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Everything posted by Kalliste

  1. And in this case to call it a 'problematic' animal. I wonder what they call the other crocodiles who just kill other animals..
  2. You could change it and just pretend. You can be anything you want to be on PTV :P I mean the whole forum is about things that are make believe :D
  3. I think this is one of those "only in Australia" news stories.. A woman had her arm bitten off by a 'rogue croc'. I can't imagine that any croc would be ok with you to get close to it and not consider biting your arm off: The death of the problematic croc
  4. I suppose $2 is better than $0 :P Today I purchased a Fitbit Flex.. I remember someone else had one in the thread. The lack of documentation is a bit sad but I think I've got it now.
  5. rough day :P My phone arrived, it's actually pretty goood. Plus.. led, I never thought I'd miss a little pulsing light so much. I don't know how iphone users do it.
  6. Currently on a re-read of Playing Beattie Bow by Ruth Park and hoping I enjoy it as much as I did when I was 17.
  7. I think your students are lucky to have you as a teacher then smrou! I wish many of my teachers in school had cared enough about their students to consider things like that.
  8. That is pretty accurate of me about Gravity Falls.. and I DID tell people LOST was good they just can't skip every episode and well, I said The Sopranos was ok.. I've never actually watched The Wire, I have no idea what it's about. I guess I don't have any obsessive TV types telling me to do it yet :P Mostly because I am the annoying obsessive type.
  9. I think it's funny that everyone loves Ruby Rose's accent. Watching it I was thinking "Is she Australian? Oh right, it's Ruby Rose, I remember she was going to be in this" and then I was thinking "ugh, it's so grating... is this how I sound to other people?" I never really consider my accent to be an accent until I hear Australians in non Australian shows and wonder if they're putting on the accent just a little bit extra. I also loved seeing the backstory of Chang, I like that she had her own little set up going and no one suspected anything.
  10. You might like Gravity Falls then. A lot of people have suggested Steven Universe to me because I watch Gravity Falls. I've watched a few episodes but not hooked yet. An intro to Gravity Falls: If I were to win a bunch of money (not that I ever actually play any of the lotteries) it would really depend on how big of a win it was. I'd probably go out slowly, pay off my house and eventually give notice to my job. I wouldn't want to cause suspicion. I was thinking I'd put my house up for sale but I guess if you've won a massive amount of cash you odn't really need to do that so I'd probably keep it, employ some caretakers and the like :P then go somewhere coastal and buy a place, probably also buy a city apartment in Melbourne and then also travel overseas and see what other places I can buy/live :P And then rotate around all my new houses depending on where the climate is best at the time. Maybe I should also buy my own get :D I have no idea how much jets cost though.
  11. That's a pretty decent video! I do like that he pointed out that just because it was on Disney didn't mean it was just for kids. I always have to point that out when talking to people about the show.
  12. Rick and Morty are awesome! That's who they are! #RickAndMorty100Years! Ahem.. It's a Dan Harmon (of Community fame) and Justin Roiland animated show about drunk mad scientist Rick and his less smart grandson Morty and their adventures through space! It's an Adult Swim show (which I assume will warn you) and full of obscenities and offensive jokes. As a reference in one episode (maybe even the first episode I can't remember) their dog Snowball (as he likes to call himself but they named him Snuffles) becomes an evil overlord and questions granddaughter Summer on the whereabouts of his testicles:
  13. It's the Nexus 5x Babalu. So on the plus side that means none of those pesky pre-loaded apps :) my current one is the older Nexus 5 which I really like, I don't think I'll like the 5x as much but it is still a decent phone and I'm glad to have gotten it for that price. At least I know i got it at a comparable price to the USD listed price. I use it mostly for Hangouts, Instagram, gmail and texting, sometimes Twitter too and the maps are very good. It's great when they're set up with your local public transport.
  14. I'm buying a new phone.. right now. I'm clicking on the cart right now. It's costing me $578AUD ($408USD) which is actually a good price, the cheapest I've ever seen. On the google store they're charging $739AUD/$522USD so it's a good discount. What if I hate it though.. I was waiting for this phone for months before its release and I don't feel as excited about it as expected. But.. I need a new phone, it's the only one that I have been looking at (that I like) in the right price range with all the good stuff. So here goes.
  15. I'm a bit late to the party but I can understand the sex scene issue.. for me it's not so much the sex scenes in general (I had no issue with the Boo flashback one) but more the Piper/Alex sex saga. I just have no interest in seeing their sex power play continue. I'm sure it will though. I'm interested to see what the "extra room" comment is going to mean. I guess Caputo missed that line in his excitement. And also, I've been reading about the Caputo love recently.. While he does seem to be doing his best to help the prison improve he is the guy who in last episode had to minimise about 5 porn videos on his computer, he received the grotty BJ from Fig and has shown that he will masturbate in his office over pretty much anything. I believe he is better than Fig but a good person doesn't do that type of thing at work.
  16. Never been called for Jury duty but I'm not against it. I'd be happy to get paid to see what happens :) Hmm, if I had the choice Babalu, at this point in time anyway, I'd probably move into a nice apartment in Melbourne CBD for the same reasons. I could walk around to anything I wanted plus the trams are an added bonus. I love the city and would consider moving there but like you said of hawaii, doubt it would be much fun if I had to commute and do day to day things.
  17. Still another 6 weeks away. It better be worth the wait
  18. After only a few clicks it does look like quite a well made site.. but no, not something I'd try using on an ipad or mobile device unfortunately
  19. I never could get into John Grisham novels. I had watched a few of the movie adaptations, A Time to Kill being my favourite and, being that books are usually better than movies I decided to give his books a try. I couldn't even believe the movies were based on his books! I found the books so boring. The author that I gave up on is Sarah Dessen. She is a bit out of place in the list of authors here as I don't dislike a series she has written (but then all of her books are set in the same world) and she writes YA. As many have mentioned before they mostly gave up on authors for being repetitive but I know that Dessen is repetitive.. all of her books are very formulaic but I was ok with that, I didn't mind the formula until I read The Moon and More and it was such a let down. I was pretty keen to read the book and what a disappointment.. and that was the end of the Dessen love for me. I will always enjoy Dreamland but mostly because it doesn't fit her usual formula, maybe one day she'll write more books like that but, unfortunately, I probably won't read them :P
  20. Those wolves are beautiful but yes, they may see a traumatized cat as dinner :D I took the 'other' to be KoB being silly :P I think it is what I chose :D
  21. voted :) I'd also have accepted 'what's a gym' with this linked: I just watched a re-interpretation of Bohemian Rhapsody by a ballet company on the official Queen youtube channel and am pretty sad to report it was a nice dance but didn't seem to have any connection to the song whatsoever. And I was just linked this. I don't think it's going to recover from the trip in the bucket :D
  22. I really loved the final of the season! I think it is probably one of my favourite episodes of the show at all. I was glad to see Vee go and Rosa stealing the van and smacking right into her! I thought maybe Vee would run onto the road but it was nice to see Rosa take aim and take that sucker out. I also loved the songs to the nuns, hah! Caputo is in for a rough for days/weeks.. hopefully he can still keep the job though and do better with the extra funds than Fig did. While I understand the "John is a criminal and should be in prison" argument I still think it's better for everyone involved if he doesn't confess and can help Daya and the baby out later rather than just being another Daddy in prison. The entire storyline is a bit of a snoozefest to me but the thing I can just not understand is why he didn't wear a condom! And why Daya didn't freaking making him. How stupid are they? I hope Healy gets the support/love he so dearly seems to need as he seems to have the potential to be a good man but just, isn't. I also really liked Doggett's new "lesbian" haircut (and Sophia's for that matter).
  23. I just found out about the show.. I'm hoping that there is some Josh Holloway on my screen for many weeks this year :)
  24. This isn't so much about Penny Dreadful in the media but uses the sets and is pretty neat (Assuming you have a love for vsauce3 and Jake Roper as I do):
  25. For the last few days I've been playing Ori and the Blind Forest which is a beautiful platformer game with an awesome soundtrack. It was all going nicely, looking at all the beautiful scenery and then.. the Ginso Tree... I must have died more than 100 times trying to pass it. At least it was pretty and the soundtrack was nice :P Trailer for anyone interested:
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