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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Yes!!! Like a bottle of Ramona Pinot Grigio. Or a bottle of that fancy red wine she was giddily dancing over on the last episode. Or a giant candle sconce from Home Goods/TJ Maxx. Or a big luxurious pile of blonde hair extensions!
  2. Agreed!!!! That was the first time I *ever* ended up siding with Ramona in the hilariously infamous S1 episode arc((because I knew she was a nutcase as soon as she went so apeshit over Simon crashing the "girls night" party)). I wasn't so appalled over Francois repeatedly stabbing Jason's burger as I was shocked over Alex & Simon's total nonreaction to the incident. They just sat there all amused by their kid acting like a complete savage!! Say what you will about Ramona, but I dare say she'd never allow her child to act like that and she at least controlled herself enough to not discipline the kid herself, but this is when Alex & Simon should've stepped in and let the kid know that this behavior wasn't cute or funny, but completely unacceptable. Asshole parents usually raise asshole kids, after all---I'm willing to bet money that they're those annoying excuses of parents who bring their kids to fancy five star restaurants and let the kids run around acting the fool while they obliviously sip wine and forget to parent.
  3. You're right. I'll bet they'd be unintentionally hilarious on a date together though. Whitney from SC would likely be a better match for her. They both love dogs and fashion and his fabulous society maven mother Patricia would adore her! But that's nice that she seems to be so happy with her latest rich fellow. Hopefully he treats her well and makes her happy.
  4. I wonder who's private jet this is? Apparently she took it to Spain right along with Carole and Adam and whoever else---maybe Tinsley has found herself a nice new rich boyfriend? Speaking of rich boyfriends, she and Thomas Ravanel from "Southern Charm" should totally hook up. He's also loaded with family money/connections, he's also been a public disgrace to his family thanks to a mugshot((and a felony charge, no less)) and he also loves to drink himself silly. There's so much baggage between those two that they'd strike Samsonite gold together---T-Rav, give Tins a call sometime!
  5. @methodwriter85, I'm with everyone else on this: your sister has had way too long and accumulated way too much crap to allow her to control that space you and your mom share for any longer. It's unhealthy, it's cruel, and it's a definite fire/mold hazard. Mom needs to be the mom again and put her foot down: sister can either come get her shit or the Salvation Army truck can come get it instead. Her house, her rules---if it's all still there and not being used and likely unusable anyway, what's the point? How horribly selfish of your sister to hold you all hostage like that, btw!! She's completely in the wrong here and needs to save her petty judgements of your own situation for the glass house she's currently living in. I can understand how she gets on your last nerve because she's on my nerves already and I don't even know her!
  6. Yikes...Thomas and Kathryn both look pretty damned awful...that horrible lighting isn't helping things, but they both look a good 8-10 years older than they did in the 1st season. Their skin!! Kathryn in particular has some pretty rough skin for a gal only in her mid-20's---but that's what advanced partying/drugs/stress does to someone that age. Too bad they both are such lousy excuses of co-parents; their ongoing legal/emotional battles are literally written all over their faces. And then she's implying that Jennifer lied under *oath*, just to spite her?! Wow...bitch be cray.
  7. I had an older friend in her late 50's who would insist on endless pics like those, and then she'd post *every single damned one* on her Facebook page and tag us all. I'd get so annoyed with her and ask why she couldn't just pick the best one and post it alone, and she'd argue, "They're all great pics, so why shouldn't I post them all?!" Uh, maybe because it's annoying as Hell to see someone constantly post 24+ pics of the same poses/people per outing on our Facebook feed?? Admittedly, Snapchat and Instagram/FB "stories" have become the biggest undoing of enjoying life's great moments phone-free. I too have fallen victim to the need to document video stuff for my "followers" all too often while out and about. It's the people who can't relax and finally put their phones away that irk me. Take a pic or video for a few minutes---snap a selfie or take some shots, film a short video or two at that concert, but please just quickly post it and then put your phone away!!
  8. Does anyone else find the fact that Landon's sister goes only by "Bam" on the show to be ultra annoying? I dunno if it's her actual real-life hipster nickname or just a pseudonym used only for the show, but it just comes off so twee and try-hard. Kinda like big sister Landon!
  9. I did just read on one of my many online trashy reality tv blogs that Carole's quit following Adam on Instagram. But he's still following her. The horrors!!
  10. Oh I owned a pair of them too in light pink---the Ugg Fluff Mommas---over 10 years ago back when they were still considered high fashion and back when Tinsley Mortimer was still considered an "It Girl." I just don't understand how Mizz So-Called style-expert Bethenny could sit there and judge other people's outfits when she was in VT dressed like Sundance Festival Paris Hilton circa 2006. On the plus side, I sold those Uggs a few years ago for far more money than I originally paid for them, so maybe the Fluff Momma's are finally making a big furry comeback. They are comfy!
  11. I don't think it'll ever really be a thing unless it's accompanied by those hilariously goofy drunk faces Dorinda was making while saying it. She literally looked like a deranged muppet! Speaking of deranged muppets, I'm sure they're annoying as Hell to deal with in real time, but I always love the ridiculous vacation antics of Ramona & Sonja. The drunkenly loud banter, the irksome bedroom search-and-share, the all hours drunkathon...it just never seems to end, does it? As far as other things I hope never end, Dorinda is a crazy drunken meatball and I'll always love her forever for every slurry classic rant she's dragged in front of the cameras. And her wacky travel disco ball, of course. Since when did those big furry Ugg boots make a comeback? Those are so 2000-who cares.
  12. Very doubtful, although my husband is a very sweet and friendly dude, and he says he tried to make small talk with her because he kinda pitied her for her social awkwardness. Go figure that she'd assume a guy would have to be plastered to dare treat her with kindness; that speaks volumes about her pitiful character.
  13. MAJOR pet-peeve here, and I'm practically boiling over just thinking about it again: people who dare make unsubstantiated claims about co-workers to their HR department *really* irk me. Anyone who dares mess with others' professional livelihood over petty bullshit truly has an evil streak! Case in point, one of my husband's female co-workers went on a three day auditing assignment on the field with him. My husband is an expert of 15+ years in his field and has a stellar, exemplary work ethic and the awards to show for it. His bosses and co-workers love him and he's never had an issue with anyone. Anyways, this female co-worker of his had the NERVE to go to HR and make a random claim that she thought he was drinking on the job. Which is ludicrous---my husband would *never* dare touch a drink while on the clock and isn't that kind of person. When his boss asked him about this claim, he practically burst out laughing and couldn't even fathom how or why anyone would make up such a crazy story about him. His boss naturally believed him and apologized because it was just part of office protocol, but nevertheless, the damage is still done and some random worker just added a target of implied suspicion to his back. And damned if I don't think that's fair at all. Never mind that the woman who made the claim is some socially-awkward old kook who isn't liked by anyone else in the office anyway and is known to make wild claims; why would she even do such a thing?! I just don't get it. What was the purpose of that?? Why do people get off on petty bullshit like that on the job??? Coincidentally, I've known plenty of former co-workers who really did drink on the job. They were still quite capable and did their work well, so I didn't even feel the need to squeal on them. And even if I was bothered by it, I'd take them aside and mention something and that perhaps they should chill out on the hooch on the job. But then again, I'm not scared of confrontations. If someone has a problem with someone else at work, why can't they first talk on their own like ADULTS and try to work through their issues? I tried to get my husband to make a counter-claim against this idiot co-worker---he does have pretty bad bouts of rosacea in warmer weather, and she probably mistook his naturally ruddy face/medical condition as a sign that he was "drinking". He said he just would avoid her and wanted to take the high road because reacting more might suggest some guilt. He's a far better person than I am---just saying, if a co-worker ever did shit that to me, I'd make her daily work life an ongoing silent Hell.
  14. I just happened to randomly remember her boxer Margaret yesterday and began to wonder about that poor long-forgotten dog; when's the last time she's been pictured hanging out with Margaret?! It's like Marg ain't even a factor anymore now that Carole's also got Baby part-time and an apartment full of kittens.
  15. I actually have far more hope for SC New Orleans strictly *because* Whitney will have far more creative control this time around; I think this series was such a hot mess because he obviously had nothing to do with it but the idea. And NOLA supposedly boasts far more eclectic characters---it also has the potential to finally offer this franchise some cast members of color. And maybe some actual out and proud GLTBQ cast members too! Say what you will about Whit, but he really hit casting gold with the first season---even Jenna was at least an interesting casting contrast aesthetically, despite her turning out to be too boring/random to stick around. They need a far greater age/wealth range for NOLA to work as well as Charleston does...and toss in some amusing local socialites/kooks/drunks. And please---let's make sure they're actually attractive this go around. This cast made the Charleston cast look like movie stars in comparison.
  16. I am still baffled by Lyle's weirdly awkward random marriage proposal gathering that HAD to be on the exact same night as Ashley's event; couldn't they have staggered these gatherings on different evenings or was this done simply to create drama with Ashley and her own pathetic little event? Was Lyle hoping to be the King of the World the entire evening?? Nobody in that entire shitty group of 7 could've bothered to text Ashley as to why they were running so late??? Seems like everyone was ready for a successful proposal and excited about it but Catherine. I'm willing to bet money that a big onscreen marriage proposal was either his and/or the producers' idea for dramatic purposes. It might've actually worked in his favor had he not completely shocked and blindsided Catherine; they apparently hadn't even discussed the idea of marriage yet and she looked genuinely pissed off((rightfully so)). It was pretty hilarious watching him grovel at her when he realized she wasn't remotely playing along with his plan. Again, that was probably the most depressing ending to a one-and-done Bravo series I've seen yet. And yes, I even watched those last few depressing final episodes of RH of D.C.((The Salahis showing the horrified cast around their deserted/defunct winery, anyone?)) It just really felt like the entire crew/production hated this cast and the show as much as we all did. I'm almost fascinated with how awful this show turned out to be: what a spectacular failure. Wonder how Whitney felt about this mess?
  17. Word on the street? It's how Aviva knew about Carole's ghost writer, after all.
  18. Allow me to just add that despite the many, many, MANY delights that oral pleasures provide, cheese is among my favorite ever foods---so give me cheese or give me death. I feel ya there, Craig! Also, I find it sad that Kathryn is never shown gushing over Saint the way she does Kensie; hopefully she's been able to bond with him a bit more despite his young age and her legal situation, but it's always "Kensie is such a model" or "Kensie and I do crafts"...
  19. She looked pretty but yeah, Landon acted as dim-witted and giggly as usual. Not much was revealed, her answers were rambling and pointless, and her latest name for her "website" is just as silly as ever. I'm sure she was well on her way to getting Key West wasted. Thomas was either drunk or tired or a combo of both. He seemed a bit hungover, actually. And no more previews or mentions of the reunion beyond that quick teaser?! Yikes...that doesn't bode well...
  20. HAhahahhhh!!!! Yes, I shamefully laughed at the ending of this SERIES---notice I didn't say show or episode, I said SERIES. Because this shit is so done. No reunion. No happy ending. No mention of future appearances. Just Plastic Ashley's faux husband muttering from behind a door, "Divorce me then." Hell's yes, Bravo just done divorced *all* you pathetic shmucks, how painfully appropriate! I've never been more thrilled to see a show miserably slink off Bravo like this one just did; serves them right for making such a beautiful Southern city look like a laughing stock just to showcase those pathetic losers. Speaking of pathetic losers, wow Lyle, way to ace a classy wedding proposal there, partner: "I wanna fucking marry you!" And they say romance is dead. Speaking of dead, Ashley's creepy sugar skull mask was horrifyingly awkward; almost as horrifyingly awkward as her sad masquerade event was. But when the social highlights of the evening are choosing between a failed seaside marriage proposal gathering or a failed excuse of a barely attended masquerade "ball", I guess beggars can't be choosers. Ashley is right though: what a bunch of rude fucktards! Sorry your manufactured "friends" aren't really your friends, girl---yep, they all suck. She and her shiny forehead and raggedy dog n'son should just run off and live in Reno, where she can be a stylist to the casino stars, play all the strip golf she likes and ride her edgy skateboard to work at the local tattoo parlor, where she can regale everyone with her tales of once being a poor little misunderstood Southern girl from mean old Savannah. And as god is her witness, she'll never be poor again! Bye Felicia.
  21. As annoying as drunk asshole Shep was being at JD's event, Craig's whining excessively to his drunk buddy and his pals that he's going to physically assault him, and then actually punching him in the leg at a fancy event?! He literally acted like an angry adolescent boy and I was more embarrassed for Craig than for Shep. Also, I think drunk asshole Shep had a point: Craig is the one with anger issues, not Shep. Not to insinuate anything, but I *really* hope he doesn't get physical like that when he fights with Naomi. His quick temper and catty put-down's are definitely showing a nastier side of his character. Speaking of nastier...ugh...yes Kathryn, you and T-Rav are indeed both crazy. Not in a good way. And please don't ever wear that shade of dark lipstick ever again. Thomas chuckling to JD that he would be treating Landon like a cocktail waitress...gross. Just when I think I can't help but like the dude, he makes degrading comments like that. Who wants to take bets if Landon will be asked back next season? Her bridges all appear burned by now...her rental house is being sold...the other gals barely tolerate her anymore...even Thomas and Patricia seem over her...her website is still DOA...yeah, she's on really shaky ground, it appears. Chelsea and Austen ended up winning me over this season after all; I like them both and thought the scene of them finally deciding to exclusively date was cute, even if it was just for the show. Nice additions to this cast indeed! Strangely abrupt ending to the season, but hey, I've grown used to such oddly random endings since season 2 with this show.
  22. Thanks so much for that, @ZaldamoWilder; you weren't preachy at all and I certainly do appreciate your caring words and compassion. I will indeed take your advice to heart and not let her get to me so much. Blessings and survival fistbumps to you too!!
  23. Not gonna lie: one of the main reasons my hubby and I moved to our current neighborhood 10 years ago was due to the proximity of shops, bars and restaurants here. Many weekends we literally never have to use our cars or even leave our 'hood, so it's a welcome convenience. We hate driving and love walking and just wanted to live in a fun area where we could live, work AND play. Okay, we also happen to be raging alcoholics---it's kinda nice just stumbling back to our doorstep after an extra drink or twelve! Speaking of raging, I almost lost it at an open house today because I was so appalled by this otherwise lovely older condo that had a popcorn ceiling. I seriously was fixated upon it---the place had been so lovingly restored, renovated and decorated, so why in the Hell did it still have that raggedy-assed popcorn ceiling from the 80's?! It was a full on popcorn ceiling meltdown...my husband finally told me, "Maybe the owners actually LIKE this ceiling? I think it's kinda funky and retro chic." I had to shut my ass up after that, because he was so right((and I sounded like the bitchiest nitpicking House Hunters wife ever))---indeed, one man's popcorn ceiling is another man's granite countertop.
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