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Everything posted by CousinAmy

  1. I thought the point of modeling was to highlight the fashions or the products. I don't know what the spider web challenge was for, but the models were being encouraged to be as suggestively sexual as possible, not to showcase the cosmetic (?) And the stilt-walking challenge - did they say who the designer of the clothes was? It seemed to be just another way to terrify the models. I remember a stupid challenge where the models had to wear uncomfortable shoes and one models broke her ankle. Why are they given such bizarre stunts?
  2. Whoopi's reaction to the child abuse story reminded me of her defense of Michael Vick - in that case she excused it as "he's from the South" and this weekend I've heard a lot of people saying that "whupping" was a Southern thing and something that was culturally based. As a woman who is a mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, she is completely misguided. I'm glad that both Rosies were able to counter her. Yes, anyone who uses force against a tiny child is committing child abuse. You are breaking that child's heart and spirit, and teaching them that violence is a solution to a problem. I liked NW, I think her calling herself The Republican was an attempt at humor and a little dig at Elizabeth. She doesn't seem to have knee-jerk reactions so I"m grateful for that.
  3. My mom raised me on a very strict diet - no sweets except for so called "diet foods" = no sugar, but plenty of saccharine - but when I was about 12 and spending days at friends' houses, I couldn't resist the snacks and started to pack on the pounds. I can just see Asia struggling with that, since she knows what she "should" eat, but is probably getting resentful and will have a hard time finding the balance between a few Cheetos and a gallon of Rocky Road ice cream.
  4. Does anyone know how many lines Sherri has, or how much time onstage? I heard it was a minor role. And I don't know if it has been reviewed anywhere. The TV production with Brandi a few years ago was notable because of the diverse casting. I still don't understand how this stage production is breaking any new ground.
  5. Whoopi gave the name of the designer of that shmatta on Facebook, I don't remember who it was, but I can check back if anyone cares. Not everyone wears black to a funeral - for my mother's at a Jewish cemetery in August last year, I wore a dark blue dress with a white shrug. I don't even remember what the other people wore, but I noticed that no one was wearing drab colors, either.
  6. It's interesting to me that they go to competitions all over the country, but very interesting that the different venues have the same auditorium seats. I paid special attention last week to the blue fabric seats where Abby and the Moms were sitting, and sure enough they were the same. I think previously someone else noticed the same red seats week after week. So I'm guessing these audience segments are filmed at a few locations with some extras paid to "fill out" the crowd in the background. What does this mean? It's fakety-fake, fake, fake. Obviously if the MOST SHOCKING plot twist is a fake, and the audience scenes are fake, we're just watching a one-hour drama, which should be up for an Emmy Award for its brilliant use of pathos and evil.
  7. Today at preschool a little boy stated "I'm chocolate" so it might be more common than you think. But Sherri has used the line about a little child being inspired by seeing "someone who looks like me" before -at Disney, when she met the first black Princess. I wonder when she will give it a rest?
  8. Was this the season finale? I keep forgetting when it's on and have to catch up On Demand. I wonder if it did well enough to continue to another season. "Dance Mom" was pretty vile from the first episode and it's still going.
  9. I'm sure that ABC news called Barbara for the interview, since they were not only friends but tough, strong women who came of age when opportunities for women were a fraction of what's common today. And everyone has been recounting the story about her failed talk show and her husband's suicide, so I don't think she was out of line there - this is a news story, after all.
  10. ET or the Insider had pictures of Jenny in her dress. It looks like she got new implants - on top of her implants. Did she have enough time since she left the show?
  11. Sherri must have someone with her because her "selfies" are usually taken by someone else. Most celebrities, when they have a project to promote, will be tweeting a lot. (I wouldn't compare them to ex-Survivor contestants, unless they have businesses to promote.) Sherri has her wigs, her Broadway show, her small parts in films, etc. But who is following Sal? Does he have "fans"? What would they be "fans" of?
  12. So do we have a pool going on as to how long this marriage will last? I guess it depends on how long the Wahlburgers show is on. Jenny's chance to be on TV now that her view is obscured. When is that show on, anyway?
  13. I caught that "babysitting" remark, too. I guess that means she's giving her nanny time off? She's an idiot for letting the world know her minute by minute schedule. If you want to show the court how much time you spend with your child, don't broadcast how much time you spend away from him.
  14. I think it the announcer just said "NFL wife October Gonzalez" as her claim to fame. I thought we were long past the days of women being defined by their husband's job. I saw nothing interesting about the woman - why was she hired? She's not especially charismatic, just a generic pretty girl. Today's show was painful.
  15. I think she's Evangelical - which requires people to spread "The Good News" as part of their faith - so I can see why she's constantly talking about Jesus. But keep it to Twitter - I don't want to hear about it on a daily talk show.
  16. No, I've been watching the Emmy pre-shows and red carpets and the show itself, no Sherri appeared on screen. Me three! She had two small scenes - her name was "Cornrows" although I think she was supposed to be the school secretary. Very un-glamorous and average; she didn't stand out and if I hadn't known she was in it, I'd probably never realize it was her.
  17. It's only a limited run. It said that in the ad. I guess they don't want to give an ending date to keep people interested in purchasing - this way they can extend it a bit if she's a hit. Or should I say, a STAH!
  18. I don't think the media is being especially quiet about this - I don't think it's a big deal in the grand scheme of things. To me it's an interesting legal case, but I'm not emotionally invested in it. Families are formed and broken apart in myriad ways - so Sad has the son he wanted, Sherri is leading her life, the finances will somehow get sorted out. The articles will pop up from time to time, but I don't see where this will become a major scandal for Sherri.
  19. Children might not have complete memories of everything that happened when they were very young, but they usually take away something unique from every event. Maybe they won't remember the boat itself, but the secure feeling of holding hands with Mom on a sunny day. Or the color of the water, or even their first taste of a crab cake (for example). I was lamenting to my boss how I meet students in middle school who were toddlers when I was teaching them, and that they didn't remember the preschool (or me.) But she said they may not remember you, but the encouragement you gave them on the playground had been internalized, and helped develop their self-esteem, etc. Or your interest in listening to their long rambling stories helped nurture their language skills. Interesting experiences can only add to their memory banks, and help them develop as well-rounded individuals.
  20. The Matrix in the magazine is in the form of a graph, with opposites like "hot" and "cold" on top and bottom, then other opposites from side to side. So the reader can "rate" people by placing them in one of the four quadrants.
  21. It sounds like they expect the participants to dress neatly and be well-groomed. (That Chia pet remark was for Sherri, I'm convinced.) It will be fun seeing what Sherri will choose to wear. Barbara Walters seemed to have been a positive influence on Sherri when she was there - Sherri has the capability to dress like an adult woman. But without Barbara Sherri has gone in the complete opposite direction. I have to admit that I wear thrift-shop jeans but I'd never wear ripped jeans. They might look cute on young girls - but if Sherri wants to wear them, she should be wearing a high-end sweater or shirt.
  22. Little kids can get cranky and tired on a day-trip. I remember our preschool class was invited to a Christmas party at a castle (Oheka, if you know Long Island) but the whole thing was a disaster. They were stuck on the bus in the parking lot while photographers were getting photo ops of the celebrities there; the whole venue was crowded, noisy and hot, then we were stuck at the end waiting for a bus to come back to pick them up. It was awful. But the next day, when we were discussing the various parties they had attended, I asked which was their favorite one, and all of them answered, "The Castle!" You don't know how children are processing events and what they'll remember. I'll bet Will will be talking about the pirate ship as if it was the best day of his life.
  23. I don't know if Abby has a producing credit, but I can't see them "removing" her. In fact, in the off-season they keep coming up with new shows for her to do, even without the girls. It may be "Dance Moms" but Abby is the one creating all the buzz. They don't want a drama-free choreographer. Just seeing how lovely Jade is helped me see Maddie in another light. She may have been the star when they were younger, but she doesn't stand out from the others anymore. As each new girl comes and goes, we can see that the older, better-trained dancers really are far ahead of Abby's girls. Asia may be annoying, but she's a strong, confident dancer, and much more of a professional than Mac. Mac is still getting by on her cuteness, but that won't last forever.
  24. Isn't Zoey close to three now? At Head Start we start children at 18 months for a full-day, full-week program. Obviously they wouldn't be eligible, but it's very common now for two year olds to be in "day care" or at 3, preschool. And they probably wouldn't put Zoey into a full-time program since her parents don't need that much daytime childcare, but there are plenty of private preschools that have a few hours, a few times a week, just to get used to separating from Mommy and Daddy and socializing with other kids. I think they are very much on top of the childrens' needs and until the next season starts, we won't know how well she and Will are talking and if they are getting along with each other. And yes, I think the children are better off - even with cameras on them - with Jen and Bill than wasting away in orphanages for special needs children.
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