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Everything posted by Kalliste

  1. Had a plan of going to work early today.. lay in bed essentially staring at the ceiling until I finally fell asleep at 5:30, needless to say when my alarm went off at 6:15 I wasn't overly pleased and decided I wasn't going to work at all. ZzZ zZz ZzZ
  2. I .. granted in the end I killed nearly everyone :P Have you started/finished episode 5 yet? There is a lot of criticism on how it ended. I didn't mind it though.
  3. I enjoyed this episode, if only for Chad not being able to comprehend that someone might lie in Truth or Dare!
  4. I know the feeling, I want to hide in bed under the covers but life is getting in the way.
  5. I think they're trying to go for that cute, super close Daddy Daughter relationship, Gilmore Girls style. Like he's a cool Dad or something. Also wanted to add that Emma Roberts was so much like SMG in the halloween/pumpkin patch mock up part of the episode that it creeps me out.
  6. I didn't particularly like the title sequence.. in fact I'd go as far as saying I didn't like it at all. If it were only 30 seconds long maybe but all that screaming was just meh. I sort of loved that the guy who had both arms sawn off survived and is now totally ok with having no arms. Sounds legit :P Chad's weird speech and the fact he has slept with pretty much everyone was stupid but enjoyable. I don't know why Grace wouldn't knock when going into her Dad's bedroom! Regardless of whether he normally has visitors or not. What was the Lost reference? The hatch? Or something different? I prefer what Grace wears over the other girls.. I can't imagine her wearing a fluffy weird coat thing like Chanel, her clothes are mostly terrible, although she did look good dressed as Jackie Kennedy!
  7. Yes, you're quite right about the animation to voice stuff.. it's pretty terrible, I just try not to think about it. I finished episode 3 yesterday so I'm planning on finishing 4 over the weekend, primed for 5 next week!
  8. Do magazines on my ipad count? I like getting soft copies of magazines but I wish you could bookmark the pages. All the things I subscribe to are cooking magazines so it' d be good to be able to find all those recipes later. Currently the collection is Taste Magazine, Super food Ideas and Recipes + I also like that electronic copies of magazines are much cheaper than physical!
  9. Good episode! I don't want the summer to end either! I was a bit sad that while we finally saw Wendy it wasn't a whole lot. I miss Wendy working at the Shack (I assume she isn't anymore). The Ford/Dipper stuff was great! I wish I had one of those magnet gun things, so cool!
  10. Kalliste

    Life is Strange

    I started playing Life is Strange yesterday and I'm pretty much hooked already. The game happens over 5 episodes (1 - 4 are available currently with 5 expected to be released in a week or so) about a girl called Max who finds she has the power to reverse time and has to save her town from tragedy. The neat thing about the game is that you have to make decisions and the things you decide change what happens in the game, having the ability to rewind and try again is interesting because you never know which answer is the right answer and I find myself second guessing myself a bit. On a laptop I find the controls a bit clunky but I'm sure if I actually plugged in a mouse it would be a whole lot easier. The visuals are great, the entire game is so beautiful and I also really enjoy the music too. Anyone else playing it? What do you think?
  11. I think I liked this two parter the most out of any episode we've seen in Capaldi's run. Mostly because Clara was a supporting character, even if the Doctor was willing to break time to make sure she lived. She was still only there in small doses. I also liked how the Fisher King looked, scary and creepy and I think they had a good mix of not showing him vs showing him. I think the guitar is odd, I'd like it explained a bit. Why is he playing the guitar now? Is it someone specials guitar? Can we have an episode about him getting the guitar? I'm also happy with Capaldi being a cool doctor.. every doctor (in nuwho anyway) thinks he's cool, why can't Twelve? And YES! When I first heard Clara would be back as a companion I was wondering how that could be, she was a dalek! And then she came back as a victorian woman and I thought that was great, no more 'modern' girls as the companion and then.. the IG stuff happened it that idea was gone. I'd really love to see the companion be from another time or planet.
  12. Another sort of not media find, maybe we need a merch thread. I was sent an email with Doctor Who Trivial Pursuit today who was the doctor that always carried a stick of celery? Amazon also educated me on all the other games there are for Doctor Who that I never knew existed. Has anyone played any?
  13. I feel the opposite to this. If I eat more than a few squares of dark chocolate my body can't handle it but I could happily eat a full block of milk chocolate and crave some more. The epilogue of Harry Potter was terrible. Harry being a lizard is a preferable outcome.. in fact let's just get that over with in the first book: "Did you say wizard?" "No, I said LIZard!" "Oh.. no thanks" the end.
  14. This is the first time I've delved into this thread and seen the original promos.. what's the deal with the bubblegum?
  15. I love the Matthew McConaughey impression. It was pretty spot on and the 'which library' scene was pretty neat. I think I liked this episode the most so far, probably because Chanel #1 wasn't so annoying! I thought it was kind of obvious to think that Grace was the bathtub baby and wondered why no one thought it earlier. Although the 'no birth certificate' reasoning is stupid.. how would she have gotten anywhere in life without one. The Chanel as the baby theory is an interesting one. Do we think she knows it is her or is unaware? And if it is her, who are her parents?
  16. It's better than the actual ending.
  17. Same. When it went back to the Ward storyline I just couldn't care less.. I wish he would just die already because I really am not interested in his character or the whole Hydra thing at all. I know Hydra is the villain but I prefer how the episodes were before they were aware of the Hydra take over.
  18. So, I've been wondering about the whole greek system thing in universities.. is it actually as big a deal as tv and movies make it out to be? Also are the houses really like that, especially in Scream Queens, Chanel's room is freaking massive! I assume they're usually somewhat smaller.
  19. Maybe it'll turn out that he's been there for 10 years and doesn't want to give up his glory days :P
  20. I thought 'Hurt' was used really well and I was glad it was the NIN version. I don't think the Johnny Cash version would have worked as well in that setting. I just wonder how long until Rick cracks without any booze in his system. The end was pretty awesome with Mr Poopy Butthole.. he better be wrong, 18 months is far too long to wait to see how Rick gets back to the family! I would have seen what other things the 'on a cob' planet had before getting off it. Strawberry on the cob sounds pretty neat. I guess Rick was right about weddings after all.
  21. Capaldi already wants to go? :( I feel like because of how bad last season was that we may never get a chance to see how awesome he could be. I'm hoping with the departure of Clara things may look up. Hopefully.
  22. I only just watched my first The Martian trailer just now because of your post KoB :P All anyone can talk about his The Martian but I know very little about it (well I am no 3mins more educated than I was). I wonder if it's worth reading the book first and then watching the movie. I hear the book readers are happy with it which is unusual.
  23. I didn't even realise season 7 was still a possibility. I don't think I could watch another season without wondering why I was torturing myself. I'd be happy for a movie (with all the characters, not just the current set) to finish everything but think it's time to give up on more seasons.. #sixseasonsandamovie
  24. I didn't mind this episode, Clara was bearable and the Doctor took some control back from her. Obviously he isn't dead and he worked out what the 'ghosts' are and hopefully next episode is about his side of the problem and not Clara's. Or at least a bit of both. Yeah, she was far too excited about the danger they were potentially in and that it could mean people had died.. I also which Donna could come back. She could redeem the Clara years. The Doctor has worn a hoodie/tshirt for at least all 3 episodes this season and some of them for last season too. I kind of like it, it makes more sense to wear comfortable clothes so you can run when in the face of danger than having a suit on with dress shoes.
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