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Everything posted by CousinAmy

  1. If Sherri won't discuss the main issues in her personal life right now - I doubt she'll mention that she's now unemployed. I don't feel sorry for either women being out of a job - show biz is competitive and volatile, but nobody forces you into it. You take the risk knowing that nothing is permanent. If neither can get another gig - which I doubt - they will have to make their own hard choices.
  2. Not sure where I read it, but supposedly this was Sherri and Jenny's last day on the show? Next week is a "hiatus" and then after that??? Whoopi will finally have the stage to herself! From Gawker Media: http://defamer.gawker.com/whoopi-goldberg-is-the-only-person-left-at-the-view-1596946455/all I actually think Whoopi wouldn't want to work that hard; she probably would appreciate having co-hosts as long as they have IQs in the triple digits.
  3. So The View is moving in a new direction? Does that mean two or more male guests every day? The View is not the show it started out to be. Sherri will be OK if she goes out for acting parts. She can act. She just can't do talk shows. Do you think Barbara watching from home had a hand in this? Sherri may have been on the bubble for a while but she's gotten wild and unpredictable in the last month. She needed Barbara to keep her in line.
  4. So Sherri doesn't think that working in the fast food industry is meant to be a long-term job? Thank you Whoopi for pointing out that people who take these jobs NEED those jobs. They have families to support - that means put food on the table, Sherri - and the more hours they work, the longer they work, the better. How much more will a minimum wage raise add to a fast-food meal? Let's do some research, please. If it's another 10 cents, shut up, Sherri. And Bill Rancic thinks that a raise in the minimum wage will hurt new businesses and industry. I guess he doesn't realize that a few extra cents an hour will help people who are in extreme distress in this economy. Bill has made a career of being a slick operator. Would that everyone had his unique skill-set that keeps him on TV year after year with no discernible talent. Why are these people giving their "wisdom" on economic, legal, or any serious subjects?
  5. Of course Kristen didn't really plan the trip. It was Bravo-produced all the way. Really, the women would choose to go fly fishing in those huge waders? And would decide to rappel down a mountain cliff? It was all a set-up arranged to create as much drama as possible. So Kristen shouldn't complain that the women were complaining so much. Bravo never wanted the Housewives to get too comfortable. And massages on a rustic setting? It's a wonder they didn't arrange mani-pedis after geocaching. Or may we'll see next week if they do.
  6. Would they fire both Jenny and Sherri at the same time? And bring in FOUR new co-hosts? I think TPTB must like Sherri's buffoonery because they haven't let her go all these years. So Whoopi and Sherri and someone else who has a vagina? (If you didn't watch, Whoopi said that while it was nice to have guys on the show, but she liked having someone she could talk about her vagina with. I'd prefer the guys to stay, if the alternative is Whoopi and the gals talking about their cooches.) They show has moved so far from even the last week of Barbara's reign - yes, Barbara was a name-dropper but those names she dropped? Were people who are known and respected. She went to the theater and to glamorous parties, where have Jenny and Donny and Sherri gone? To Blockhead concerts. Sheesh.
  7. We're not supposed to know that there is a production crew around. Although we can be sure that Ramona had some help getting that A/C to Heather's vacation house, it's breaking the fourth wall to admit to it.
  8. I don't think Jenny is all that bright, either. I think her worldview isn't much larger than Sherri's. I cringe when she gives her opinion on guns in the classroom or the POW swap. I do think Sherri has taken over the show. She's just so loud! I think she needed Barbara to rein her in.
  9. I don't know who the bald co-host was, but he's a big, brave man. Of course, just knowing that teachers have guns will be a deterrent to anything bad happening - except it might encourage a jittery kid to show his gun. Then there are two guns in the classroom (at least). One of the twits who tweeted said teachers should have proper training and psychological evaluations - sure, and then will they be graded on that training? What the heck would be on the test? Most teachers I know have plenty of spare time to get training in small arms fire (or whatever it's called) right after their mandatory psychological evaluations. But when will they have time for lesson plans, grading papers, or take advanced classes in their own field?
  10. The man who said that to me was so far left, that he was even left of me, and his objection was that JFK Jr. was getting the "Royal Treatment." It's funny but he had been treated as the Prince of Camelot for so long that it was hard to realize that he really was just an ordinary citizen. And this search was way beyond anything the government would do for me.
  11. We (here on the North Shore of Long Island) heard helicopters overhead later that night and some people I know were outraged that government resources were being used for searching for a private citizen.
  12. Somehow I don't think the premiere of Holler if You Hear Me was a formal occasion (or even an occasion to wash your hair, apparently) http://pagesix.com/2014/06/20/star-snaps-of-the-day-155/#13
  13. I wouldn't call it a stalker. I know people who post the same messages on Facebook and Twitter (and other platforms) so I don't see anything wrong with someone here also posting on Twitter. "Pachebo" is probably a screen name for Mary Lou Breen.
  14. I'd been carrying around the huge sealed box with my magnificent 1969 wedding gown for more than 40 years. I finally got to the point where my curiosity got the best of me - and I gently opened up the hermetically-sealed box, to find that it hadn't been hermetically-sealed, at all, just in a closed box! And when I took out the gown, I found a dress that was so much smaller than I had remembered (because I was so much smaller then). It was still just as pretty, though. Now it's sealed in a clear plastic Space Bag and I can look at it anytime I want.
  15. I wonder if Josh will keep his phone on when he's out in the Hamptons, taking business calls 24/7? I doubt it.
  16. Backformore, I just said the same thing on the Sherri thread! The doctor said that whooping cough is making a comeback among adults and children because the vaccine had been re-formulated in the 1990s and was weaker than the original. Whoopi probably had the vaccine in the '60s, though, and it might just have worn off. So Sherri was right to think that if she got the pertussis from Whoopi, she could have spread it to Jeffrey. Get your Dtap, folks!
  17. Now we have a glimpse of Sherri's dream of a reality s how - Jeffrey will have to work - appear on the show - to earn his keep. I was horrified at the conversation about Kate G. and her brood. Everyone at the table seemed to agree that the children must work because Kate is a poor single mother and can't provide for them any other way. They were discussing the two older girls who balked at doing interviews on various shows. Sherri ended the conversation by saying they should just suck it up because it's a family business and that they had to do their jobs. She was so adamant about it - will she put her own son on her longed-for reality show?
  18. Sherri and Sal had been tweeting several times a day for the past year or so, but Sherri's tweets always showed her on the go - doing stand-up, or performing somewhere - she had an important role on the first few episodes of How I Met Your Mother. Sal never seemed to be working, and he didn't seem to be watching Jeffrey - who goes into NYC with Sherri because that's where his school is - so there was a lot of curiosity about what he did all day. If he's a comedy writer, he doesn't seem to have been writing comedy, unless you count his "hilarious" tweets about going to Hooters. This is why he seems very much like a gold-digger, and Sherri his foolish mark.
  19. Normally, I can't stand Ross, but this show makes any ordinary shlub seem like Albert Einstein compared to the Mensa Brain Trust.
  20. Since when do people go around saying they had "whooping cough"? It's been known by the name "pertussis" for decades. The reason it's called "whooping" is because the cough is so distinctive that it sounds like an actual "whoop" because you can't catch your breath before the next cough hits you. It starts to sound like a death rattle. I had an upper respiratory infection a few months ago and the coughing got so bad I was wondering...but I've actually had my Dtap (Diptheria, tetanus, pertussis) booster within the past year. If Whoopi had had it, they would have heard that cough. She did say she had it for the week that they were off. Wasn't that right after Barbara's farewell week? So she exposed an 84-year-old woman to one of the scourges of the century? I don't think so.
  21. @quaintirene, I think they film some of the TH's with a fuzzy filter. I've noticed it with a few other Housewives from Hell. I hate to be skinny-shaming, but her face would look more filled-out if she actually ate...um...a sandwich or something.
  22. Ack! My DVR recorded the wrong episode. Is the show going to be repeated on TLC, or can I watch it on TLC's website?
  23. I hadn't realized how much weight Sherri lost till I saw the clip of her first day on the show. But that fright wig and pleather(?) get-up made her look quite large. I lost about 20-30 pounds and I really enjoy being able to wear more stylish clothes. I know what works and what still doesn't. Sherri looks best with a neat, trim hairdo. I like the short styles on her because she has lovely, large eyes, and a pretty face. She doesn't need so much hair around her face. I have the same problem she does in the bust, but she still can wear cute skirts, skinny capris, etc. with stretchy tops. If I can figure that out on my own, Sherri should be able to. It's not brain science!
  24. Does TLC control "Closed Captioning" or isn't that a separate service?
  25. IMDB is like Wikipedia, anyone can edit it. Sometimes you can read bios for someone that were obviously written by a family member. Who is the "Val" that Sherri was going to have dinner with? I guess Jeffrey goes to school in NYC so he's near Sherri during the day, and the house in NJ has a lot more room - not to mention a swimming pool - than an apartment in Manhattan. But if she wanted to stay in that house, I'm sure she could find a good school for Jeffrey in New Jersey.
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