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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. I think Kathryn just wants her old life as a glamorous local "bar star" back, only with a ring from TRav on her finger so that she can be guaranteed a sweet divorce settlement and an even sweeter pad in downtown Charleston when she's done divorcing him immediately after yet another pointless drunken argument over how he doesn't respect her all-around awesomeness or the fact that she's the MOTHER of his CHILD. Just a hunch. Landon just wants...a purpose. And maybe a speech therapist.
  2. I seriously don't get the attraction with Kathryn---TRav was really feeling that fur coat and dress on her. Maybe he was just extra horny that night and got nostalgic thinking about old drunk bj's and sexy times with her in a fur? And then she went off on yet another one of her special crazylady public rants and his renob for her immediately died. Actually, it'd be kinda funny if it weren't so profoundly sad, this crazy Lindsey Lohan-esque strumpet in a big Cruella DeVille-esque fur, screeching and running after an obviously embarrassed TRav. And here I thought she couldn't have come across as more bunny-boilingly psycho than when she was chopping vegetables and giving that horrified Domestic Goddess coach her "I won't be IGNORED!"/Fatal Attraction scene reenactment. Yeah, Kathryn, way to make sure your daughter's reputation won't be embarrassed on national television.
  3. Wow...this episode ended just so abruptly. No word on Kathryn and Thomas, no follow-ups on anyone else, just Craig randomly high-tailing it out of town for good, and that's it. I'm glad they're doing a Reunion and all, but damn, was that ever a downer all around... I hope this doesn't mean it's definitely the end for this show, but I dunno how it'll continue with possibly two or three of its main/most infamous original cast members potentially gone for good. (Craig, Kathryn and Thomas) It would be nice to see Thomas get back to his originally happy/horny self and be shown rebuilding his life, maybe romantically and professionally, ditto Kathryn. Maybe if Craig is gone then JD or Cooper or even Jennifer could jump into the regular cast, although I've been rooting for Patricia to become an official cast member from the get-go. Better yet, get Whitney's fameho German "girlfriend" to move in and join the cast since she's such a reality TV veteran!
  4. Oh no, you know girlfriend had to get her raging drunk on before she left---homegirl obviously hasn't ever met an open bar she didn't like!! And that's the saddest thing about Katherine; she seriously should've waited years upon years before she dared get pregnant and have a child because she's still so immature that she obviously still prefers partying to parenting. But no, her entrapment plan to be the next Mrs. Ravenel just didn't work out the way she wanted, so here she is miersably attached to yet another immature brat 20+ years her senior and with a felony on his record to boot. It's just so sad and awkward to see these two drunks even trying to film their lousy attempt at a functional adult relationship. I can't help but feel bad for poor stupid T-Rav even getting sucked into her "physicality" enough to have had a kid with her, because that bitch is obviously a crazy hot mess. And she *always* starts drama everywhere she goes, so I was cringing for Thomas when he was just trying to get through his party with some dignity and without her going apeshit as usual in the middle of the place. I did silently root a bit for Landon when she correctly pointed out to Kathryn, "It's not always about you." And of course, Kiki just had to show off her classy antics yet again in response to such logic. Kathryn is just poor stupid trash. How can anyone hang with this broad? She seems to be a giant black hole of self-centered need who sucks the joy out of every gathering. She might make the show oddly entertaining thanks to her ongoing Lindsay Lohan-esque style/theatrics, but bitch be cray. Thomas has done a total 180 from the smarmy-yet-charming dude he was last season, and it's just so sad to witness. Let's just hope somehow their daughter grows up to be a far more charming, poised and motivated young woman than her mom.
  5. I can't imagine this show coming back without T-Rav, but it's quite possible and likely. He's definitely not as fun and carefree this season, but I suppose running for state senate, attempting to be a loving new father, and trying to please his pissy young babymama all on camera has a way of draining one's originally effortless onscreen charm. I still like him and all, but he definitely has lost his luster after he pretty much stole the show last season.
  6. Oh poor Craig. Even though he's an aimless pretty partyboy, he should've known better and at least shown up to work regularly and on time farrrr more than he apparently did---that was such a dumbass, unprofessional move. He already had gained a bad reputation as a hard partier by then... My heart still went out to him though; I've been fired a few times from good jobs back in my hard-partying 20's, so I know how it feels to sit there and have your boss let you go, prefaced by said boss essentially telling you what a complete mess you are to your face. Kudos to him for holding himself together as well as he did though; I suppose the boss sipping a glass of wine with him helped ease the blow a bit...I never got that sort of gentlemanly treatment back when *I* was canned! I did agree with his boss on his wasted potential though; with some maturity, some ease of the boozing and some professional polish, Craig has the potential to become an awesome lawyer. Too bad his work ethic and drive is so questionable.
  7. ((Whitney and Shep metaphorically discussing Shep's dating preferences)) Whitney: You've always gone for the low-hanging fruit. Shep: Fruit's good for you! Vitamin C! Whitney: Vitamin P.
  8. I find the Kathryn/Craig flirtation so weird...she seems older than him, mostly due to the fact that her trucker-voiced young babymama shtick clashes with his videogame-playing overgrown fratboy vibe. But they just seem so oddly matched, other than being two pretty young lusty party animals. What else beyond the physical and their social scene do they even have in common? Add me to the list of those who think Shep and Cameran would make the perfect couple if he weren't still a bit immature for her tastes---they have a great natural chemistry. I think the guy has the potential to settle down and be a good husband/father, he's just not ready to yet; nothing wrong with having a slower biological clock, especially if you're a male. He'll probably find some laidback slightly younger gal by the time he hits his early-to-mid 40's. I did feel quite bad for poor weepy Kathryn when Thomas left her that cold voicemail about not coming home for a few nights and then his manager texting her further about it just to drive that knife in further; it did seem unnecessarily cruel, especially for a hormonal young mother. I promptly went back to disliking her though when she decided that gave her the right to call up her parents to watch the baby while she went out to go get wasted drunk on shots. Didn't they have to drive up all the way from their place in the boonies?! Ugh...either way, TRav kinda sucks as a boyfriend. Not much Landon per episode is a good rule of thumb. Yes, Whitney, you *always* sound pretentious---but I do like his haughty self-awareness and amusingly snooty snarking though. He's a snob, but at least he amuses me, much like his mom.
  9. Definitely: I think Craig has become quite the local "bar star" that Kathryn once was. And given all the thirsty young females that outnumber the males in that city, I'm sure many are more than willing to take care of him for a piece of his cool "local celeb" pie. He probably gets swarmed at some of his fave bars, no doubt, which is probably why a lot of this fame/modeling bullshit has seemingly gone to his head.
  10. The Lilly Pulitzer at Target thing will taint the entire brand for these proper Southern ladies though, y'all. Who would dare be seen in the same exact garment that some hillbilly chick in the sticks could easily pick up at her nearest Target for at least half the price that a proper Southern miss would gladly pay for the same garment at her finest local boutique? As Patricia would say, martini in hand and dressed in her finest designer caftan with diamonds, "That's quite pedestrian and banal." Plus, I think her head would explode seeing someone in her home dressed in Target fashions---look how she screeched over "Annnnnn Tayyyylor?!!!" Oh no, I think Cameran has risen high up enough the social/marital food chain in Charleston to no longer be forced to dress in secondhand or Target clothing.
  11. Random memory belch: it was "Miss Advised"! http://www.bravotv.com/miss-advised Stoooopid one-season-and-done summer Bravo show that I watched out of sheer boredom---it was about supposed "dating experts" who gave out love advice but couldn't follow their own. Dumbest reality show concept I'd ever watched, but I was oddly fascinated by how much these three supposedly professional chicks were willing to look like such complete losers on national TV. Amy wasn't as embarrassing as one of them, some batshit crazy bitch from LA, but she didn't come across as cool as the San Francisco chick either. Anyways, the minute she copped to being single and the other BSH ladies started laughing at her, I immediately remembered that awful show and its awful concept. I wouldn't hire that kukoo woman to match me up with a pet hamster, let alone the potential man of my dreams!! Anyways, I'm loving this season but hating the two new ladies. The British Afghan hound in particular seems like such a completely random addition to the cast. Maybe I'll like them better in time, but I'm just not feeling either of their thirsty asses. I still adore sweet Daisy though, in all her wiggy, gaudy glory. Demetria Downer?! That is brilliant!!!!
  12. Solid proof that she's an even bigger pothead than we ever realized?
  13. Also, she moved back to LA as soon as the show quit shooting to follow around some rockstar she was dating/lived with for a year. She's now so deeply entrenched in some weird LA scene that it wouldn't even have made sense to have her go back on the show filming in Charleston for yet another summer in a rental house while pretending to be rich and making her own money, and being oddly cagey about her actual background and circumstances outside of the show.
  14. I do slightly sympathize with Kathryn because I think in all her young mother stupidity and jealous insecurity, she honestly doesn't realize how grossly unlikeable she comes across as. I dated a T-Rav type when I was about her age: much older, charming and good-looking, and a total womanizer. In all my youthful naïveté, I didn't know how to handle my jealousy when he would be flirty with other ladies, and I found myself snapping at him and flouncing off too. But then he asked me once after our last tiff, "Do you think this makes me *want* to be around you? What are you bringing to the table---would you date you???" Made me completely reevaluate my entire attitude around men after that and I'm actually glad he turned my nagging wagging finger back at myself. Seems like T-Rav needs to have a come to Jesus chat like that with Kathryn, if he hasn't already, because that old leopard ain't changing his spots---therefore it's up to her to either put up or shutup if she wants a life with him.
  15. Seriously, maybe she'd actually have been included in T-Rav's public life more if she weren't such a damned sourpuss all the time. All she seems to do is nag Thomas and look for reasons to berate him and start stupid tiff's---the man's no angel and obviously is easy to be upset with, but good lord, make the best of it and slap on a smile and a more positive attitude if that's the man you're truly hoping to portray a long romantic life and successful political image with! She doesn't even appear to know how to act remotely fun or hospitable at parties/public events, so no wonder T-Rav makes a point to keep his distance from her at such events so he can go get drunk in a corner with the boys and snicker over her latest melodramatic antics. Whitney was right: she's a bit of a pill/hillbilly femme fatale indeed.
  16. I wish they'd just completely forgone adding another chick to the cast and just added JD or Cooper instead. Why do we even need yet another boring try-hard chick as a main cast member? Hell, even skanky bed-sharing blonde Jennifer is more fun and fabulous than this vocal-fried snoozette of a brunette!
  17. Or as Sonja from "Real Housewives of New York City" once so eloquently stated: "I live for the 'walk of shame'; actually I call it more of a victory lap." Amen to that---I could handle a nice victory lap with the likes of big n'rich playboy socialite Shep!
  18. Watch season 4 and you'll *totally* get it. Breaking the ladies up into teams, creating a faux fight with Bethenny for a big story(unbeknownst to poor Beth), icing out Alex, etc...she's an evil, manipulative famewhore.
  19. Yeeeeshhh...she seriously looks like a tranny in those pics. Her body just has the most oddly manly shape(ditto her manface/thick-neck/big hands), and those teeny-weeny bikinis do nothing to help things. I wish she'd soften her look a bit---wear some make-up with a bit of color, work out less so she won't have those thick muscles bulging, change up her hair and maybe add some highlights. Quit wearing bikinis that make her look like Jim Carrey as bodybuilder Vera DiMilo. A nice make-under would do her wonders. Also, maybe a really good shrink to help tone the crazy down too.
  20. That's the word on the street, I take it? We'll have to ask Aviva more about it, since she's in on all those juicy secrets. Be sure to check out Carole's great ass, by the way!
  21. Jesus, I too had forgotten how exhausting/annoying Jill was...she's just *always* yapping and complaining about something. The video shoot was some next level bullshit for her endless yammering---how Bobby can still stand her energy/money-zapping behavior is beyond me. And he always seemed wayyyy too kind, devoted and lovable for a nasty shrew like her. Oh God, dour sour Cindy being such a nasty rude bitch to Sonja when Sonja invited her over for breakfast---I can't believe she had the nerve to bring her assistant AND take a fucking conference call right in the middle of their brunch?! Granted, I'm sure it was all producer-driven, but still, couldn't she have just excused herself to another room, at least? Or simply rescheduled the meeting?? It just was the height of rudeness and more of Cindy's "I'm just such a busy and important careerwoman and you aren't"-type bullshit. I get that it's cool to have started your own successful business, but there's no reason to disdainfully make other women with lesser career-goals feel like shit in comparison. And she was a shitty excuse of a mom with her accessories-disguised-as-infant-twins anyway.
  22. Yeah, I kinda took it as yet another sarcastic quip masked as genuine appreciation too. Especially since he seems to roll his eyes over Kathryn's constant restrictive warning attacks and appears far more weary of her inarticulate attempts to reason with him and to make their relationship a mutually beneficial one.
  23. Agreed on that last sentence especially---I always hated Kelly because she was so grossly and obviously selective of her ire. Unless you were in the right social crowd or was pretty/famous enough for her, you were dead to her. She always came across like the typical high school mean girl to me; only nice to the other folks in her popular clique. She was also just as dismissive of Alex and Ramona; I think she was only nice to Jill because of the Zarin Fabrics connection and LuAnne due to the fact that they were models who married rich older men and were Hamptons neighbors. I found it very telling that when she appeared this last season, she immediately latched on to Carolyn without a hint of snobbery. Guarantee that she would've been just as dismissive to her as she was to Bethenny without Carole's Kennedy connection/successful book. There's a reason she doesn't appear to have many female friends too---I think most ladies she's only deign to hang out with are weary of obvious social climbers/strategic befrienders like her. Bethenny may be a fellow climber, but she's also smart enough to cut through any bullshit and isn't exclusive with her social elevations, which is why I always respected her and her hustle. Still my fave Kelly tribute video:
  24. I'm guessing he's one of those folks who gets naked and comfy after a few too many drinks? I'm shocked neither of the gals in the video didn't burst out laughing while saying, "Dude, put your clothes on!"(maybe he just likes to show off the little TRod, especially to female houseguests?)
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