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Everything posted by CousinAmy

  1. To bring this back to the show, Sherri never mentioned the surrogate after the woman was pregnant in November - we didn't hear about it till much later. I wonder if she actually changed her mind much earlier than we knew, and this is what broke up her marriage? It seems strange that she lives her life private life online, but was completely silent on this issue. Maybe because they already were fighting about the baby before Lamar filed for separation? He seemed delighted to be having a baby, while she flits around the country with an occasional visit to the child she already has.
  2. #I #think #Sherri #is #overusing #hashtags. #She #uses #them #for #random #phrases. #Singlemama #is #not #going #to #trend #on #twitter.
  3. I volunteer at Head Start - half the time I call it "school" and the other half "preschool." Nothing misleading about that! It's just the word that pops into my head when I'm speaking.
  4. I Googled "Little People's Clothes" and found several sites that had stylish clothes for adults. I'm pretty sure Jen uses some of these companies rather than rooting around Target's children's dept. Her body, as someone mentioned above, is not the body of a child. She might be as short as a kindergartener, but her shape is unique. As for Bill, he seems to live in constant pain so I could see him choosing the most comfortable clothes he can find.
  5. I recently got the Dtap booster - I can't remember why my doctor ordered it, but it's for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. And where I live, you have to get the tuberculosis test every year if you work in childcare. Still haven't gotten the shingles shot, though, because of the expense.
  6. Our preschool teacher had a baby in June, so invited her and the baby to today's graduation ceremony. She declined, saying that the baby hadn't got all his shots yet. Of course people tote their newborns everywhere, including our school, when the parents come to drop off their older siblings. She's an excellent teacher for toddlers, so I should have known she'd be super-careful as a new mom. Still it seemed a little extreme for me.
  7. The whooping in whooping cough is caused by the constant coughing, trying to take a breath between coughs but not able to. I had an upper respiratory infection earlier this year that got so bad that I half convinced myself that I had it. I was vaccinated for polio in the 1950s but before all the new vaccines came out I had chicken pox, measles and rubella. People are so fortunate that the vaccines are available to them now.
  8. I wonder who's really taking care of the baby? Sal may be an awesome, loving single dad, but what experience does he have taking care of an infant? I wonder if he has a live-in nurse or nanny? I can't believe he's on his own.
  9. @Fostersmom I think little girls tend to wear "sexy" clothes way too early, but I rarely see a kindergartener in slacks and blazers. The sizes might be right but the styles would be way off.
  10. Whoopi changed her Facebook cover picture to this: https://www.facebook.com/whoopigoldberg She posted a link to a particular episode of Hollywood Squares. And she also acknowledged the loss of Lauren Bacall yesterday.
  11. Don Lemon on CNN had a phone interview with Joy Behar, and she said that Whoopi was not taking any calls. She is devastated.
  12. I fast-forwarded through most of it because I'm just so sick of Sherri and her "friends." She just had them on for her birthday; and didn't she just see BBDv last weekend? The whole show was a self-indulgent wallow in the Sherri Shepherd culture. And then to top it off she had to reiterate how the show has allowed her to proclaim her love for Jesus all these years. She's been pushing this religiosity for months - more intensely since Barbara left. I hope whoever comes in will not be quite so vocal about their personal faith. I noticed that in the clips of previous episodes how much better Sherri dressed. In earlier years she was downright presentable. In the past few months she has been wearing tight clothes that look like they're at least one size too small for her. There's nothing wrong with being dressed casually, but Sherri went from casual to sloppy in three short months.
  13. I thought the first winner was [sic] two men? So that would make Guy both the second and third winner. Eta: yes, I checked my facts! The Hearty Boys, a real-life couple.
  14. Notice that she gives a shout-out (or twitter's equivalent) to not just her friend, but to whoever baked the cake. That makes it seem much less a personal thanks than a business-related thumbs up.
  15. She seems to prefer the camera looking down on her, so her bust is large and her legs taper off into teeny little ankles. I guess she poses next to staircases to achieve that look. I happen to have a very large bust and I don't like full-length pictures of myself. I usually crop the pictures at about my collarbone because I think I look freaky. And it's very, very hard to buy a dress for myself - I have to wear separates. I do like her white outfit but for a much younger woman. Sorry, it looks ridiculous on her, when the other people seemed have been dressed a bit more elegantly. (Countess Luann wore a shorts-and-shirts outfit to go out for a casual dinner with the NY housewives in the Berkshires - she's probably Sherri's age, but she looked spectacular. Sherri could take lessons from her about appropriate clothing choices.)
  16. It looks like she is bald, except for perhaps the very front, and it maybe the dreads/wig is sewn onto what little hair she does have? It reminds me of the time Secretary of State Clinton appeared with her hair gather up in a scrunchie. Like, what were you thinking?
  17. Even if she made up that story, that shows what her reaction would be. I don't know if I will be happier not having to think about her influence on that child. (I probably won't be watching any of her upcoming movies, Broadway shows or gospel comedy shows.) I know she loves him to pieces, but I hate the way she [tells us] is raising him.
  18. I think I missed the first episode, but I caught this one. What more is there to say about reality show kids?
  19. I really hated the way she kept saying "carny." It's an insulting term for a carnival worker (I prefer "roustabout" or is that only in circuses?) and Sherri would be the first one to complain if someone used an old-fashioned, demeaning term to describe her. And yes, I think Jeffrey probably has an issue where he talks "too much" to strangers - she should be teaching him to moderate his conversations. It's a part of maturity I think he could try to learn. She is getting louder by the day. And so blatantly ignorant. I'm glad I'll never sit next to her at a table in a restaurant. I like soft music when I dine, not raucous prayers.
  20. My manager at work has a son who is considered disabled - in fact he's been in special ed for his entire school career. I met him a few years ago when he was a teenager. I didn't ask what his diagnosis was, but it seemed to fit some of the markers that I knew about - social awkwardness, obsession with a thought or idea, age-inappropriate behavior (he seemed younger than his chronological age.) Eventually she told me that he has multiple diagnoses, but not autism. (In fact, I think it would have been easier for her if he had been diagnosed with autism when he was young, so she wouldn't have had to fight to get him the services he needed.) I found him easy to talk to on several subjects and was surprised when she told me one of this diagnoses was intellectual disability. He's working now doing janitorial services and seems to be pretty happy with that.
  21. Because they can't be sold out of state, they would become so rare that they would be prohibitively expensive in New Jersey. And the number one single mom in New Jersey, SHERRI, WASN'T THERE! With a smart gun in her arsenal, Sherri could let Leximycanecorso free! I wonder what happened today that was more important than the show....
  22. I'm getting a little pissed off about how every issue is related to "single moms." It's almost as bad as "soccer moms." Or "moms" in general. I'm 65 and I've never had a child, so I'm nobody's mom. Why doesn't someone stand up for the "un-moms"? Which, BTW, the YDL also is. So why was she so passionate about the need for single moms to have guns? Funny how they were talking about their childbirth experiences and she threw in a comment about how surrogacy was the way to go. AND SHERRI WASN'T THERE! Oh, I would have loved to have seen Sherri's reaction to that.
  23. I read that article, too. There are so many unanswered questions. Were the children properly diagnosed to begin with? And are they "cured" - or have they just learned how to read social cues, and suppress some of the signs of autism. (For example, one young man who still "flaps" his hands when he's excited and thinks no one noticed. He was surprised, because he didn't realize he was still doing it.) Even takes a huge stuffed toy jalapeno pepper on an airplane. Jenny said that she asked him, "You're 12 years old, do you want people looking at you with that thing?" But he said he didn't care. Coming after the whole "camp saga," I think Evan still has some social issues he needs to work on. Jenny probably shouldn't have tweeted the picture of Evan with the toy.
  24. I missed the introductions but is Blonde Ninny in the Yellow Dress on the same network as Elizabeth? It looks like they all wear the same hair color. Like it's a job requirement.
  25. That can't be good for her hair -weave weaving in and out several times a week? And this new one has the same flat top as her last one. I wish she'd stick with the wigs - they're more versatile and so the chances that one will look good are higher. She's starting to make jokes about her bad marriages and divorces - last week she had a throwaway line about coming home from work and finding three women on her couch. Was that a joke? Or a hint at what broke up her marriage?
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