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Everything posted by Kalliste

  1. I'm mostly wondering how old Chad is. He looks a lot older than what I'd expect.. I'm guessing he should be around 22?
  2. Technically, it's just sitting if you have your hands behind you and your feet on the ground :P
  3. I guess you haven't seen The Inbetweeners then :P Grace feels like a poorly mans Veronica Mars to me. She's the cute blonde with a lot of suspicion but not a huge amount more. I'm assuming that as well. This show is sort of insane, I'm wondering what is going to happen when we all know who the Red Devil is. I can't work out how it can have a second season. Or a decent one at least.
  4. She reminds me a lot of Sarah Michelle Gellar too.. from Buffy and well, I really can't stand SMG as Buffy so I'm not sure if this works for me.
  5. What would happen if you didn't have your own whistle? What if you forget your whistle?? Best of luck teaching those kids PE :P
  6. Nearly finished my re-watch and Season 7 Fez was made into this massive perv loser. I don't remember that happening, maybe I just rarely ever make it that far through a rewatch because it goes downhill after Donna dyes her hair. He seems to only be redeemed once Jackie starts to like him, suddenly he's this charming sweet guy again and not the guy that hides out in Donna's closet. I still think Jackie and Hyde were the best couple on the show. He made her less conceited (slightly) and she made him less paranoid about everything and more happy about life in general. I think there is also a lot of Randy hate but I actually don't mind him this time around. Dare I say I like him better than Eric and feel like he's a better match for Donna, mostly because he doesn't feel like he's second best to her and they come across more as equals than Donna and Eric ever did.
  7. I'm a hard sell on a Kindle too. I prefer physical books over an ereader but I am thinking of getting the new Paperwhite. If I end up doing it I'll let you know if I still hate it :P
  8. Sorry! :P Although I'm going to say that it wasn't an Australian thing so I'm off the hook.. (quickly checks Wiki... yes, looks like it was an American/Canadian thing) plus I was only 7 when it was released :P I also think the 'doing the right thing that goes bad' has been overdone too, A few times with Morty and once with Summer.. hopefully we get a new theme next week.
  9. I really enjoyed it.. Rick killing those people with his jet shoes was the gross out moment for me. I thought it was a bit predictable with the girl stealing the ship. It was obviously going to turn out poorly for them. And the song.. whaat, am I missing something? If AdultSwim hadn't tweeted it I would have assumed it was a made up thing. Here is the full version, linked from AdultSwim: This guy is probably like "woah my views just spiked on that video!" And to end, "get a job Jerry!"
  10. Maybe he had a regeneration energy hangover. On the conversation of Capaldi doing young badly and Smith doing old well, I don't think it's about the actors themselves and rather the material they are given. I mean, how was Capaldi meant to make the stupid tank look good? I like his clothing which would, technically, be considered young. I think they can do good things with Capaldi but making him play guitar on a tank and wear 'sonic sunglasses' isn't that.
  11. Does that work the same way for Pumpkin Spice? What even is Pumpkin Spice? This time of year annoys me on the internet because everywhere you look there are either people going crazy about halloween or pumpkin.
  12. Lol KoB, sorry :P my input to the conversation was I'll watch none :D I can't remember I went to see a movie somewhere that wasn't on my couch. And even then I can't remember the last movie I saw... actually I think it was Clueless on my laptop :P Now you see why I don't talk movies Halloween is starting to grow here as a 'thing' when 5 years ago no one even cared about it. I feel like it's more a marketing con by shops to get more sales. I have no interest in halloween or giving candy to kids, last year we may have put a lock on our gate to avoid any potential visitors. I've never really understood the obsession with Halloween in the US. Why do people like it so much? That sounds interesting! I might have a look into it, I seem to struggle with non fiction though. I recently finished The Magic of Reality by Richard Dawkins which I think is targeted at early teens and above and it took me more than a month to read (even though the text was fairly big and only took up half the page) where I just started Artichoke's Heart (which is also targeted at teenagers, yes my main genre to read is YA - but not supernatural YA.. thanks for ruining a genre Stephanie Meyer) by Susanne Supplee and in 2 days I've read half of it. Artichoke's Heart is about a 15yr old girl who is an overweight girl in what appears to be a really mean school. At her age I weighed the same as she did (190lbs) and I was never teased about my weight, in fact I don't think I ever have been (except by a jerk ex boyfriend, but you know.. jerk) .. They all tease her for being fat, her Mum (who is diagnosed with Cancer in the book) and her aunt also hassle her constantly about losing weight, they even bought her a treadmill for Christmas (thanks Santa!). It also deals with her binge eating. Overall I'm enjoying it but just find it really odd that this girl is harrassed so much just for being overweight.
  13. After the episode the first thing I said was "if he doesn't have his screwdriver back next episode I'm going to be pissed" I also wondered whether those sunglasses would become 12's 'thing' as all current era doctors seem to need. I think I've liked Missy more this season than in the entirety of last season. I like how she treated Clara (especially throwing her down a hole) and didn't just assume she was so smart and would know everything. I also liked her trying to convince the Doctor that Dalek Clara had killed Clara.. it was obvious that it wasn't a real dalek though. I really would have liked a few episodes that were the Doctor and Missy though. Oh well.
  14. I saw part of the trailer for that in a vsauce video but he didn't show the entire thing.. that wasn't the role I was expecting her in :D I might give it a chance when it comes out. If only for Rob Lowe :D
  15. It appears that way :) I didn't know it had a name, I'm not sure we were ever taught that growing up... or maybe I just slept through it, I did that for a lot of science classes :P I didn't even know about places going by the astronomical dates until the internet. I remember knowing about them (they're on a calendar after all) but didn't realise their relevance to seasons.
  16. I just wish you could buy it on dvd/bluray.
  17. our seasons are by month: First day of Spring - 1st Sept First day of Summer - 1st Dec First day of Autumn - 1 Mar Firsday of Winter - 1 June
  18. We're 1 month into spring and apparently it snowed in some areas yesterday... we had this little tiny glimpse of warmer weather and then it got cold again :'(
  19. So, is this the reason Wendy isn't around anymore? I miss seeing her. Someone mentioned in last episodes thread that Grenda has been around a lot and so we're getting another episode with her. I personally like Candy better so was happy to have her along for the ride.
  20. Well, both are gross.. I'm glad you don't see much of the skin tearing from Robbie although there is all that muscle flinging.
  21. I only just noticed this somehow! I was just about to link it and the news is a month old.. anyway YAY
  22. Another interdimensional tv episode yeaah. Granted, I don't think it was as good as the first one and the Personal Space Show was just gross. Plus the other plot in this episode was meh in comparison to "Summer doesn't exist in all the other worlds" of the previous one. As someone that doesn't expect much of a storyline out of Rick and Morty it didn't bother me, it had a bunch of jokes and I liked it :) Would love to see what penis options Beth was deciding over for Jerry.
  23. Details.. we all know Moffat doesn't care about those so it's possible :D Preferably Donna or River, Rose can stay where she is for all I care :D
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