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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Would you not be angry if someone you trusted betrayed you and then kept on pretending to be your friend? Don’t most people want to stay out of prison? Does anyone say, “OMG YES I’VE FINALLY BEEN CAUGHT!!!11!! Can’t wait to leave my wife and son and spend the rest of my life in jail!!!”
  2. I could see a smaller brand doing a sponsorship of a private party, but I'm not sure why a fairly well-known brand would sponsor a private party, but who knows? Maybe they made a deal with SA's wife through her restaurants or SA and friends are just desperate to get George Clooney's attention, haha.
  3. The look on Mavi's face makes it, because it looks like that's what she's thinking too.
  4. "You're to kind"? Didn't he screenshot a tweet criticizing him in order to make fun of the poster for misusing/misspelling a word? LOL
  5. If the world hasn't been nuked to smithereens at that point, someone somewhere on whatever technology they're using then will post the following on their "Worst of 2000's roundup: "7. Felicity interrupting Barry and Iris's puke ceremony - Legends of Tomorrow, 2017"
  6. The primary motivating factor seems to be combating the sub's reputation (even though in some of the charity posts there was commentary on how the bench should/would be vandalized, LOL). So, I think they both want a landmark like the bench, and think they need one in order to garner attention to the "cause"? IDK. They are nothing if not singularly focused, haha.
  7. The reddit crowd doesn't seem to understand that vandalizing the bench doesn't waste the Olicity fandom's money, it makes the park use money that was donated to fix the vandalism. They don't seem to grasp that the money didn't buy the actual bench or the plaque - that the donation was part of an organized fundraiser where the bench is the tangible thing that the donor "gets" to mark the donation. It's why a lot of them suggest murals and statues (someone suggested commissioning a statue of KC's Black Canary and dedicating it to abused women) - something to memorialize Laurel or Lauriver, but isn't an actual charitable act because the money has to go toward procuring the memorial. I guess that's what you get when the goal is one-upmanship instead of charity.
  8. Because this is his first time dealing with a panic attack, I think he's mistaking the tail end of his/the comedown and not wanting to meet with people after that as some kind of social anxiety, which it isn't - and he'll learn that if he researches it. Thankfully I haven't had a panic attack in a couple of years, but when I'm coming down from one I just want to lie down and rest for a little while - they are disorienting, and having to meet a whole bunch of people while feeling that way must've been hard - since he seems to be pretty welcoming with fans all the time, he's probably conflating the anxiety he was feeling with the not wanting to meet with his fans.
  9. Personally, I don’t think Iris being snide about the wedding means anything about her and Felicity’s friendship on the long run. She just made a pissy comment about something that probably wasn’t a big enough deal to her to make it a thing between her and Felicity, just something she said privately to her husband because she was in a bad mood.
  10. In my experience, returning wedding/baby shower/holiday gifts to the store is fairly common - that's why a lot of places ask if you want a gift receipt. I mean, returning it to the giver would be incredibly rude, but I got the sense that Barry and Iris were just going to take them back to wherever they were purchased from, which I don't really have a problem with. It could get a little awkward if Felicity or Oliver asked about it, but they don't seem like the types who would.
  11. I hated Moira a lot through the My Home series, but this chapter or More I Cannot Wish for You did a really great job explaining why she was the way she was. Since she was so unlikeable it really could’ve been a miss, but the author did a great job. The whole series is great IMO - My Home is my favorite one, although As for fic preferences, the only thing I will flat-out not read is anything that is written in first person. Which only relates to Arrow fic for some reason, because I don’t have issue reading first person in any other fandom (or in published books).
  12. I find this so strange, because there isn't anything racial about arguing over etiquette? I'm assuming WestAllen shippers would think the interruption was rude no matter what color the interrupters were, and I would still think the level of anger over it is ridiculous, because there was actual vomit involved here.
  13. Leave it to good 'ol Barry to not be a selfish dumbass when it would be the right thing to do, LOL.
  14. Yeah, he exists in a state of being a special dumbass regardless of his legal situation.
  15. Carina already met her - Stephen got her access to a speaking engagement Hillary had in Vancouver yesterday.
  16. Oliver has reasons to not trust Rene and Dinah - Rene sold him out twice (once to Church, and once to the FBI lady, then he went his own way out in the field in the middle of a mission when Oliver was giving him a third chance). Dinah kept the fact that she knew and was meeting with a guy who tried to kill Oliver a couple of times last year. It's not like just overheard these people saying mean things about him behind his back.
  17. Yes, generally people get angry when someone they trust rats them out to the FBI.
  18. I figured that Cayden James would've found him out and exposed that he's still alive - and that Roy would've gotten a call from Samanda Watson - who is otherwise terrible at her job - to testify that Oliver was the Arrow as well as the Green Arrow and that he took the fall for him the first time around. The wording of the spoiler is kind of weird - I don't know whether his return is good for the team or bad.
  19. I get it - Oliver being the main character, it's important that he has a familial connection (especially since we saw both of his parents die on the show). Ever since Moira died, Thea's filled that spot. Now that he has a wife and son, they can transfer that connection over to them, and write off the person who doesn't seem to be all that into it anymore.
  20. Fare thee well, my parkour prince. Take care of Thea.
  21. I don’t really care about William that much, but I enjoy his interactions with Felicity. If I’m gonna have to watch him, I’d rather watch him with her.
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