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Everything posted by Kalliste

  1. It's over... I looked it up on imdb this morning and can you believe the first episode aired back in 2012... TWENTY TWELVE.. We've been waiting more than 3.5 years for this moment. I'm really glad I found it after the first season had already aired, I don't think I could wait that long for 2 seasons of tv without going crazy. I thought it was a good way to finish, last episodes are rarely ever good but they did a decent job here. Stan's bickering about Ford when they were trying to do the circle was so frustrating! But at least it all worked out in the end. I loved seeing all the characters again and will be sad that in 3 weeks (or months) time we won't be getting a new episode.
  2. A million times yes! It's so frustrating!! I hate when you get an email about something you're interested in and they're offering discounts or bonuses or samples or whatever but you need to like them on facebook or do something on facebook to be eligible, it's such a pain in the arse! Or people link you thinks and you need to be logged into facebook to see it and then they just think you're weird for not having it! Sorry I don't want to share every single thing about myself to a bunch of 'friends' that are actually people who I used hate at school but who recognise my name so friend requested me and obviously I said yes because the more friends the better! One thing that bugs me the most is restaurants who only have facebook and no other website who take photos of their menus and put them up on facebook that way! I don't want to trawl through a million photos to find a freaking menu! I'm still really annoyed about the contacts thing.. why is it ok for Facebook to take my information because someone else said it could. And just how much information does it take. If someone puts in my name, phone number, address, DOB and notes in their contacts does it have all that stored? I'm sad that the answer is probably a massive yes. I am also in the same boat with LinkedIn possibilities, I get requests because other people have my email address and LinkedIn just acts as though you already have it.. I don't want it! I'm glad someone else feels the same way as me :P
  3. I didn't either possibilities. I just needed a page for promotion reasons and it made me have a personal account. What I've gathered from the google machine is that because I gave Facebook my phone number, as it was required for the page set up, it then looked through its database of all the users contacts it's gleaned from their mobile apps and suggested people who have my phone number in their contacts. So remind me never to put the app on my phone because I think it's pretty shitty that they save peoples contacts. It sort of pisses me off that even before having Facebook it already knew who I was because of the info other people have saved about me. Hopefully, where the ex is concerned, it doesn't suggest me to him.
  4. An update from my Facebook saga... I got an email today telling me I should add friends and do I know any of the people it suggested and.. I know all (except 1) of the people suggested and I can't work out how it knows. It's kind of creeping me out. It knows my name, DOB and where I live. I haven't added anyone and the only person I looked up was the one mentioned above, who was about 4 jobs ago. I used an email address I haven't used on anything else and I don't have the app on my phone so it doesn't have my contacts but somehow it suggested people that I have worked with in my last 2 jobs and my ex boyfriend, who, as it turns out, wasn't lying a couple of years ago when he said he was having a kid - assuming the one in his profile image is his. How does it know!! Where did it get my info from guys? where? Maybe I should turn off notifications :P
  5. You're completely right Glory. It's concerning that school hasn't really changed even though technology has. I mean, sure they have tablets and laptops in class these days but the way they're learning and the subjects are much the same as they were 20 years ago. I really think the schooling system (high school mostly) needs a major overhaul to subjects that will actually help kids in life and not the usual junk we've had for the last forever.
  6. I have no idea who Michael Savage is, but do you mean this?
  7. I have done so Kob :P my personal FB has no friends or anything attached to it and all the privacy settings are pretty high. Also, my avatar is a unicorn, it's from Gravity Falls (that show you should all watch). I am also child free and don't know how kids learn online etiquette, I assume they aren't taught though. We had a family computer from when I was about 5 or 6 (around the late 80's/early 90's) I mostly used it for 16 colour dos games (Skate or Die forever!) and that was about it. From then on we always had a family computer (which was really just me and my Dad because my Mum never had much interest in computers) and I recall having the internet from about the age of 12. I think it was around 96 that we got dial up.. although my grandfather was the first one that introduced me to 'the internet' but back then it was just called MSN and it was bulletin boards and chat rooms. If I recall correctly they had a massive internet bill that month I stayed with them. So I started my internet life chatting in chat rooms, lying about my age because who wants to chat with a 12 year old. My parents knew I chatted online but probably not to what extent. As the years passed I started making websites (geocities memories!) and learning about hacking and things (not that I ever did it, my friends thought they were hardcore hackers at age 15 though) and downloading music and shitty quality mpgs and still.. no one taught us about the internet, everyone who didn't know anything about it was just scared about it. I got my first mobile phone when I was 17 or 18 (around 2000). My Mum and I had a 2 phone plan so I ended up with one of them because my Dad already had had them for years for work by that point. And I got my first smart phone in 2011, an iphone 4s from my work and when I had to give it back I couldn't live with my normal phone anymore and went and bought a smartphone of my own, an android phone though. And even though I had IT lessons at school and worked in IT my entire career no one really ever taught me how to 'do' the internet. You just work it out, maybe that's why we have so many idiot troll kids these days.
  8. I signed up for facebook yesterday because it's the only way I can make a page.. you MUST have a personal account. Anyway, obviously as I have a personal account I look up one of my old friends to see how life is for her and how she's going. As it turns out she's moved to a city I never imagined she would live and as it also turns out an old boss of ours lives there and they happen to see each other (I'm not sure if they work together or they're just friends. It's worse if it's the latter) and as soon as I saw a photo with her and this woman I shuddered a little on the inside. I hate this woman with a fiery passion and I hoped to never see her face again and here she was posing with someone I used to be good friends with. And this is why I never used facebook. I don't like the involuntary reminders of the past shoved in my face without warning.
  9. It's not that small. You just have to enlarge it World Nutella Day you say.. I don't have any nutella (not because of your reasons, because if I do I'll eat it out of the jar with a spoon until it's all gone) but I did just eat chocolate hot cross buns for breakfast. I'm going to say that counts.
  10. I know right! If there is no lava spewing out it's not an eruption!
  11. Wow Pixel.. $75k! I'm glad you didn't have to pay anywhere near that. You reminded me I was going to look into increasing my health insurance to include dental so I can do teeth things. Today this was the headline: Australian Volcano Erupts! And this was the footage: Misleading!! Scientists are no doubt laughing about how clever they are. Oh also, I'm not the biggest fan of bill Murray (sorry), I finding him highly annoying. Although I mostly just remember him from Ghostbusters... I'm sure there's other things I've seen him in.. maybe.
  12. Hah! Thank you for allowing multiple answers for the first one. I did fit in but I obviously had to choose that I didn't also :P I also didn't understand the second one and had to find out about Punxsutawney Phil. I'm still a bit confused.. there is a tradition of using ground hogs to predict how the season will turn out? Did this used to be a serious thing? You may want to keep in mind that I've never seen Groundhog Day :P Would watching it help me out somehow?
  13. Having loose skin is a concern for me too. I'm not sure I need to worry but there is always that fear in the back of your head. If you go ahead with it Pixel I hope it improves how you feel about yourself :) I'm hoping, if I ever get to my seemingly elusive weight loss goal (why do shakes and chips have to taste so good! I say, as I sit here with a Hot Chocolate) I won't need it. For me, I have a broken capillary on my left boob, I've had it for most if not all my adult life and it's maybe 7mm in diameter. Obviously it's not something a lot of people see (unless I'm wearing something particularly low cut) but it still annoys me. Funnily enough, partners who do see it either like it or have no issues. I considered getting it lasered at one point in time but not sure I ever will. There's also my teeth! As a teenager I had the dreaded braces and got them off when I was 16 but I never went ahead and got my wisdom teeth out (I wish I had when I was younger and my parents were fitting the bill) so now they've all squashed together again and one of the front ones is slightly twisted in a way I hate to the point where I rarely smile with teeth in photos or don't take photos of myself at all. I'm considered invisalign but, of the teeth adjusting methods it is the most expensive (as well as needing to have my wisdoms out as well which kind of terrifies me - what is everyone else's experience?) but the least noticeable. I just don't know if I can justify the cash while still paying off my mortgage.
  14. There was an episode where he had to call everyone by their real names because he lost a bet. I can't remember if it was the golf or the poker. This makes me want to watch it again. I do love Sawyer.
  15. We have had a very stormy week here which is fairly unusual for January.. The forecast is nothing but rain. Anyway, it just went from no rain to a massive downpour in about 5mins. Whenever we get mass rain, I always think about this stupid ad from the 90's for corn. "Marge the rains are ere!" - apparently there is a lot of debate over whether he says here or out. What do you guys think? I obviously think he says here. Cast and filmed in Broken Hill (aka the middle of nowhere) and apparently was shot in 1995! I guess I am occasionally effected by advertising :P not that I buy the corn.. or anything of that brand actually.
  16. I won't miss the way he yelled "Jessica!" it was so grating on me. I loved pretty much everything else as Tennant though. I also really enjoyed this villain. Yes, he wasn't like DD's Fisk who had grand plans of 'improving' his city and used his hulk and anger issues to get what he wanted, but then Kilgrave didn't need or want that. I think he was all the more scary because he could easily have been someone you know. Especially when he bought Jessica's old house and because he was so obsessive and thought she'd enjoy him giving her the past back. I can imagine there are people in the world who do these types of things and terrorize people every day.. he just had the added 'bonus' of being able to mind control people that didn't do what he wanted, or weren't useful to him anymore. My understand is this was what Agents of Shield was meant to be, the stories of the people who weren't massive super heroes... and then it wasn't really. Maybe in the first season but then all the Hydra stuff happened and ruined it. Overall I really enjoyed JJ and think Tennant is one of the scariest villains I've ever seen.. mostly because he didn't need to raise his voice, or (directly) use violence to get what he wanted. In fact, he never needed to use violence but just chose to, it was very upsetting to see him casually tell people to kill themselves because they were no longer of any use to him. He could easily have let them just walk away. I don't know how I feel about the ending specifically, my first thoughts were "that was very Smallville" - for anyone that hasn't watched the show, every season there is the big bad who is seemingly impossible to beat and then suddenly, in the last few minutes they miraculously do defeat them - after reading the comments here though I can see how this was a good ending for Kilgrave, he let his power and ego get in the way of the truth and paid for it. Also, did anyone else find Jessica's smile for him really creepy? Maybe we've just never seen her smile in the show before. I think one of my favourite scenes in the show was the 1000's cuts with Kilgrave, Hogarth and Wendy. I liked the discussion with Kilgrave and Wendy first and how he seemed to relate to her and then gave her the literal version of her revenge. Those cuts were so hard to watch!
  17. Mmm I wish I knew that earlier.. I feel like if I ate a food on it's 'day' every day I'd be so fat right now. But I'd probably be pretty happy
  18. Yeah, I see lots of not happy campers about the movie so I'll probably give it a pass. I downloaded the first 3 books onto my kindle yesterday so I might give them a go. The funny thing is I used to work in a children's book store and saw the books all the time but never got around to reading them. I kind of like things that are marketed at kids but also have undertones that entertain adults too so hopefully I enjoy them.
  19. I've never read the books, or seen the movie and know next to nothing about it but that trailer makes me want to know everything!
  20. Happy Australia Day all. Now go eat some lamb, or something: For some reason Lamb on Australia Day is a thing now.. I don't eat it at all though :P Some people got quite upset about the vegan part. Take a joke vegans! Now time to go off and be racist and disguise it as patriotism*, because THAT is what Australia Day is really all about in recent years. *I'm actually just sitting at home enjoying a public holiday.
  21. Oh right, the Olympics.. I forgot of their existence :P
  22. The specials were more about Tennant's schedule than Davies leaving though. It's still better than waiting 12 months to find out whether 12 will still be around and what's going on with the companion.
  23. What the hell.. we don't get a season this year because Moffat is leaving? We still had a season when RTD and Tennant left..
  24. Yeah. I'm surprised actually. He is actually the sort that would have slowly taken little bits of money out and hoped I didn't notice. It is a bit hard to track payments on paypal for things that are so old but from what I could see it didn't appear as though any money had been put into the account from my bank. Potentially it needed confirmation or something before being able to although he could have updated the phone number and removed my email address altogether. So lucky me that he didn't think about it or wasn't smart enough to work out how to do it. He stole enough from me over the years as it was.
  25. So I tried to buy something online today and was having issues so figured I might try sign up for paypal and do it that way. It informed me I already had an account so I did the password reset thing and was able to login to a super old account and find out that my exboyfriend had continued to use it for 12 months after we broke up and it had my bank account details and potentially a credit card (until it expired) on there. I don't think he took any money out of my account but it's a bit annoying that he wouldn't update it to his own information. Anyway, too bad I guess. I deleted the account and created a new one just in case.
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