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Everything posted by Kalliste

  1. So it begins.. it is going to be 34°C/93°F today and 36/96 tomorrow :'( At least I have the aircon at work to keep me company
  2. I saw this yesterday and I'm definitely trying one! mmm double choc. I didn't actually realise that Chicken Tonight was a thing elsewhere until I looked up the ad yesterday. I remember at school we used to always make fun of that "can we have Chicken Tonight, Tomorrow" line. I feel sorry for that kid :P
  3. Does it count if it's a restaurant. I received a flyer/menu and decided to visit a place because of it. I'm not sure if that is considered traditional advertising but I guess it could be? https://store.google.com/product/nexus_5xmakes me want the new nexus but... I wanted it before I saw that :P I have to admit I've never bought Kantong but the jingle always makes me want to :P And then there is the Chicken Tonight ads.. I know back in the day my parents probably bought this because of the ad. Blargh, all those dinners of Chicken Cacciatore Chicken Tonight
  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought this was pretty boring. I'll admit I kept falling asleep and probably missed about a third of it though. So, the ending just doesn't make sense/is open ended and it wasn't just because I missed parts that I didn't understand it?
  5. I noticed it this episode and wondered thought maybe Chanel was listening in, but then it wasn't mentioned. If it's been happening every episode though maybe we'll find something out eventually. I thought the same thing about the shower :P "Oh man, that water must be freezing!" but liked how it all ended up. I wondered with the GPA thing if Gigi just made it up. It sounded like a lie. I thought it was an obvious hint that Grace and Pete were the babies when they went to get the painting but with how the episode ended, maybe not. And I wondered whether Gigi was the 3rd attacker at the Dean's place because they had such dainty little hands.
  6. In relation to my workplace, I work for a government department in the Australian Public Service. The hiring is a bit weird and there is a lot of secondment to other positions, especially this year as there was a hiring freeze in place for the majority of it (which has been lifted about 2 months ago) so for this person in particular his boss got promoted and he was seconded to his bosses role. I'm not sure why it wasn't a permanent role, perhaps they were unsure if he could do it or not. I was hired as a non-ongoing employee to help him out because they were unable to hire permanently and needed someone with more experience than he had. In my interview he was described as 'green' for a management position. So we were all told we'd get permanent positions once the freeze had been lifted but then my department was consolidated with another one and an outsourced provider took over our role so there were no permanent positions for any of us. I took the initiative to try and get a new role (which I did) and my contract was extended for 6 months while they went through advertising the permanent positions (which I will hopefully get) meanwhile he sat around and did not a lot of anything and expected someone would just give him a position, now his higher duties are coming to an end (I'm not really sure he will go back to, given the original one no longer exists) and he has had to start looking for a role at the level he wants to be on. The plus side of working in a government department here is that you are paid for pretty much everything you do and the rates are very good. If you're seconded to a role that is meant at a higher level than you're employed at, you get paid at that higher level for the time you're doing the job. I guess my viewpoint of the situation is tainted because this guy has been a major pain in my arse since I started. We were both meant to be doing the same role (but for different teams) but he just has no idea what he's doing and won't take any feedback on board. Fortunately, I've moved to a new role where I don't have to see him every day :P FT and sacrebleu, I can understand what you're saying but fortunately it's not really true of the public service here. We get 20 paid leave days a year and 18 paid sick days (it's crazy!) as well as flexible working hours (I can work Monday to Friday and start anywhere from 7am to 10am as long as I do the required hours a day) as well as penalty rates for everything outside of the norm and you're paid fairly for the job you do. I was doing basically the same job at my previous workplace and this job was a 20% pay increase for me. The situation is not nearly the same in the private sector though. ETA: that was a lot longer than I intended :P TL:DR - the guy is a douche and maybe that reflects my opinion of him and I'm paid fairly for the work I do :P
  7. lol sorry to burst the bubble.. I do like 'Thats what she SSID' too :) And YAY for puppies! I want one so much, damn you vet ranch and your adorable videos! But I doubt I'd be able to responsibly look after it. Segueing to children so.. a guy at work is on 'higher duties' which means (I'm not sure if this is a universal term) he's working in a role higher than he's employed so he gets paid at the higher rate. Anyway that is about to run out and I'm not sure he's getting it renewed at that rate. Someone at work mentioned how they feel sorry for him because he has a baby coming in January... the guys normal rate is around $65k so it's not like he's going to starve or anything. So my question is, is it bad that I have no sympathy for him and feel like it's his own fault for not trying to get a permanent role at the higher rate and that it was his own choice to get married, buy a house and get pregnant (well his wife) all in the same year? I just feel like he should have seen it coming and has no one to blame but himself.
  8. Some people have great wifi names, a few of my favourite are "I'm pretty fly for a wifi" and "Tell my wifi love her". At the last place I lived we had one in the area called "ASIO Listening Post" - ASIO being the "Australian Security Intelligence Organisation"
  9. Possibilites, it's like you're me :D I hate the gift tug o war that happens. I'm actually going out tonight for my Mum's birthday and I always feel like I'm expected to spend a certain amount on her and the gift HAS to be wrapped and there MUST be a card but ideally I wish she wouldn't get me anything and I wouldn't get her anything and it would be fine. The awkwardness is painful sometimes, the first christmas I spent with my boyfriends parents he said we didn't need to get anything but I bought something small anyway and I'm so glad I did because they bought us so. much. stuff. I was so uncomfortable with it all and wish they also wouldn't buy me anything. The job was a different department KoB, I did recently move into a new role but mostly because my old team no longer exists. I'm on a contract until June so trying to get something permanent. Fortunately, the current role I'm in is looking for people so I'm applying for it but, while the money is roughly the same, the job itself and the location are no where near as good. That's life I suppose. I also have no idea what Farmers Almanac is :P
  10. Didn't get a job I was hoping to get, got the news today :( it's in a good location, good pay and something I like doing. Pretty unhappy about it :(
  11. I like this storyline but I think season 1 was much better. It was more fun learning about the smaller mysteries of Gravity Falls rather than crazy Bill being crazy. It might also be that this season has been drawn out sooooo long. I've never seen a season of a show that has gone for more than 12 months and it's pretty frustrating. It should have been finished 6+ months ago. I guess that is Disney for you.
  12. I've considered getting a black christmas tree and covering it in silver decorations but mostly because I think it'd look cool :P My boyfriend and I generally only exchange gifts on birthdays. For christmas we might get each other something small, mostly chocolate or booze but his family goes overboard (last night we were talking about painting our house and the amount of money they spend on stuff for us for christmas they could instead pay to do that) with gifts so generally not. Valentines Day is like a joke to us, the first year together I said I didn't want anything, repeatedly. I didn't get him anything and then he bought me flowers and I felt like a jerk. The second year I knew he'd get me something so I also got him something.. in fact we both got each other the same thing but different colours ('chocolate bouquet of flowers') and then last year I got him something and he didn't get me anything because I told him I didn't have anything for him... and now, in my mind, we're even :P Until next year when he gets me something I don't get him anything and the cycle continues. Interesting party KoB... given the prizes does that mean there was a genital theme in general or it was just coincidence that the guy that dressed up as penis and balls got a dildo?
  13. It seems like seasonal decoration is more of an American (and maybe Canadian?) thing. I was thinking about it yesterday (while in the shower of all places) and in my limited experience it does seem as though I mostly have American friends that do it. I don't think I know anyone in Australia who gets out their 'autumn' decorations. Christmas seems to really be the only thing that is done in a big way here. Pixel, since I moved out of home I've never had a christmas tree. My Mum goes crazy for Christmas (she used to make me go put up the tree with her every year but has finally stopped asking) but I really have no interest in it. Mostly I just do stuff to make others happy at that time of year. Now I'm wondering if you all think I'm this massive grinch (I probably) am "Pfft halloween, I'm locking my gates!" "Argh, christmas is such a consumerism holiday... I'm not religious I'm not celebrating!" "Don't buy me any presents, I'll buy whatever I need myself!" and etc. :P
  14. This was a bit 'meh'.. especially the sandwich thing "obviously it wasn't Munsch because she just told us about this allergy she has.. obviously she always tells the truth!" So, what was the deal with the woman painting in the asylum? Paints all of what?
  15. I'd be interested in knowing why people re-decorate by the season? I don't know many people out here who do that. I barely have any decorations at all, let alone enough stuff to change by the season or holiday.
  16. So... Geronimo Springs is just a coincidence then? I quite liked this episode, I joked about Clara being a Zygon all along and that's why she's better this season... I didn't actually realise that she had been made into one :D It would be a good way to say goodbye to Clara I think, less hype and drama than the previous companions but I assume it won't happen. I also liked Clara's look in this episode, she looked great in the red lipstick and her hair back. Good work Zygon Clara :) Although the characters were a bit dumbed down this episode I did like the 3 sections of the story and I much more enjoy the Doctor when he's off on his own adventure and Clara is just doing whatever.. but perhaps that means he places too much trust in her opinion. All in all, I liked the episode and I hope Osgood makes it out alive and that she becomes a companion at some point in time.
  17. I went with Never... in my experience with reboots, they are pretty disappointing. I will say though, that the Heroes one hasn't been so bad yet. Also, KoB "why didn't you put Arrested Development on there!" :P So, I've been binge watching this youtube channel VetRanch that mostly revolves around Dr Matt who takes in animals that are abandoned or going to be euthanised and tries to fix them up so they can be adopted. And I thought "Oh man.. Dr Matt is just the sweetest guy!" And then he mentioned his other channel in a video and I decided to check that out: And then I thought "Oh damn, Dr Matt is a badass!" and I'm enjoying my new found channels, one makes me feel so sad and get big "I want a puppy!" eyes and the other gets the adrenaline going! Alas, I probably won't get a puppy as I don't have the time to look after one but still, maybe one day.
  18. I think it was just fondant icing so it was just sweet and alas the cake a bit dry. It was quite cute though. And it wasn't my farewell, jerk :P The boyfriend is learning the error of his ways this morning, apparently his work friends all decided instead of being responsible human beings they'd spend all (Thursday) night drinking long island ice teas, because you know, free! I'll be interested in knowing how many of them actually make it to work today. He isn't doing so well but there's no way I'm letting him stay home because... you don't stay home on a hangover! You toughen up and go to work because you made that stupid decision the night before.
  19. Wow KoB, there literally is an excuse to have chocolate every day :D Yessss.... Today at work we had a farewell/afternoon tea and my boss who apparently likes making cakes, brought in this cuteness: The cake itself was only average but it looked pretty great. ETA: The boyfriend had a fairly big weekend which ended at 4AM on Monday morning with shots of Scotch.. It was at approximately 11am on Monday that he proclaimed he wasn't going to drink so much because of how it makes him feel (this was the second time this month he had made such a statement) and just now I received a message from him that, although this morning he said he wasn't going to drink much while at work drinks tonight, he has had 5 long island ice teas. I may set my alarm for extra loud in the morning.
  20. Thanks for the link Allie56! I can't imagine wearing any of the crazy stuff they wear but it's interesting to know you can. I liked Chanel #3's PJ's although probably not paired with heels :P
  21. Lol well I did give my options after.. I just don't do halloween. But if the quiz was "which of these candy's would you stuff your face with" the answer would have been different :)
  22. I liked this one a lot but it reminds me that we're nearly coming to the end. How will we live without our Pines twins! I loved that we got to see a lot more Wendy finally and hopefully Soos will get more time in the next episode. And like AimingforYoko said, where the hell is Stan? I can't imagine he's just hiding somewhere hoping for it to pass over when he knows Dipper and Mabel are out in it all.
  23. This may shock you KoB but my answer to your quiz is 'none of the above' sorry to be a party pooper :P If given the choice of which candy I'd hand to myself, I'd choose Kit Kats, M&Ms, Starburst, Jolly Ranchers and PixyStix - the latter 2, because you can't buy them here anymore :'(
  24. So my neighbour has a hedge near our shared fence that he maintains. It was about 1 metre taller than the fence so that's been for us. He mentioned how it was getting too tall for him to cut the top so was getting someone in to cut it back for him. It is now approx 20cm taller than the fence and for the first time I can see the neighbours yard... I miss the old hedge already
  25. It depends on where you work and how much your boss trusts you KoB :P I just sms my boss and say I'm not coming in. I used to have a work phone so I'd email my boss and let him know then let him know of any work that needs to be done that day. Sometimes they'll call you back and ask for a med cert or something but i haven't had that happen in years. Pretty sure you need to get that shot every year. I rely on everyone else getting them to protect me :P
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