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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. I felt kinda bad for Kathryn back at the beginning of S2, because to some extent on camera it appeared that she was genuinely trying to be a domestic goddess, cooking more and attempting to learn some effective stay-at-home mom skills. Mind you, she also had a full-time NANNY too, so I didn't feel all that bad for her. But Thomas was on his campaign trail at that time and gone a lot, so she did seem a bit isolated and lonely, left on that quiet plantation with only her baby and the nanny for company, literally waiting for her babydaddy to return whenever he felt like it. When Thomas finally relented and rented her that little apartment downtown after her endless begging and whining to him about being so far from town is when it all went downhill though---she then started going out all night, leaving her baby with Thomas or alone with the nanny. Maybe Thomas suspected on some level that she couldn't be trusted to live downtown and be a good mother/wife, because she immediately proved why she was best left far away from her "Bar star" temptations and local dealers. She has no one that blame but her own sick self for not nailing down a marriage with T-Rav. He honestly gave her everything she demanded in the beginning, and she repeatedly blew every one of those chances.
  2. Since the show has proven to be a success, I'm willing to guess six figures for a season, maybe 5 figures for newer cast members/friends of. That seems to be the going rate for the more successful reality shows, with the Real Housewives getting the biggest paychecks. That's not even including the potential endorsements/promotional appearance fees they can get on the side if they have the right teams promoting them.
  3. Exactly. It scares me that she is the biological mother to such an adorable little girl who will likely grow into a beautiful woman---I don't think she could handle her daughter eventually eclipsing her own beauty and "stock" when she hits her teenage/young adult years. She definitely has displayed some NPD traits and unless Kathryn gets some serious mental help, she could really mess with that girl's mind/well-being Mommy Dearest-style if she's allowed more intimate contact with her down the road.
  4. Seriously!! He was laughing like it was no big deal, but he's going to have a trashed liver in 10-15 years if he keeps that lifestyle up. He's so tall and used to the booze that it probably goes right through him, but at 37 and above his health/looks will start fading quickly. And there's nothing remotely sexy about early onset cirrhosis and heart disease. Speaking of nothing remotely sexy, Thomas feels like he's "lost his mojo" likely because he can't easily bag gals 35 and under anymore at the bars/clubs. Now that he's hooked up with Kuckoo Kathryn and has two bastard children from the deal he's already upped his already excessive baggage count((former felon, known womanizer, single dad of two kids under age 5)). Add to that the fact that he's visibly aged greatly in just 4 years, and all he's really got going for him is his money/infamy and maybe bits of charm here and there. That doesn't exactly bode well for quality younger women likely looking to start their own families and marry a man with a clean record and a healthy future. He needs to be far more realistic and date a woman MUCH closer to his own age. Preferably a woman who's been divorced once or more and has older children, so she has her own baggage and would be more willing to forgive his past transgressions while looking forward to someone young at heart to grow old with who wouldn't mind reliving her earlier mothering years with young stepchildren. But of course, T-Rav stupidly still thinks he can rate 20-30 somethings, so he's his own worst enemy in this case.
  5. Don't forget he's a gardener, a carpenter, a model and a chef too. Seriously, how dumb of Naomi to not support his clothing line dreams---look out, Tom Ford. He's a real catch, like something out of a rom-com!!
  6. The most shocking part of that painfully uncomfortable Kathryn/Jennifer scene was that according to a refutable website, it was actually edited to be more positive for Kathryn. As in we didn't get to see the supposedly actual dramatic ending to that meeting that concluded with Kathryn storming out of there shouting about how the scene was supposed to be all about handkerchiefgate and not Jennifer's struggles with her infant who nearly died. Holy Hellspawn, Kathryn really sunk to an entire new low with her icy self-entitlement displayed throughout this entire scene. Her former friend weeping about her son nearly dying is "manipulative"?! Go fuck yourself, Kathryn---you don't deserve anything from anyone with your evil selfishness and obviously the courts agree. T-Rav randomly talking to himself while drinking alone at home still tickles me. Craig excitedly using a sewing machine and acting like a loyal housewife? Adorable! Craig excitedly telling Naomi he wants to start a clothing line with a friend and then telling her she's "acting dumb/ignorant" for not being enthusiastic about this random career whim?? Hideous!! I love that Cameron confessed to once being into magic and spells because I was once too. I think many middle class white girls go through this "rebellious" stage and toy with white magic, actually, especially deep Southern ones. Or maybe like me, she just watched "The Craft" one too many times. Nice to see her working or pretending to work yet again; she desperately needs to do something more than just be the feisty busybody/pushy Cupid of this bunch. Shep's health scare plot felt about as manufactured as his competing for one random new girl with Austen. Or attempting to go into real estate with Cameron last season. Speaking of manufactured plots, SURELY Thomas is courting Landon strictly for showmance purposes only. They just have zero chemistry; I think he had more chemistry when he was wooing Danni on S1! Or maybe Landon just really doesn't know how to act remotely romantic on camera---even her "maybe I love you" admittance to Shep last season came off like a little child revealing a silly schoolgirl crush and not a remotely seductive grown woman come-on. The dating pool for "OC" babes in Charleston willing to seriously date T-Rav really must be that small if he's as enamored with her as he claims. Also, Landon: please stop with the mousy "thank youuuuuuuuu" squeaks. They're not cute or sweet, just annoying and off-putting. Some adult speech therapy would help her bunches. We've barely seen JD this season, and that kinda bums me out---I somehow appreciated his sweaty good ol'boy guffaws and snorts((or as one of you so hilariously once commented here, "his Boss Hogging it up"! Hah!!!)).
  7. Indeed!!! Another spin on this is trend is like, when people add "you know" at the end of every sentence, y'know? Like they're literally fumbling for words to end every sentence yet they sound so stupid as they talk, y'know? It's like they're too dumb to like, talk coherently and eloquently, y'know.
  8. Oh hey, lesson officially learned, stewedsquash! A very expensive and annoying lesson. All my former giddy animal-loving, immediate petting instincts died in one quick bite. And I do agree about possible lawsuit material, PradaKitty---I briefly considered it, but it's probably more time/trouble/expense than I ever care to consider. Plus, I'm slightly embarrassed that I thought her cutesy "Beware of Cat" sign was just that: cute. However, I did take great delight in reporting the evil demon cat and its owner to animal control, so there's that.
  9. Speaking of cats...my current pet peeve is with evil pets that attack and the owners who claim them, since I just got bitten by a mean cat. I was on a downtown home tour and this cute cat walks right up to me---I love all creatures, dogs and cats especially, so naturally I very calmly bent down to say hello to the kitty by lightly petting its back. Bad idea since the damned thing suddenly screeched and sunk its teeth into my hand! I was shocked and laughed it off((the owner then came up to me and said "Didn't you see my 'Beware of cat' sign? She bites!" No, no I did not, and even if I had, I would've considered it to be facetious like many of those cutesy signs often are)), but I wasn't laughing later on when I read online how seriously harmful cat bites are. So after two hours at the hospital getting a tetanus shot and an antibiotic prescription, I'm about 500 bucks poorer thanks to a cat owner who found it perfectly acceptable to allow her demon cat from Hell to wander around during a busy public home tour. Why she didn't put the cat away or cage it or just have it stay elsewhere in the meantime is beyond me. Although I simply cannot fathom owning an animal that hurts other people---that's just insane to me, the idea of having a pet that hurts humans. Guard dogs I can somewhat understand for protection's sake, but all those other potentially vicious housepets? No way, no how. That goes for pet snakes too. I just don't think I'd want to own a Hellbeast. But maybe that's just me...
  10. So Andy revealed tonight on WWHL that Carole finally got rid of her famous couch. Wonder who ended up with its legacy, despite it now sadly being all tattered and shredded into rags? She used to claim that she got some insane offers to buy that couch over the years---wonder if she now regrets not taking those offers before it finally started ripping apart. Either way, she seems so sad and alone now, with no new books on the board, her young stoner chef gone and her generic foster kittens holed up in her now tattered up apartment. Her place used to be so gorgeous and put together before stoner chef Adam moved in and she became a crazy kiTTen lady---maybe he moved out because he couldn't take anymore endless genderless kittens named Baby. Bethenny just proved that the show officially doesn't need her alone to bring the irreverent humor. Just seeing kooky Sonja washing her panties in her bidet, unhinged Dorinda making it nice, LuAnn rasping about her coolness and Ramona being Ramona is one of many reasons I can't quit these crazy broads. Although I desperately wanted Dorinda to bring back her slurry martini-mouthed self.
  11. I'm not that bothered by Landon either, even if she seems like an annoyingly entitled dolphin half the time. I just think she's hopelessly lost and desperately trying to find "her thing", just like Craig is((and they're obviously way too busy currently enjoying their Bravo checks to plan for stable future careers))---they're far more similar than the show would have us believe, that's for sure. The only difference is that Craig just happened to find a good relationship with a real catch in the meantime, while Landon wasn't so lucky. They both want comfortable relationships with security and to immediately acquire these fluffy vanity careers that pay them big bucks; but they don't seem to realize that most good stable careers and relationships require HARD WORK. Once Landon gets a real career rolling to keep her busy, I think she might actually meet a decent dude in the meantime. Go into party planning or work in an event planning service, because the travel website is NOT going well.
  12. I hate-follow Stassi on Snapchat and she and the rest of the coven are currently traveling around Europe. I'm in shock over how much Botox and lip-injections she's obviously done recently---her huge ape anus lips look almost as ridiculous as Kim Zolziak's. It especially pains me to see young women like her in their 20's already messing with their faces to the point of looking like some of the 40-something's on the RealHousewives franchises.
  13. Please, please tell me brunette Joe Dirt was sitting beside Shep at the table in that bar scene seriously engrossed in the conversation just so his glorious plumage could count as ironic set decoration....or please tell me he was planted there as an inside joke of Whitney or Shep's. He and his Billy Ray Cyrus mullet were all kinds of distracting television gold. I'd now be happy if mullet man and bitchfaced cat Gizmo could just randomly pop up in every further episode from here on out. Another "meh" episode...another episode of special snowflake Landon squeaking about her sad attempts at adulting and creepy T-Rav attempting to showmance her up. Or at least get in her pants one drunken evening or so. Speaking of drunken evenings, I still wanna know who "the old man" was that Tipsy McStagger was referring to; was it supposed to be Shep?! Because I saw several silvery dudes in the crowd beyond just T-Rav T-Ravving it up with barely legal chicks. Shep better watch it because he's quickly morphing into T-Rav 2.0 before our very eyes. Austen is still too stiffly aware of the cameras, but he seemed slightly more relaxed and less guarded this episode. Speaking of stiff, I'm liking Whitney far more in his regular special guest spots now. His awkward old hipster shtick works better in small doses, like when he almost charmingly was trying to reason with Patricia's dog army. I'll never stop loving me some regular glimpses of Patricia in her natural habitat. Cameron *has* to be lying about not being a gym-rat---her figure is way too tiny and toned, and look how easily she can do pull-up's! No lazy gas station food connoisseur could ever do that, no way, no how!! Craig has been beyond boring and droll this season so far, with barely an ounce of his original charisma to spare. He almost seems depressed to me, like he's defeated and secretly knows he's a walking disappointment. If this is how he acts when completely sober, then I'm about ready to tell him to get back on the sauce and find his happiness again. Kathryn was just...delusional as usual, yet again.
  14. That beet-colored beefcake couple was such a trip!! I immediately thought of Biff from BTtF as well, although I mentally began to refer to them as "Hanz & Franz" about halfway through the episode. Like I could just see them dressed in gray sweatsuits shouting that they want to buy((clap!)) a big house---I really do hope they've paid homage to that SNL skit at some point in their relationship. You know that'd be a hit at 80's costume parties. Speaking of which, I kinda dug the "80's Disco" house they ended up choosing, although the endless windows might be annoying in the warmer weather months. That summer sun beating down on the house could turn it into an expensive-to-cool hotbox really quickly. Hope there were plenty of ceiling fans. I also hope Biff is enjoying his taxidermy room when he's not busy tanning and working out at the gym.
  15. That always bugged me about Kathryn too---what kind of supposedly blue-blooded "Scion" of some historic family would actually behave in such a tacky, gross manner?! For such a supposed pedigree, it's like she was raised with no good breeding or manners whatsoever. And I'm not talking about her partying/extracurricular activities, but rather her entire demeanor, lack of direction and questionable vocabulary. The gal didn't even bother to graduate from college, seemingly had no professional aspirations beyond "bar star"/reality show model, and acts/dresses/talks like common trailer trash. I'm in shock that she even managed to work her way into these stellar social circles given her crude character. Gals who want to fit in within the upper echelon aren't getting into ragey explitive-filled fights with that crowd or flipping them the bird and generally aren't acting like they've been raised by wolves. And I refuse to give in to the "but she's so young" excuse either---if you're wanting to fit in with an older and established crowd, you've got to play by their rules. She's now seeing just how far her ridiculously immature and selfish behavior has gotten her; I just think she's not only a shitty, horribly self-centered person overall, but she has severe emotional issues. Maybe there's a reason her family seemingly handles her with kid-gloves---she likely has had awful tantrums her entire life and they've just hoped that her striking looks would land her a man...any man...who would support her and deal with her and her mental problems. Looks like Thomas was dumb enough to fall for her. But would he really care about her if he hadn't have fallen for her "physicality" and her "scion" status from the beginning?
  16. And let's not forget that this chick already had a goddamned INTERN "working" for her!!! An intern was apparently already necessary for a half-assed website plan that never even materialized. That's a real forehead-smacker right there.
  17. Apparently promote her stupid website idea to potential financial backers while acting like a tacky nouveau riche diva who claimed she "doesn't hang out with millionaires, she hangs out with billionaires"! Because when she acts bitchy people think she's a bitch.
  18. Yep, I know, but she still used his last name like a nickname and always referred to him in that silly way. I don't ever remember her simply calling him Jack, always just "Berger."
  19. Wow...what a boring episode. Like really, really slowwwww...when the most exciting thing that happens is a baby visit, soul-searching from post-Promises Kathryn, and Craig carting around a cat in a wagon, you have to wonder where exactly the show is planning to go from here. I'm mildly curious about Whitney's giggly British "escort" Daisy though---she seems to be another one of his wackier female social stragglers a'la S1's Jenna that he's testing out on this crew. That likely doesn't bode well for her, of course. I'm depressed to see Craig wasting his prime years away laying around the house talking to Gizmo. Turns out the guy really is as lazy as everyone else believes he is. Turns out Landon is every bit as bitchy as most of us believes she is too. Where is this mysterious site of hers though? Did it ever materialize or was it just created for that sad little reception?? So according to the preview for next week, Mom of the Year Kathryn wants to go back into modeling. Because of course she does. Seriously, what else does she have going on beyond her looks? Because her sparking personality obviously ain't helping her cause....
  20. Oh wow, what an amusing blast from the not-so-far past: I actually scanned through all those "High Society" episodes on YouTube for a slice of "socials" nostalgia, so thanks for a fun little 30 minute bingefest, OldButHappy! I remember watching the first two shows in horror and bemusement when this series first came on---Jules Kirby surely was either drugged out of her gourd and/or has serious mental issues, Devorah Rose was always being trashed for her trashy vibe on Gawker and that other stylist twink was just the typical wannabe Manhattan fashion boy. There's a good reason this pathetic mess of a reality show was a huge flop beyond its generally unlikable cast. But the fact that Tinsley and her sister/mom actually sullied their once good name by appearing on this awkward show was so embarrassing. Her star was already dimming a bit when she first appeared on this mess, but it firmly sealed the last nail in her blue blooded society coffin after she allowed herself to be filmed in such a tawdry manner. I couldn't watch anymore than two shows back when it premiered because it made me so sad for Tinsley, a social scene fixture I'd once admired; she was obviously trying to become the next Paris Hilton or Lauren Conrad or even a Kardashian, and it blew up in her face bigtime. Although I'd forgotten how drool-worthy her loft in Chelsea was, or that she had a showmance of sorts with the likes of Constantine Mouralis and one-time Bachelor Prince Lorenzo. I'm doubting she'll bring much drama to this show though. She's a little too preeny for this batch of aging harpies and will likely fall back into her typical reality show role of pretty princess reacting to the histrionics of everyone around her, even though she's supposedly such a "Fatal Attraction"-style monster according to her former lover and his camp.
  21. Hey now, to each her peach: I thought Chris Noth as "Mr. Big" was pretty hot back then! Granted, I like unconventionally attractive dudes anyway, but I think the whole appeal of his character overall was more about his Old Manhattan-fella style, swagger and confidence. He represented the typical sexy and successful, yet aloof and cool Wall Street businessman that so many Manhattan gals a'la Carrie Bradshaw were lusting for at the time, the quintessential player of players. Yes, I always thought the "Big" nickname thing was goofy too, but at least Carrie was rather consistent with her goofy nicknames for her boyfriends throughout the show, so I never questioned that stupidity very much((how could we forget "Berger"? "The Russian"? "The Furniture-Maker", etc...))... The only thing that sorta bugged me about Mr. Big's character as a whole was that he ended up chasing Carrie around Paris and then claiming she was "the one" on the final episode. That completely went against his entire character arc throughout all the seasons, and in real life the actual Mr. Big's *never* allow themselves to fully settle for their Carrie's! But whatever, the show wanted to neatly end on a happy note with the two popular characters finally hooking up for good as a couple, so I get it.
  22. I almost wept for Carole's once gorgeous sofa looking like such a ratty mess on national TV---what the hell happened to it to cause it to rip/tear so much in just a year? Fostering kittens caused *that* much damage?! That's when it's time to consider keeping kittens elsewhere or just covering that thing up with various throws or plastic. She'll end up paying a fortune for new Scalamandre fabric, that's for sure...must be nice to have that much extra dough to spend on overpriced fabric, excessive facial fillers and boy-toys. Meanwhile Adam continues to display a complete lack of personality or charm with his every scene. Meanwhile, go on with your bad self, Luanne! Hell, I'd run off and marry a guy if his Manhattan pad looked that good too. He dicks around and she likes a fun side-piece now and then, so if it works for them, what does it matter? She seems quite happy and is settling firmly back into her haughty Countess-like ways, so there you go. Thank God Ramona is finally revamping her 90's style apartment; it looks really fresh and modern so far! Wish I could say the same for her overly-revamped facial work. But hey, the ratty extensions are gone, at least. More real estate porn courtesy of Bethenny and Frederick; I actually like those two together. She's popping up on the next season of his show too, so it's to her great advantage that she befriended one of the MDRE guys.
  23. Wow...that smarmy young Denver dude looking for his modern downtown bachelor palace alongside his awkwardly wacky "family friend" breeder-happy realtor? This episode was as entertaining as it was just...weird. That lady was a real whackadoodle who seemed like she was straight out of Central Casting, from her insane outfits/crazy hair and accent to her crazed constant mentions of wives and babies and high chairs...seriously, several times I genuinely wondered if she was a hired actress! As a modern style fan, I adored the place he chose. That rooftop deck and pimped out open kitchen really sold the place for me. It's absolutely the sort of layout I'd want even as a happily married lady in my 40's; any attractive young single dude could impress anyone with a nearly half-mil joint like that. That guy really gave me douchey shades of "American Psycho"/Patrick Bateman though. He was completely self-impressed. And then to end it all with "a toast to me", brah?! Yuck. I love how his supposed career was swept under the rug to simply say he's a "fitness enthusiast", yet somehow at his age he could afford a 450k home plus an interior decorator for it. I'm doubtful he even moved one of his buddies in there as he claimed; probably just another trust funder posing as a successful young professional, as usual.
  24. I have a friend who's a wine rep, and it's very much a hustle type of heavy sales gig---you're literally having to sell, market and then shlep your products around to various bars/restaurants/shops in the area to make commissions. The commissions are good, but like most sales gigs, it's feast or famine moneywise and requires a ton of local travel and meetings, not to mention hosting tastings and promotions where your products are sold. Most of these jobs require degrees pertaining to marketing and/or a heavy knowledge/certification in wine and/or beer and spirits, so I imagine Danni does the same type of work. I'm sure Austen's parents would just like to see him in a more solid field with a regular and predictable paycheck, and depending upon which beer rep company he works with he may or may not have benefits, so I can understand their initial concern. But if he keeps working hard and accumulating good clients and relationships, he should do just fine. Nice work if you're a hustler at heart who doesn't mind working odd hours, which Austen apparently doesn't. As for Cooper, he announced a few months ago on his Instagram that he was "retiring" from the show. Either he wasn't asked back or he doesn't want to be back, I honestly dunno. But despite his loyalty to Kathryn on the show and Patricia being over him, I really liked the guy too. Although maybe I'm partial since he's the one person on this cast I've met.
  25. I just think Landon is lazy at heart---I'd honestly like to see more evidence of her "working her ass off" to supposedly rebuild her life, because I'm just not seeing it. Unless gussying up for pool parties, paddle boarding scenes and meetings with T-Rav to film is her idea of "working her ass off", which it very well likely is in her feeble mind. With her connections and smalltime reality fame she could have had a fabulous blog-style website up by now featuring travel tips/pics, fashion, art and lifestyle, as well as tips on where to eat/shop. She could even profile the art/interior design scene in Charleston and otherwise since she has a background and interest in those areas. She'd have no trouble getting sponsorships and clicks to make extra money on any fashion posts she put up. Plus, blogging is so easy! Put up a few pics and random writings/links daily, and she'd get a built in audience already. I just don't understand her resistance to attempt some sort of professional direction for herself as opposed to simply collecting paychecks from this show for glorified hobbies, and ditto Craig. People keep claiming Shep is so lazy, but the guy at least has two bars he runs and invests in, so at least he has some sort of focus other than just this show and his regular hobbies.
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