick? LOL Oliver knows THREE Dinahs now. THREE. You are asking me to suspend my disbelief to the MAX, show. THE MAX.
  18. Someone linked to the interview in an @ to MG's comment:
  19. I don't care enough to go back and find the interview, but didn't he mention Laurel's arc on LoT as something he was most excited about this season? He talked about it like it was a done deal. If not...yikes!
  20. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's talking about Cupid.
  21. Personally, I don't mind the theorizing, but I think the conversation devolves to offputting levels whenever the possibility is brought up. I can understand why some posters would want to avoid it.
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