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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. And a few other cast members(Craig, Cameron, Austen) since their only jobs are appearing on this show as well.
  2. Yeah, don’t get mad, get even—-I personally love it when I get unsolicited calls! And you can always tell when it’s one of them; they usually start off with “Hello there, ma’am/sir, how are you today?” The last time that happened, I actually pulled a RHofNYC Dorinda-ism out(“not well, bitch!”) and stifled my giggles via pretending to be sobbing that I’d just found out that my husband was having a torrid affair with the poolboy. That solicitor actually sat there comforting me! She finally hung up when I mentioned that I heard they were having threesomes with the poolboy’s grandma and her pet spider monkey.
  3. My late grandmother, a devout Southern Baptist from Kentucky did this; claimed she didn’t drink and was proud of it. But you’d better believe that whenever my brother and I stayed with her on a weekend as kids, she had a big plastic cup filled with RC cola and so much Jack Daniels added that we could smell it from a mile away. She never let on, but we always knew it—when she passed away a few years ago, we found tons of bottles of her precious secret nectar stashed all over her house. Grammy “didn’t drink” yet she sure seemed to keep a lot of liquor around for those secret nips. It’s just an old Southern habit, since it was considered rather unseemly to broadcast one’s drinking habits back in the day. Something tells me that given Kathryn’s immediate tendency to turn it up, her dad probably enjoyed the hooch on the DL too. Although it still makes me smirk when I think back to Thomas’s first visit to Kathryn’s homeplace and seeing his face the entire time—-he looked so hilariously uncomfortable that you could tell he needed something much stronger than just sweet tea!
  4. Oh Hell’s yes; I have dated my share of Peter Pan Shep’s back in the day as well. His type is easily found all over most Southern college campuses, especially the swankier ones a’la Shep’s alma mater Vanderbilt. They just wanna party, hook up whenever they please with whomever they please, and brag about their well-connected families and their majors. One of these Shep type’s even used to “kid” to me whenever I was feeling a bit flabby(I was a size 4 at the time), “yeah, you’re getting a little chubby!” It’s some serious pressure for young girls to look “perfect” in these areas. Just look how beautiful all the girls are on this show as opposed to their scruffy male counterparts—-the competition to land a good rich husband is fierce. Of course Cameron landed herself a handsome young doctor and of course she had a kid she obviously didn’t want: this is what most beautiful and charming girls like her in the South are bred to do. I’ll always have a soft spot for Shep though. At the end of the day, I think he’s just a nice goofy guy who isn’t too worried about never meeting “the one”; he’s having way too much fun right now, so who can blame him?
  5. Yes!!! And they all turn out to be complete psychos. According to these movies, there are all sorts of sociopathic killers lurking among us. Actually, I saw part of one the other day and friggin’ Michael Madsen was playing a swimming coach and it made me very sad. It must hurt to go from starring in Tarantino flicks and other major Hollywood films to having to star in this kind of dreck.
  6. Yep. I think it’s mostly the old ladyish, creaky voice that does it for me. It’s much the same as Lisa Vanderpump and her old ladyish, creaky voice.
  7. Hahah!!! Yeah, sick her on Thomas! I can’t believe any grownassed women would be legitimately fighting over Austen. Bless their hearts...much like the so-called men of Atlanta, there must be a real shortage of good men in Charleston too. Edited to add: it appears he has since scrubbed his stories clean. Bet he got some shit over that. Maybe Victoria violated her restraining order and paid him another rock-tossing visit...or Chelt-see threatened to beat his ass up.
  8. It’s astonishing just how awful those Hallmark/Lifetime movies are too. Who actually watches and enjoys them?! I did watch part of one the other night just because I was bored and half-drunk. It was actually called “Stalked by a Reality Star”—-dear god, worst trash ever!! The acting was godawful and the writing was even worse. I did enjoy the horrific acting for comedic purposes though.
  9. You mean bad potpourri STINKS!!! (hyuck-hyuck) I’m just in shock that people even still use potpourri—-didn’t this decorative touchstone mostly die out by the late 90’s/early aught’s? It just seems so dated to me now, especially since there are so many far superior ways to spread fragrance within your home nowadays: scented candles, oils, melted wax, etc...plus, most of the people I used to know who put out potpourri kept it out *way* too long. When it’s already attracting dust and the dogs are either eating it or the cats are digging in it like a litter box, time to toss the potpourri! Speaking of dated, after the last event Patricia hosted at her home, I’m starting to realize that her lovely house is looking a bit...old ladyish... I know she’s into that heavily traditional decor and part of that style is just how the house is expected to look, but it seems a bit cluttered and filled with useless bric-a-brac. When she had the guys night and they were all gathered in her sitting room before dinner, it just felt like there were way too many little cocktail tables and knick-knacks in there surrounding them all. Patricia obviously embraces the “more is more” mantra, but it looks like her expensive curio collections and shopping habits are gradually overtaking that entire lovely estate.
  10. I feel your pain, @bilgistic: fellow “chesty” boob sweat sufferer here as well. I’ve always been ample up there, but I was certainly not prepared for them to literally size up like balloons after I hit 40! Which reminds me—-several months ago I got a ticket thanks to my boob sweat. I was driving home downtown from work...boob sweat rolling down my chest making me stabby...so I remove my seat belt and am dabbing away with a tissue under my shirt to just get some relief...cue a motorcycle cop suddenly come behind me with lights ablaze. Because I had taken my belt off for a few minutes to dab my boob sweat, he cited me, that dick—-$75 for my folly!!! I tried to politely explain the sitch, but Sergeant Dickface was having none of it. Oh well. So be careful out there, fellow chesty one’s.
  11. The Sonja who first arrived on the scene in S3 is *completely* different than the Sonja who emerged a season or so later. First season of Sonja= classy, stylish, fun lady who seemed to have her shit together and naturally existed in a luxurious lifestyle. She actually was the sane and sweet one on Scary Island who seemed to take everything in great stride. After that, well...she quickly showed her ass. Figuratively AND literally.
  12. Hallelujah—-finally heard back from the HR office this afternoon after their three week silent treatment, since sending me an Intent to Hire letter the first week of June: turns out I really DO have a nifty new job waiting for me, they’ve just been out of the office and will be finalizing my paperwork by the end of this week! I will be gainfully and happily employed once again!! Thanks for the tips/support here, folks. And I hope I *never* have to search for another job in a long, long damned time. I hadn’t had to look for a new job in over 7 years, and I’d forgotten how much it truly sucks. There’s the old polishing off your resume routine, having to gather good references, searching and applying to jobs online for endless hours, maybe getting 4-5 reliable responses to the 24-25 applications you send out...then getting yourself dressed up and mentally prepped for interviews, then following up after interviews, then sitting around waiting and wondering what’s up afterwards while you somehow try to forget about how much you need that job...no thanks!! On the downside here, I accepted another position a few days prior to getting the hire notice from this job I just accepted((I honestly thought I didn’t have a chance and interviewed on a fluke; I felt privileged just to get the interview, quite honestly))...so now I have to let this other place down after I’d originally accepted, and I hate that because they were so damned nice and accommodating and hired me instantly. Sucks to let down such good folks and hopefully they won’t be too butthurt—-but I have to follow my heart and go with what’s better for my career in the long run.
  13. Yep, I’m also convinced that they are forced by production to act out some sort of dramatic occurrence or stage fights at any of their social gatherings. Just like with most of the “Southern Charm” cast too, if you follow these guys on social media, you’ll see that they all get along and hang out otherwise outside of the show. Hey, get my friends and I that drunk and pay us enough money, and we’d stage silly pretend fights and have fake arguments on tv too!
  14. His house looks like he cooks meth in the kitchen. Hell, *he’s* starting to look like he cooks meth in the kitchen! I’m just curious why he and his roomie don’t just pay for a cleaning lady to come clean things up a bit every week, or at least to get shit together and/or put away during filming. Not like they can’t afford such a small luxury; unless you’re being filmed for a “Hoarders” episode, I just cannot fathom being *that* unconcerned about looking like a filthy pig living in a sty on national television. What a gross slob—-I sure couldn’t live with someone who throws their clothes everywhere like that. Naomi likely kept a housekeeper when they lived together. But yeah, he needs to use that good current show income and start buying up good property there, even a small condo or two. I’m not sure what SC’s laws on rentals are((for instance, they’ve gotten much stricter about Air B&B’s in Charleston)), but he could make some good dough/regular mailbox money as a landlord. Even if he couldn’t handle some of the more mundane tasks, he could always hire a rental company to deal with upkeep of these peoperties and serve as the “middle man” while he’s busy filming or out of town.
  15. Yes. Sorry @Zola—-I have a couple of British football-loving friends and have had the displeasure of sharing a pint or 12 with them during a game. These seemingly refined and quiet Englishmen suddenly turn into belligerent hooligans, swearing and yelling and hugging and breaking things...they sure love their “footie.” I’m not a sports fan either, so I’ve learned to just avoid any sportsbar during big American football/basketball games. Men yelling and making drunken noise are perhaps even more annoying than hen parties full of loud drunken women. At least baseball/golf games don’t seem to get drunk fans remotely as spastic.
  16. Thanks so much for that helpful hint, @DeLurker! I’ll definitely be e-mailing the HR office with that message on Monday afternoon if I haven’t heard back by that morning. I know offices tend to be a little more lax right now due to summer vacationing, but I still need to know what’s up on their end before I can do anything. I guess the amount of ghosting that happens nowadays with supposed professionals is what always keeps me leery about these things; it’s like even most HR workers would rather just flake out than gently let candidates know what’s up. Very frustrating.
  17. I’m so peeved when I should be celebrating. So I got a nifty new job three weeks ago! At least, I think I did?? I got emailed a letter of ‘intent to hire’ which I gleefully signed, and then spoke with their HR person there. Several days later she sent me another email requesting copies of my passport and SS card. Even though I was on vacation at the time, I gladly took my time to get that stuff scanned and sent her way from my hotel’s business office. Here it is over a week since I sent that stuff her way, andddd....nothing. Okay, whatever, maybe she’s on vacation this week? So I leave her a voicemail today just to inquire how things are going and check in. And now I’m still just sitting around obsessing about it and wondering if/when I need to be concerned. I don’t want to be a pest, but I’d like to get on with my life already. Plus, I’m sitting on another job offer and I really don’t wanna shit on my Plan B situation if indeed Plan B has to turn into Plan A. Why do HR people put us through this Hell? A quick check-in email would be so damned appreciated at this point!
  18. See, watching that scene all over again drives the point home that Kathryn is cold as ice and lacks any empathy. No matter what her issue was with Jennifer, I think a baby nearly dying trumps all else in this situation—-a decent human being, most especially a former friend, would’ve hugged/comforted Jennifer as she sat there crying. Kathryn just sat there scowling at her. Mind you, her whole insane beef with Jen was her belief that Jennifer and Thomas had some secret special relationship and how dare Thomas give her a hanky at the last reunion!
  19. Worse yet, would she resent Palmer if she were born with some sort of imperfection/special needs and/or was an “ugly baby”((I’m remembering her discussing ugly babies a season or two ago))??
  20. Agreed! Landon as a call girl? Please. That giggly mess couldn’t even score a date with Shep, let alone get men to pay for her company.
  21. I ordered a cute little sundress from her biz and it gets so many compliments! She couldn’t have been nicer to deal with—-she accidentally sent two dresses with my order but gave me a 50% off voucher on my next order due to this mistake. She’s got some genuinely cute items on there and I love seeing how happy she seems now as a mom; nice to watch someone on this show besides just Cameron grow and mature in such a healthy overall way. Hopefully Naomi can follow suit now that she just started an online apparel biz as well.
  22. That entire scene is reason #1 why I’ll never actually *like* Kathryn. She may be a better person/parent these days and has grown up a bit since then, but she’s still a horribly selfish, cruel person at heart.
  23. I’m assuming this is his new gal, since they appear quite close and he posted this on his Instagram:
  24. Ditto!!! I never have been able to stand her, in all her vapid, delusional narcissist glory, complete with her ongoing victim complex—-yet her complete stupidity and self-absorption also make for such great television. Some of my absolute favorite moments from this season have been her pathetically ogling and babbling on about ROB...rob...rob, rob, ROBBBB!!! ((And then to know he dumped her as soon as filming ended? Hahahhh!!)) Yet she’s so fun to hate; I used to feel this exact same way about Kristen before she got so sane/boring. But Scheana is just as bitchy as Kristen, she’s just much stealthier about it. Also, she brought us the tacky two season saga of her marriage/detox TV dinners with Capri Sun/divorce with Shay. And the bar top hot pants dance of “Good As Gold.” And that first season/first scene tawdry post-affair confrontation with Brandi Glanville. Scheana may be a pathetic try-hard twat, but I sure wish I could quit her.
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