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Everything posted by Kalliste

  1. Ooh sounds awesome Babalu! I don't know anyone that has any VR stuff.. and yes, all I've heard about them is they make you want to throw up :P I hope you are able to get more used to it and see how all its features work.
  2. In my defence, I think our Ikea is on the smaller side. My city doesn't meet the normal population requirements of an Ikea but from what I hear the local government did a shady deal and BAM we have an Ikea! I didn't have anything in particular in mind possibilities, I really had no idea what the whole craze was about. It was a bit overwhelming actually, there is just so. much. stuff. I don't really like the system of "look at all these displays, note down the stuff you like and go find it later!" mostly because I kept putting down the pencils they provide and forgetting about them :P I understand what you mean about having fun buying the mundane things in life. One of the things I bought today was a little matte black bin for my bathroom and I was pretty happy with that :P I also went a bit crazy over drawer organisers but didn't buy anything, there was just too many of them! I might go back another time (when hopefully it isn't quite so busy) and have a plan that time so I actually come out with the things I want. Also, does it frustrate anyone else that there is so little English in Ikea? We have to have helpful signs up in the bedding area to tell us which size relates to Australian sizing.. and I have no idea what items are what on my receipt. My favourite present was probably the Kindle (I finally have one!) from my bf! Although my Mum and my bf's parents also bought us vouchers to some nice restaurants in the city so I'm excited to eat for free on them :D Oh and my bf's Mum bought me a red hand mixer which has whisk attachments and I've wanted one for ages! Yep, I'm a weirdo :P
  3. Went to IKEA today for the first time. Our store has been opened for about 6 weeks. I thought it'd be ok to go today because people generally leave my city over Christmas and figured the after Christmas chaos would have died down.. nope. There were SO MANY PEOPLE there. Although the place is so big that it can pack huge amounts of people and you don't feel too overcrowded. Spent nearly 3hrs there and had to come home and have a nap :P
  4. I would agree. I don't really consider River or Jack to be companions regardless of their importance to the Doctor or the show. I also think that Tate/Donna is the exception to the rule of companions in the new series, she's also the only one that didn't fall in love with him and give him puppy dog eyes every 5 seconds.. the only time this changed was Clara and 12 because eww, 12 is so old! How could young Clara ever love him. I'm excited to see who the new companion is, I'd love them to break the mold.. I really am hoping for someone from a different time, I'd also really like to see them be male.
  5. I think Jemima Rooper would be great too! I was considering doing a rewatch of Lost in Austen because of the craziness of Alex Kingston in it and like Jemima too.. but yes, she's *gasp* 34 so she's probably out.
  6. I'd recommend continuing a bit more. If you missed the last half hour you basically missed the best parts of the episode.. and if you only got to 20mins you also missed the Doctor getting to do the 'bigger on the inside' speech the 'right' way.
  7. So sad knowing we probably won't get anymore River and the Doctor episodes.. I could probably have an entire season of them getting up to mischief as their 'one night' at the towers lasted forever. This was a great episode and I loved River as much as I have. Although it makes me wonder why she wasn't quite as sad as expected in the library considering she must have been on her last page and had the screwdriver. Maybe she was happy to have another hello. And again I feel like River was wasted on 11 and would have been better given more time with 10 and/or 12.
  8. Merry Christmas from the future. There are pancakes here :)
  9. Speaking of weather... It's 9:45PM and still 30 degrees (86F) outside.
  10. There is around 400000, 380000 ish according to wikipedia. I will say the water looks a whole lot more enticing in that photo than it does in reality :P
  11. You guys may or may not find this interesting. It's a pretty decent photo of my city from Black Mountain tower - link
  12. Kalliste


    I wish it had been a similar case to season 1 as well rather than something high profile that hasn't been closed off yet. Also, I didn't get the mail chrimp ad in episode 1, I'm glad to have its return on the second.
  13. I have been watching Orange is the New Black - did we talk about that a while back.. was that the boobs discussion? Anyway, I was immensely jealous of Big Boo having a dog in prison.. which probably means I really want a dog :P
  14. I'm not sure of where abouts you live or what the Vet Ranch policy is on adopting out their dogs but.. you might find a lovely dog that they've taken in and saved from euthanasia. Their facebook is: https://www.facebook.com/VetRanch Hope I didn't just make the search harder :P
  15. The roleplay was less cool than expected but it was interesting to see how the whole process played out. My character was working in a chinese restaurant where the manager was hiring people without correct visas. I was one of the few 'legals'. You all might have a chuckle about the fact that at the morning briefing we were warned about snakes and goannas in the area. Do not go near the goannas. :P
  16. I really enjoyed this, probably one of my favourite episodes of the season. Hester's elaborate accusations of the Chanel's was a bit long winded and I felt so sorry for Chanel #5 with her parents just being ok to go along with disowning her and saying what a terrible person she is.. I also never thought "Wow, #5 is overweight and there's no way Chanel would choose her as a minion". I didn't even consider her to be overweight. I think Chanel mostly needed girls that would do whatever she told them to. I like how Chanel #3 just accepted the story Hester gave her. It all makes sense! And she seemed happy to be carted off to jail, and then the mental asylum because I guess that is where Dirty Helen belongs. Plus this is what Dirty Helen wears: She was definitely my favourite character and I hope she's back in season 2, or on another show. The Denise and Chad ending was sad.. poor Chad, this is what happens when you go chasing waterfalls. I wonder if he'll ever visit Chanel in the asylum, or maybe now that Hester is 'normal' he's free to bang her. All in all, a good ending to the season. I like that it wrapped everything up.
  17. Feeling pretty average today, can't seem to get out of the low feeling. It doesn't help that I have an interview on Wednesday to try and win the permanent role of what I'm in now and they advised me it'd be Wednesday, I said I had a full day course on Wednesday and wasn't available. They asked if I could do it on the lunch break, I said I would find out when it was.. they sent me an email without confirming with me saying it was at 12:30 and if I couldn't make it to withdraw my application. This is from people in the team that I'm currently in. It would be ok and I'd have enough time to prepare (apparently I can take notes in with me and review them to see if I have a relevant answer/example to their questions.. the public service is a weird creature) but I'm off doing role playing from 7am to 5pm tomorrow (Monday) which hopefully will be interesting. They have made us fake passports and things so that's pretty cool. I just can't imagine by the time I get home I'll be really interested in 'studying' for my interview. And KoB I have barely bought any gifts (and I really only have 2 people I need to buy for) or anything. I wish I could just stay home on Christmas day and do whatever I want to do which wouldn't involve christmas trees. Also sorry to hear about the sickness and cancer and other that is going on for you right now :(
  18. We had the afternoon off but had to use our 'flex time' for it. They 'paid' for 2 hrs of the party for us. I'm not sure flex is a term used anywhere else, it's basically time in lieu but it doesn't really need to be approved. So I have to put in what hours I work everyday, I'm paid for 7hrs 21mins.. if i work 7hrs 30mins, I accrue 9mins of flex.. so I could work 10hrs on one day and then 5 on another and it would be fine because we work under 'flexible hours'. So, my options after my 2hrs paid time were up were to go back to work or use flex for the afternoon.. we're not allowed to go back to work if there is any alcohol in our system (we have random drug and alcohol tests, zero tolerance) so my choice was to not go back to work. The place we went charged $9 a drink! So, I was lucky that the bosses bought the majority of what I drank :P
  19. Generally here it's very unusual that you have to pay for the christmas party (in the private sector anyway). Drinks are usually included but might only include beer, wine and champagne. In my last job I would have to pay $20 or so if my bf wanted to come but all employees got to go for free and they also provided free cabs home (that's less standard). Limited alcohol consumption is never really a consideration for us :P In fact, you're usually encouraged (unofficially) to go crazy.
  20. Just got home from my first Christmas party as a public servant. That is, the first christmas party where you have to pay for everything yourself because everyone would cry if the taxpayers had to pay for us to get 1 day a year for free.. do they not realise I also pay taxes and technically part of my wage ends up paying my salary? Anyway, rant aside. It was actually quite nice and thanks to the generosity of the higher ups I got a lot of free drinks :D
  21. Sorry, I was all the way over here not having seen the VS show and I had to google Kate Upton to see who she was :P
  22. I've thought about getting one but not sure I want to spend that much on one. Maybe with christmas sales but I also want to buy a new Nexus 5X, a Kindle, a new iPad so...
  23. I like the descriptions KoB it helps me to think whether I'd like the movies although I haven't heard of most of them (Star Wars excepted obviously - but I wouldn't choose that). Like for example I can't stand Will Ferrell so I know Daddy's Home is not for me :D And also, I get my own option this month! Huzzuh! lol I nearly missed it, I guess a lot of movies come out around christmas, is boxing day release still a thing? ETA: I was interested in seeing what the Point Break remake looked like and well.. it doesn't look very good :P
  24. I would leave early but I'd say or email my boss "Thanks for the early mark! I'm getting out of here after lunch, see you next week!" and then turn off my phone :P
  25. Just in case you had nothing better to do today
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