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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I believe she said it, I just wasn’t sure if the whole video or whatever was about strong female characters.
  2. LOL, why is this answer even in the same vicinity of a question about strong female characters? Or is the tweet mieading?
  3. I’m allergic to avocados, so a crisis would be fine by me!
  4. I also think it’s funny that some of them can’t seem to fathom that you can still be a fan of Dinah/the newbies and still think she/they are acting like brats.
  5. I hope they don’t try to get them back together or use their previous personal relationship considering he gave her a black eye. Gross, milky-eyed asshole.
  6. Oh I could see her getting the interview, I was just joking that she wouldn't have followed through because she was always missing when the big stuff happened in Star City.
  7. Me too. Susan Williams wouldn't have ever actually had that interview though, because she was terrible at her job.
  8. I get that he's feeling defensive - people hating on your character can't be fun. Responding is fine, but maybe don't with the "why do I even bother" and the facepalm emoji. Just correct the person you've decided you want to reply to, or leave it alone. That being said, make sure you have your facts straight before you go in on someone, haha. I kind of want to ask him what he thinks the situation is here - because Rene obviously feels guilty about what he did, because he got Curtis to try and undo it. So, if he feels bad, he knows he did something wrong - why exactly does Rene feel like he deserves Oliver's trust at this point? I know that's more of a question for the writers, but he seems more likely to respond than they do, and maybe someone gave him some convoluted insight into whatever in the hell they were trying to go for (assuming they know what they were going for, which maybe they don't).
  9. I think Rene is a lost cause too. He gave Oliver up when he was being tortured (which is a good enough reason, I suppose), and then when his daughter was on the line (which is also a good reason, I suppose, considering we don't know exactly what Watson said to him. Like, did she threaten to mess with his court case if he didn't cooperate?). He didn't do any of it with malice. But there will always be a good reason, one that you can justify away and now that Rene's done this twice, I would never trust him again. I don't think it makes him a bad person, but he has proven twice now that he can't be trusted as part of a team. So he shouldn't be on one.
  10. Yeah, that's what I thought too. I can't think of why else they'd turn themselves in en masse.
  11. Right? It doesn't matter how good the reason is when you're the one who is facing the repercussions of it. Oliver can think the reason is good all he wants, but he's still the one looking at jail time because of it. So dumb.
  12. But to them it is. That is their only stated reason for not wanting to go back to the team.
  13. LOL - getting angry at people for acting like petulant babies while one of them is actively helping putting her husband in jail? What a bitch!
  14. I hate that Dinah and Curtis are more angry with Oliver - who had good reason to be suspicious of them - than they are at the guy who actually betrayed him. If your whole argument is about trust, you, uh, maybe shouldn't be trusting the dude who's proved twice that he can't be trusted. Just a thought.
  15. Same. When Oliver apologized and Curtis still acted aggrieved I was like OH NO YOU DO NOT.
  16. Look...I hate them so much that I want even...I want even Barry to come in and save the day so they can stay gone. That should explain the depth of my hatred for these people that BARRY is a preferred option.
  17. Apart from wishing the newbies dead, if they really want to redeem Evil Laurel, I wish they'd just approach it from Quentin just wanting his daughter back and wanting to reach out to and help the woman who looks like her. The whole line of thinking that he saw his Laurel in her eyes when she decided NOT to murder him - what a low-ass bar to clear. I'm disappointed that Thea went along with it too, invoking Malcolm. Girl, get better judgment!
  18. I would like a follow-up interview with EK after tonight's episode where I ask only one question: why on earth do you think anyone would root for you?
  19. LMAO these whiny little assholes. Good riddance. Too bad you won't stay gone.
  20. Hey now, he's got a 3-D drug printing business to attend to.
  21. Why is this whole fucking warehouse full of villains staring slack-jawed as Oliver gets away for THE SECOND TIME. This team up is so dumb.
  22. That little Siri clip for Arrow was cute
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