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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. I don’t like slut-shaming I’m the least either(if you like having casual sex with multiple willing partners, you do you and enjoy!), but I think what was so gross about Kathryn’s particular rendezvous with this group of guys was that she was so obvious and calculating with her pursuit. It was easy to spot her desperation to be on the show, and she made a point to zero in on all the richest male cast members. She didn’t even bother with Craig despite him being nearest to her age and his initial interest in her, because he didn’t have enough money/status for her. As soon as the richest one in the cast took notice of her, she quickly ditched her entry via Whitney and mostly forgot about her fling with Shep, then she all but moved in with Thomas and was planning their future family and happily ever after’s within just a few weeks of snagging him. It was just way too much too fast for someone as young as she was and it reeked of opportunism mostly on her part at the time—-she obviously wanted to escape from her dilapidated family home in the boonies so she could be a rich kept housewife who had that fab downtown lifestyle she craved in the early days with Thomas. And she really had gotten haughty and full of herself when things were good in the beginning with Thomas; she loved attempting to kick people out of “their” house and events if they dared question her motives. I’d be just as grossed out by a man if the tables were turned and he had made his way into a reality show cast via sleeping around with all sorts of rich female cast members. Two words: Slade Smiley.
  2. I found the little scene between Shep and Kathryn at the restaurant oddly sweet; it’s like there was this random lightening strike of chemistry that broke the tension, along with that b&w flashback between them in S1((you almost forget how insanely young they all seemed back then compared to now and how most of the cast has aged)). Whitney cracking Thomas up with his goofy old dad joke...I hope to Hell he was just being ironic. Thomas licking his lips while leering at and desperately flirting with Kathryn—-yuck. Rarely do I agree with Kathryn, but I’m with her on her assessment of the endless flirt situation between Thomas and her feeling sorry for Ashley. Looks like Thomas will never be completely over the “physicality” of Kathryn. Can’t believe I find myself liking and rooting for Kathryn this season after hating her for so long—-sobriety seems to be quite good for her. Good to see that she’s finally somewhat functionally sane. Although that fake job interview was excruciating before she got herself together and finished with a flourish; she really should’ve studied up and practiced her interviewing skills before she waltzed in there cold turkey like that. Oh well, at least she looked nice. Craig sewing “partying” dog pillows for Patricia. If that doesn’t scream plot contrivance, I dunno what does. Oh wait, yes I do: see also, Whitney’s fake Eurotrash girlfriends.
  3. Whenever people discuss how “sweet” and “harmless” Sonja is, I’m reminded of the above incident AND of how cruel and diva-esque she acted towards Simon and Alex when she was speaking at/chairing one of the NYC Pride parade events in Season 4. She kept promising Simon that she’d let him deliver a speech too and she knew how passionate he was about the cause and how important the day was for he and Alex, yet she completely ignored them the day of the event and callously thwarted Simon’s attempts to get his promised turn at the mike with a speech he’d even written and rehearsed. It was literally the Sonja show to her and she all but laughed in Silex’s face when she was done swanning at the mike without giving Simon a chance to speak; didn’t she even kick them out of her after party when they naturally were upset and asked her why she treated them that way?? Yeah, I enjoy her overall, but much like her bud Ramona, Sonja can be just as mean and sneaky.
  4. This was such a fun and spirited episode! I love how genuinely close the cast are and how they don’t mind looking silly onscreen and having a bit of silly yet mature adult fun...the dancing bit at the end was great. Jon proves once again that he’s about as deep as a puddle. Dude, if you’re gonna act like the official Shep of this show, just own it: you're a handsome commitment-phobe who likes to skank around town on the endless prowl for pussy. Ain’t no shame in that game, so quit trying to play like you’re so mysterious and evolved with all your “no labels” bullshit. Justin done got spooked in that creepyassed place! I’m just as baffled as Reagan was as to why he’d want to lay down alone in there for most of the night, but maybe he was just worn out from the travels and excessive partying, spooky plantation be damned. Jeff and his goofy jacket dance? It was so oddly adorkable. Makes me sad for him that Regan is actually spending time away from him in her little city pad—-the dude seems sad and lonely.
  5. Oh yeah, Kathryn’s personality(or lack therof) bores me as well—-when she’s not on drug/booze-induced rampages, she’s just all mopey and flat. And her self-absorption is beyond the pale; it’s like she can’t be bothered to really discuss much of anything unless it involves her. But as far as her “physicality” goes, I think the camera truly loves her—-she’s quite striking and beautiful when she’s all glammed up. Unfortunately, she’s obviously coasted by on her looks for most of her life.
  6. You mean Jenna? Yeah, I still find that casting oddly fascinating despite how boring she was on the show; somehow Whitney befriended her in LA, Cameron knew her in high school, and she had her rich married boyfriend rent her that big ol’ mansion for filming. Then she got all butthurt when Whit’s “assistant” was asking how she made enough money to live like that. Then she got axed from the show. Yet I’m still baffled by how she maintains her lifestyle from her Instagram stories—-she still has no job or actual home of her own, yet she travels the world, wears pricy clothes and gets endless beauty treatments, likes to show her random weird friends her SC episodes....and she acts completely different in real life(wild/silly) versus how stilted and shy she seemed on camera. I’m just so curious how she supports herself beyond some rich married dude supposedly funding her: drug dealer? Call girl?? It’s just odd. Say what you will about Kathryn, but the camera loves her—-I remember being immediately intrigued with her when she made her first appearance onscreen at Patricia’s garden party. That wild red hair and her daring little outfit made her look like some sort of Southern Belle Little Mermaid; ol T-Rav’s tongue was practically hanging out of his mouth when he first greeted her!
  7. She looks friggin’ amazing for her age. How she’s managed to stay so well-preserved without looking “done” despite her many years of boozing excess is nothing short of a miracle. Hopefully she keeps her hair short like that because the long extensions looked ridiculous and actually age her a bit. And I don’t mind that top on her, although the ripped jeans are hideous and desperate—-I’m not a fan of the ripped jeans trend period, but I definitely loathe the trend more when women over 30 are attempting to rock that look.
  8. Motherfucker. Oh, they sometimes have made me giggle with their drunken antics; like in this scene after Aviva called them “white trash, quite frankly” and they later had to Google ‘white trash’ and Sonja made that hilarious comment: “A hillbilly can be very welcoming, like ‘Welcome to my trailer, hello.’”
  9. Both women are obviously huge Botox fans; Tinsley’s eyebrows haven’t quite taken their eventual bat flight yet here. They likely have had some fillers here and there too. Beth always did have that awful boob job while Tins always had that bad nose job; I do respect the fact that she accepts the fact that she has thin lips and doesn’t choose to over-inflate them a’la the Kardashians....or Carole...
  10. Yes indeed—-it’s the Golden Rule, after all: if *you* wouldn’t want to go around with a chin beard, then make sure your female loved ones don’t go around with chin beards either. I’m a blonde who has had “peach fuzz” on my chin since I hit puberty—-20 plus years later and I *still* have to shave it daily. It’s just become part of my daily routine. I even have certain unruly hairs I pluck from my face and neck. Wish I could afford laser removal of some sort, otherwise I fear I’m going to be one hairyassed old lady if I ever lose my faculties and/or eyesight. Speaking of which, I remember tending to my grandmother the last few years of her life before she passed at age 102; I literally had to make sure to pluck random wiry white stray hairs weekly that had suddenly sprouted all over her face. Hope I’ll be that lucky to have someone actually tend to my random facial hairs if I ever get anywhere near that old.
  11. Oh, she’s totally being used by Adam. And I don’t think she minds so much, because she gets to get sexual favors and sorta pretend he’s still her hot young arm candy/her convenient “plus one” when necessary, while he gets to enjoy all her parties, gifts and travels. So really, it’s mutually beneficial, like the late Hugh Hefner treated his “girlfriends”, only without any exclusivity contracts or required weekly orgies. She just doesn’t want him to embarrass her a’la Tom and be prowling the bars/making out with women all over the city. Not a bad set-up if your heart can handle it, but I think she’s way more emotionally invested in Adam than she’d dare admit. Otherwise, why even keep him around at all and/or attempt to explain their non-relationship? Hey, I was the Adam of a relationship once; my rich older fella kept me around for sex and companionship for 3 years, I stuck around for the fun and perks, then I sorta casually dated/slept around on the side as time went on. After I met my current husband though, I split from him for good, cold turkey. We still bump into him on the town now and then; he’s still single and lonely, says he’s yet to find anyone who could ever “replace” me. So Carole better be prepared when Adam eventually meets the younger lady who is worth ditching Carole completely over; it’ll happen quickly and she won’t know how to recover if she’s not careful.
  12. It may not have been kind or compassionate, but Dorinda NEEDED to hear the honest truth from someone close to her on camera—-she needed a ‘come to Jesus’ meeting/call-out like that because she’s been far too coddled and excused for her drunken onscreen antics for too long. When it starts becoming a regular situation and is embarrassingly spilling over into business meetings, it’s obviously a real problem. And I admittedly love me some Drunk Dorinda, but I’d never seen her actually take it to the extent of sloppily carrying on around Bethenny’s charity associates. I was literally cringing for her the entire time—-she was a slobbering, slurring mess who shouldn’t have even attempted to make that dinner. Yes, she’s a grown woman who should’ve known her own limit, but I do wish Beth had taken her aside and excused her to go back to her room before she got any worse and became her eventual aggressive drunk self; that’s where I do blame Bethenny, but obviously she knew Slurinda’s trip on the Hot Mess Express would make for some awesome trainwreck television regardless of her charity’s ultimate cause. My heart broke for Dor when she talked with Beth though; it may have been 6 years ago, but she’s obviously never really moved on or appropriately handled the pain of her husband’s loss. She feels lost, never really has found her way as a woman again since she no longer is a busy wife/mother...a lot of women in her situation get that way. I think she’s just too bored—-she needs to find a passion or a new career path to keep her busy and driven. Her days of drunken lunches, naps, social parties and travels aren’t fulfilling her internally. On that note, Sonja has become such a sad old lady, puttering around her decrepit old cluttered townhouse, desperately flirting with any man gay or straight who pays her any attention. It’s a shame to watch that joint crumble alongside her crumbling lifestyle, because that house could actually be a real showplace with the right tenant who could update and redecorate. Carole looked incredibly old this episode in her PJ’s and ordering her fussy eggs; literally looked like a bossy old lady downstairs at her retirement home cafeteria. I can’t even fathom that big bloated and filled-up mouth area of hers doing anything remotely sexual with any part of young Adam’s body....((shudder))...and I say this as a Carole fan/apologist, unfortunately. Her new running hobby and style seems to have aged her greatly...she needs to put on a few pounds, grow her hair a little longer and darken it down from that yucky blonde color.
  13. As much as Alex/Simon eventually grew on me, I think their vibe wouldn’t remotely match the current cast’s vibe. That’s the irony, isn’t it? The most culturally hip and urbane cast member who was happily married with two kids, a true Brooklyn “Housewife”, ended up demoted. But I’ve thought about that too in recent years—-for all the original bitching by the women about Brooklyn in those early seasons and their “weird” art world affections, Alex and Simon would totally be considered a successful and wealthy couple within the show’s current context. One of those monied hipster couples indeed! A Brooklyn townhouse like theirs would sell for millions, and I think they made millions on it, didn’t they? I’m happy for them; obviously life is treating them much better over in Australia. No more pointless social climbing and striving to live excessively and stretch their economic abilities.
  14. I think Reagan is just all about Reagan—-typical spoiled rich girl who has enjoyed the highs of being a successful football WAG until the going got tough and Jeff retired and started to heavily rely upon her both physically and emotionally. I just don’t think she appears mature or compassionate enough towards him to be that strong rock that he obviously needs. She obviously didn’t realize just how much of a hands on wife and caretaker she’d need to be for Jeff as he aged, and it’s sad to watch; coupled with his whole family money mess, she strikes me as someone just trying to distance herself from her husband at this time for her own sanity, basically choosing to run away and escape from these problems as opposed to merely facing and dealing with them. She’s obviously never had to experience truly trying, difficult times and adverse situations until now, and it shows. I hope they somehow make it and that all this strife is just for show, but we shall see—-as we saw last week, she fights ugly and often belittles him, so I have my doubts.
  15. And don’t forget Golnessa/“GG” from ‘Shahs of Sunset’—-I’m starting to think that the only way they get people to see this show is just to get some D-list reality star’s curious gawkers in the seats. It’d be interesting to see who had the best overall “performance” of this whole bunch. Funny how LaLa suddenly joined the anti-Scheana league. What happened to her whole “pussy power” mantra? I guess she finally learned like everyone else that anything more than a very casual friendship/acquaintance with Scheana is too much: Scheana is simply all about Scheana. I feel kinda bad that LaLa had to learn this fact the hard way, but such is life. She can just keep throwing the lack of invites on “my man’s” private jets at her if she needs to comfort herself over that bullet dodged. I think Jax was weeping a bit more crocodile tears to garner some extra sympathy this time around, but hopefully he’s back to his smarmy, happy-go-lucky self in no time. He’s like the Vicky G of this show for me: not a fan and I hate to root for him, but I also couldn’t possibly imagine this show without him.
  16. She was exactly that way on “Relationshep”: trying so hard around the guys to act like the ball-busting, sports-loving “cool girl,” when in reality she was pouty, snarky, often exhibiting jealous tendencies and just has an uppity vibe about her. Definitely not a “girl’s girl” and she didn’t really hang well with the other girls, so there’s that.
  17. That godawful show was/is one of my guiltiest, dirtiest pleasures. I remember watching it back in the day and just cringing in horror over its sheer awfulness, yet I couldn’t stop watching it—-complete and total train wreck TV. Other than maybe Tinsley and her sister Dabney, every single person on there was so repulsive, mama Dale and her theatrics included. You could tell half the scenes/fighting were simply badly acted for the cameras, and the constant drink-slinging was just ridiculous. Devorah Rose was pretty pathetically trashy, that Mark guy was so skeevy and vapid, but that beastly, racist/classist Jules monster is one of the biggest pieces of scum I’ve seen featured on any reality show ever. I remember watching thinking, ‘Why would *anyone* want to hang out with these losers or find them remotely envy-worthy?’ It was so funny to rewatch this shit on YouTube though; that was definitely an oddly intriguing era in Manhattan...
  18. I’m so looking forward to Scheana getting roasted royally. Watching her this season has been all kinds of awkwardly cringey awesomeness. The editors apparently hate her as much as most everyone else on this cast seems to as well.
  19. I found Tinsley’s melodramatic reaction oddly endearing UNTIL she made that crazyassed screeching noise as she hugged him; that was some insane dog-whistle realness right there. I was genuinely scared for him after that. I’m guessing Scott’s your typical dorky fat dude who didn’t even have much experience with girls until he started making big bucks. Now all of a sudden he’s got attractive women throwing themselves at him in recent years and he doesn’t even realize just how unhinged half of them truly are...I do think it’s sweet that he seems so into Tinsley despite her needy nature with him. Maybe he just finds her interesting and fun enough to put up with her arrested development otherwise. Ramona’s dinner party seemed sweet to me, even if she obviously didn’t do it strictly to celebrate Carole. I will say that I wish she’d gotten some kind of personalized/decorated cake made for Carole as a surprise, or even just put up a banner or something to congratulate her. Yes, Carole was being a bit ungrateful and brutally honest about her disappointment that no one bothered to do more for her to celebrate such an accomplishment, but Ramona could’ve put forth a little more effort to “make it nice” a’la Dorinda if she’d really tried.
  20. I’m trying to understand Benny Poppins and his bosslady; they give me a whiff of being a bit contrived, right down to his cutesy nickname and his personalized apron. I get that they’re likely this show’s answer to the grand dame Patricia and her martini-mixing butler Michael, but hopefully they’ll start showing some more natural flair as they appear on this season. Who knew Jared would actually be the most likable dude on this cast after his cringeworthy first impressions on the promo? Good for him and his wise views on life in general. Tamica really is all about Tamica. She really needs to get over herself and get humble. Jon can just continue to stay mostly silent per episode. Just stand to the side, wear a proper shirt and look pretty. I feel so sorry for Reagan’s husband; poor guy got his brain all bruised and then his disgusting family stole his money and his shrill wife wants to spend the week away from him. He deserves better because he seems like a sweet dude. When he’s not drunkenly wandering around in swampland, of course.
  21. Finally caught this episode today. And good lawdy, y’all were all right about Naomi this episode: she’s nuttier than a fruitcake!! First of all, if you have to keep asking people if they know who you’re dressed up as, your costume officially sucks. And the Mia Wallace costume doesn’t work well solo; it’s a couples costume that requires a Vincent Vega to make it work! Second of all, rude much? Why would you even show up at a party co-hosted by a gal you don’t like, only to turn around and then pointlessly attack the hostess?? I know, camera time and all...but still...Peyton didn’t deserve all that bullshit slung at her. Finally, stop with the neverending “thirsty” accusations; if I never hear that term again on this show it’ll be too soon. And guess what, girl? You’re on a reality show cast, which means you’re ALL officially thirsty! So just let it go already. That said, Peyton’s costume sucked. Unicorns have white and rainbow/pink/purple coloring usually, not blue hair and green skin. But most of the costumes sucked ass; Kathryn looked cute but I’m still not sure what she was dressed as. Austen the Duck Magnet. Bless his heart. And Thomas, quit shaving your crazy brows; get some trimming scissors and learn how to use them properly.
  22. Jill was absolutely awful to Bethenny on Jill’s final RH season—-for her to so knowingly and suddenly drop Beth as a friend just for a storyline was cruel. Bethenny had no idea what in the Hell she did to warrant such ridiculous behavior and neither did the entire viewing audience. Oh wait, Jill decided to jump on a random voicemail Beth left saying “Get a hobby”((I think she didn’t appreciate Jill leaking shit about her to the press? I forget the exact context)), and Jill essentially decided that was the perfect excuse to ditch Bethenny. I’ll never forget Beth’s multiple attempts to talk to her and make up((sent flowers to Bobby in the hospital, the fateful phone call she made in her red coat before she broke down crying)); Jill was a nasty bitch to her every time. And let’s not forget just how close Jill and Beth once were—-Jill had essentially adopted Beth as a sister or second daughter. It was quite a strong bond and you could see how much it pained Bethenny when Jill so callously broke it over nothing. I may get annoyed with Beth at times and her New York career girl act sometimes is over the top, but I like her overall and think she has a big heart underneath her strong exterior. And honestly, the way she so hilariously decimated Kuckoo Kelly Bensimon on multiple occasions made me an instant fan. Don’t fuck with Beth!
  23. So Cameron just filmed a big ad for armpit-sweat and then supposedly this Lily P thing; I actually like that she’s finally cashing in on stuff while she can. I’ll be so disappointed if she finally gives in to the allure of those teas, shakes and boxes every other Bravolebrity peddles, which she makes fun of regularly.
  24. So I just learned this past Friday that I will not be rehired by my school as a teacher next year. Because anytime you get called into the boss’s office on a Friday afternoon: watch out, you’re getting canned. Never mind the past three years I have successfully ran my classroom, never mind that I’d signed my contract to work there next year last month—-due to an unintentional recent auditing error in my IEP paperwork, my school decided that I was too much of a “liability” to allow such a mistake to occur again, so they’re essentially washing their hands of me as soon as I finish out the school year here. I’m still a bit shocked by it all, but am just trying to steel myself up for my next teaching adventure, wherever that is. I’m not too worried because I have 15+ years teaching experience and full licensure in a high need area, but still, I’m bummed that my school found me so expendable, especially after all the good work and excellent reviews I’d gotten otherwise. One of my supervisors apparently ratted me out repeatedly and had personal issues with me for whatever reason, so I mostly blame her for seemingly taking pride in planning and assisting my downfall. I’ve never seen someone act so smugly self-satisfied to watch a colleague get fired, that’s for damned sure. I’m especially saddened for my students; we’ve become like a family and I was genuinely looking forward to helping them graduate and getting them settled into their post-graduate lives and careers. My assistant of the past 2 years just got fired as well, so we’re both pretty upset about how callously we’ve been treated. I had several friends suggest I seek legal counsel because I’d already signed a contract for next year before this firing, but they forget that this is an “at will” state and my contract can get revoked at any moment. Honestly, I’m just ready to wash my hands of all this and get on with my professional life. But I am mostly upset over the school’s treatment of my assistant and myself. I had no idea we were considered this expendable. Yet my principal seems to almost enjoy firing teachers for abitrary reasons. It’s definitely unfair to the students to treat their teachers this way. And they wonder why there’s a teacher shortage?! Anyways...time to dust off the old resume. Which is gonna take some time and effort, but I have no choice. I just wonder how I’m gonna deal with a long summer break’s lack of a paycheck...it’s gonna hurt.
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