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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Please let that be the plan and not some unintended byproduct of this storyline. Because he's gone off the deep end. It's been a while since I wanted him dead. Hello, old friend!
  2. Yeah. Much as I wish DDDragon wasn't being played by a guy who has an alter ego that he frequently hashtags, it works in the grand scheme. I just think what led up to it was such a waste, and so far the indication is that his ultimate plan is something we've already seen before (having councilmen on his payroll, trying to take over the city). Fresh reveal, stale storyline.
  3. I hope he 3-D printed that knife!
  4. Hear me out: I wouldn't mind BS killing Quentin. His brains are scrambled.
  5. Nothing that happens ever changes anything you hypocritical asshat. Please OMG please just walk away Rene.
  6. Did a Flash writer pen this ep? LOL JKJK
  7. I hope someone who cares about Quentin takes him to get his head checked.
  8. "Different kind of D, hoss." LOL I hate Rene so much.
  9. That's about as much of Barry Allen as I can stand.
  10. He said that the helicopter Cayden promised was late!
  11. He has a 3-D printer, and he's not afraid to use it!
  12. Distracting AND make it easier for people to figure out who you are.
  13. That he's 46 and has an alter ego that he hashtags whenever he thinks he's being a badass is LOL.
  14. I think Cayden James is tiresome. I'm glad he's dying tonight. I just wish anyone other than Dicky 3-D was killing him.
  15. He's going to stay on that damn team until Dad shows up for a game!
  16. WestAllen was built on Barry seeing that future byline and Iris finding out about it and chasing that ~destiny. I don't think they ever felt the need to try.
  17. No, I don't think it matters. One thing that does make me laugh on the rare occasion I visit reddit is how many people I see who want BS to be redeemed and say the amount of killing she's done and her taking pleasure in doing it don't matter - she can still be redeemed! But some of those same people think Felicity should be punished (and in some cases even killed) for Havenrock, even though she wasn't the one who set off the nukes, and did the only thing she could think of to divert the nuke from hitting a major population center. So, killing by choice = totally redeemable, and people dying as a result of you trying to keep more people from dying because of a nuke someone else set off = she must be punished/die for it! LOL
  18. It makes sense to me - he's saying that the show has been teasing her redemption, and her fans are showing their excitement for that in the hashtag. Kind of like if someone wrote "the show has been teasing a sex scene for Olicity for a while now, with fans of the couple expressing their excitement through the "DessertforOlicityEveryEpisode hashtag."
  19. I attribute all promotional weirdness to Chico and her minions being incompetent.
  20. I hope Echo and Rick are talking up the storyline from their character's perspective. Disagree about the writers writing in favor of OTA though. Yes, they are handling this more maturely than NTA, but NTA hasn't second-guessed their decision to go out on their own. Oliver has - twice now - made it clear he'd like them back on the team, and based on the synopsis from this week's episode, The ball is continuously in their court, the newbies keep getting their snarky digs in to remind the audience why they're gone (and scenes rectifying the issues they have with OTA with how they decide to run things on their new team) and so far OTA's success depends on NTA's participation in the mission. That could very well change in upcoming episodes, but the way they've written this conflict so far indicates that OTA needs NTA, and NTA is perfectly happy operating on their own and supporting each other (regardless of what impact that has on the city - and there hasn't been any indication in the writing that any of this is wrong - yet).
  21. The high frequency shouting match between BS and BC just makes all the tech on the block power down, LOL.
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