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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Yeah, I don’t see any issue with saying your piece on the Arrow tag or whatever as long as you’re not @ing people. I haven’t seen anyone doing that, thankfully.
  2. Yeah - no one suggested leaving him to die. They suggested making a guy whose wounds self-heal the second priority since he could hang out (unpleasant though it may be) until they all got the bomb that was threatening the whole city. It’s not even like anyone was asking her to choose, just asking her to wait.
  3. No, earlier today it looks like he deactivated his account (either that or it was a glitch) - if you went looking for him, you'd get a message that the account didn't exist.
  4. Yeah, I don't really get where we're going here - they're being spiteful little jerks with their biting comments as if they're the wronged party, and the script isn't really indicating that they're wrong to feel this way. So I'm left to believe we're supposed to be siding with them, but I don't really see why we should?
  5. Because Cayden's been bleeding the city of $10M dollars every day, and they're out of money. To have a 5-person crew going after a guy who volunteered to be the inside man would've been ridiculous. A 3-person crew doing it was ridiculous enough as it was.
  6. I think maybe the writers are trying to show that they all super care about each other as a result of Oliver being a terrible awful person, but it's really not coming off that way.
  7. I can't believe that Arrow has somehow managed to go off the rails even more than it did in S4, and that's saying something. None of these storylines make any sense? Quentin has only ever seen Laurel murder people - unless he's having a mental break, he has no reason to believe his daughter is anywhere inside this chick. The newbies are all acting like the wronged party. Rene making PTSD jokes as if Oliver's the one who tried to send HIM to jail? Who came up with this? Curtis's continued idiotic commentary over being single as if he wasn't the reason that he's single? Dinah and the other two getting pissy and putting Vince over the city that Cayden has been bleeding dry to the tune of $10M a day? And these are supposed to be heroes? GTFO of here with that.
  8. Oh god, Dinah. Get the fuck out.
  9. Is Dinah gonna lash out at OTA now or what
  10. Is this Laurel feeling bad or does she need to poo? I can't tell.
  11. Oh man, I remember Felicity getting reamed when the city was in peril and she asked Ray to help her save Oliver while he was formulating the cure for the poison Ra's made. I wonder if Dinah's gonna get the same for leaving the city to rot while she goes and gets her BF LOL. I'm guessing no.
  12. Jesus, Quentin. You've only ever seen her murder people lmao. Get your head checked.
  13. You can't get a date because you're a miserable asshole, Curtis. Also, making jokes about PTSD like you weren't the one about to send a guy who trusted you to prison? Just die, Rene.
  14. I need Quentin to get taken out by that bomb first.
  15. Let him detonate the bomb and put us all out of our misery pls.
  16. He gave you a black eye, sis. Do not kiss him.
  17. I can tell this ep is going to make me angry based on these previouslies.
  18. I was curious about that too. I stumbled upon some flash fans tweeting about how Arrow’s going to get canceled and they were using that as an argument, but I couldn’t figure out where that came from. The comics have always been pretty separate from the show - the show gets its own special-edition comics. Weird.
  19. Curtis needs to get his shit together before he brings someone else into his whiny, hypocritical mess of a life.
  20. Any chance it’s the fact that the newbies are a bunch of hypocrites? lmao I know, I know.
  21. They had a heated little convo the other day.
  22. I wonder if their love and memories played a big part in him knocking her out to keep from getting arrested.
  23. My main issue is with the suit size. It looks about 2 sizes too big for Oliver/Oliver adjacent person.
  24. At least the guy Barry helped escape was actually innocent (or so the article says), which I guess is an improvement on his usual dumbassery!
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