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Wax Lion

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Everything posted by Wax Lion

  1. I wasn't thinking of them playing a long game, either, when I brought up single payer. I thought that might be an unintended consequence like when Scalia(? Alito?)'s objection to Lawrence vs Texas ended up being president in Perry vs. Schwarzenegger.
  2. I remember Homefront. I loved the pilot when ABC re-aired it, saying that you should check out this critically-acclaimed show... but then the next episode they aired was much later, so just as the pilot was drawing me in, getting me to want to find out what happens next... I got thrown into a jarring timejump. It would have been a great show today now that you can catch up on a show online. I hope this isn't too tangential, but flashing back to great and short-lived shows like this sometimes has me playing "What if?" in my head. I mean, how would things have gone differently for Heath Ledger if Roar lasted several seasons? Who could play Cersei Lannister if Terminator:TSCS were still going?
  3. Especially since the judgement flat-out said that it doesn't matter that the objected methods of birth control aren't abortion, the plaintiff believes they're abortion and to bring up science would hurt their feefees too much. On interesting thing is that apparently the decision says that it would be okay if the government just started paying for everyone's contraception... are they opening the door to a single payer system? I mean, if you're going to start there why not start making the government the main provider for other services?
  4. New intro! I like it. The use of red looks contemporary, unlike the heavy use of red in pretty much all of Fox's design.
  5. One triangle that worked for a little while was on Awkward. There was a believable transition from Jenna seeing Matty as some hot guy she was perusing because she couldn't have him, to realizing she connected with his best friend intellectually. Once Jenna broke up with Matty, he realized he needed to bring more to the relationship and worked to be a better/more interesting person. Overall, the show did a good job being about teens who weren't done growing up and the love triangle worked because it relied on the characters growing as people to advance. One couple that didn't work as a couple was Jess and Nick on New Girl. They were funny as friends. As a couple, the writers didn't want to give up Nick's personal dysfunctions. He dragged her down, she became more irresponsible around him. That could have been interesting if they were trying to depict a relationship where two people were good as friends but terrible as a couple, but the writers seemed to think they were funnier together.
  6. I'm guessing the Possum Drop is like the various "drop" of things on New Year's Eve (a crystal ball in NYC, a drag queen in a shoe in Key West) but in this case its a possum in a cage? I er... I, uh... don't see why they can't substitute it for some other object.
  7. I'm keeping my fingers crossed he sleeps naked surrounded by electronic gadgets. Thanks for embedding that Enjoli commercial. I remember those ads from when I was a kid but have been trying to remember the product for years.
  8. Part of the problem is that television is a collaborative medium, so just because a show does a good job with a female character, there's still the danger of another writer messing that up. I think there are plenty of writers who can do justice for a character who doesn't want to have children but it just takes one writer who can't understand the idea of a woman who is just in some kind of denial when she claims not to want children to undo that. Sometimes, I think there's something about how CBS manages shows that makes their shows especially vulnerable to this. The Big Bang Theory that gets things right, with its female characters, with the way it treats nerd or people with disabilities... and then there are episodes that are completely regressive on some or all of these issues.
  9. It's a skin condition that can sometimes affect the scalp, so if you do have it, you might end up having to explain why your scalp is so red and irritated to your stylist.
  10. Why it matters that "Tyrant" didn't cast a Middle Eastern actor in the lead role. I watched it, it's pretty bad but I think it might be a sign of progress that we're now able to identify all these problems. Maybe now that so many critics are articulating the same complaints, the networks will consider these issues. Yeah, I know that's a vain hope.
  11. One thing I initially liked about Robin was that she was feminine but she had bro-y interests, like hanging out with the guys while smoking cigars or at strip clubs. There could have been an interesting story when it turned out that she was cool with her friend Barney going to strip clubs but not so much with her boyfriend Barney going to strip clubs. Unfortunately, they turned it into a story about the cool pal turning into a nagging, unreasonable girlfriend.
  12. Jokes like that always make me think of comedian John Fugelsang's objection, 'Stop comparing Dick Cheney to Darth Vader! It's not a fair comparison! Darth Vader is a war veteran!' The thing that frustrates me about the IRS "scandal" is that the media got it right for a moment but then when it came time to report on it again, they went back to repeating Republican's shouting. It's a real case of a lie traveling around the world before the truth can get its pants on. It's sad when Jon falls for that, too.
  13. Sheesh, those clips of the Alexandra Pelosi documentary had me crying. To see that woman have so much hope now that she's arrived in the US while we know what's awaiting her.
  14. That was one of the storylines that Showtime squashed, one of many aspects of Fuller's terrible relationship with Showtime. Apparently, a Showtime exec pushed for Rebecca Gayheart's exit, not finding her pretty enough and telling Fuller he couldn't possibly see that Gayheart is attractive because he's gay. According to my memory of that Fuller interview, they also forced the show to do two clip shows in a season to save money. That was seriously a great show that was destroyed by network interference.
  15. There probably is a bit of a tug of war between phrama lobbyists and the supplement industry, but I'd suspect they've called a truce if they can just get the FDA to stop doing its job. Actually, it seems like every agency out there is massively understaffed (the effect of decades of not giving these agencies enough money to properly staff up) I wonder how much it would stimulate the economy if we just gave these agencies enough money to staff up to proper levels for regular inspections. Yep, and nowadays they're good at finding people who can adapt to the tone of the community well enough that they don't sound like some robot suddenly dropped onto the site. Heck, just look at that report on Fox News and how they had armies that would troll various sites.
  16. You're on HBO and decide to pander to the audience but you don't get Joe Manganeillo to show up and take off his shirt. It's been a few years since I watched Dr Oz but part of what drove me crazy about the show is that it suffers from the kind of ADD that seems to be a rule in talk shows. Depth? No, we've got to fit three more topics before the commercial break. That gets really dangerous when you're dealing with medicine. There aren't five new groundbreaking studies released every day, so you have to fill your show with something. Sometimes, too, he takes stuff that's not so exotic and presents it with a whole lotta woo. That said, even tho he gets mocked for talking about poop and using water slides as vagina symbols I think those segments are very useful for bringing up medical issues people are usually embarrassed to face. I always sigh a little when those segments are mocked because... well, that's why we're afraid to talk about them. Maybe this could finally get some movement for regulation of supplements.
  17. I actually think her movie roles look a lot more likable than Chris Farely's roles (I've only seen Bridesmaids, so I'm judging on TV ads for those movies). On the other hand, there's a strong contrast between her TV and movie roles. On TV, she's typically cast playing the super sweet best pal. I have no idea what that says.
  18. Anyone remember the Margaret Cho joke about the incontrollable rage she felt upon seeing a racist bumper sticker? That's how I felt during the report about James Cheney. I was just screaming at the TV, "What the fuck is wrong with people?" Jeering and throwing stuff at mourners? Vandalizing a grave for decades? I recall an interview with one of the stars of Mississippi Burning where they talked about working under a code name and cover stories. For fear for their safety, they would tell people they were doing a teen sex comedy about college kids on spring break and all the equipment that was marked bore the name of a different movie.
  19. There's a series of ads I've only seen online. Its for SPAM and its got a woman singing in a voice that sounds like a child bully mimicking their victim "SPAM can..." naming various SPAM recipes. What really bugs me is one ad that mentions "Hawaiian musubi" that puts the emphasis on the wrong syllable. First, that hits my pet peeve where people call things from Hawaii but are not from Native Hawaiian culture "Hawaiian". But Hawaii is one of SPAM's biggest markets, can't they bother to learn how to properly pronounce a basic SPAM dish?
  20. Whenever I see the ad with the princess/sheriff daughter, I wonder if they don't show his spouse to leave it up to the viewer's interpretation what his background is, if his spouse is a wife or a husband or if he's a single dad. I don't like Swifters but I did like that one of their ads had a couple where the wife was terrible at cleaning. I wish there was at least one more ad where a guy was the one good at cleaning.
  21. From what I've heard from various media reports (not that I've looked for them) you both have to have installed. It sounds like you don't need to have it on for your friend to "Yo" you. I think it's supposed to just mean "John is signaling me for something." I was pretty amused by the ISIS guy talking about freedom and sounding like a Tea Partier.
  22. Actually, I was surprised to visit Wikipedia and find out that BSG only lasted four seasons. (Though with 75 episodes it lasted almost as long as Eureka -- 77 episodes -- with one fewer season.) Overall, I can't think of the last time a scripted series got to season six on Syfy/Sci-Fi. If a show makes it to the third season, I start expecting the end to come soon. Anyway, I came to say, "There are butts on Syfy now!"
  23. I don't love Lockdown but it's pretty watchable. I usually have to run to turn off the TV if its on because once I catch 30 seconds, Ive lost several hours.
  24. I've got a better one. There was a barbecue joint that had as its logo a pig serving a tray of ribs, as if saying "I hope you enjoy them, I took care of my children so they'd be delicious!"
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