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Everything posted by the-grey-lady

  1. Thank you so much! And so much of his recent vitriol reeks of men's rights nonsense. It's gross.
  2. Jill: Anyone who isn't like us is a devil worshipper out to destroy the Godly nuclear family and bring about a Satanic apocalypse! Also Jill: We love everybody!
  3. I only wish we'd gotten a shot of him wailing, "Why God, why?" into a cloud of dust. I guess a girl can't have everything.
  4. Yep. The collateral damage is Christine's kids seeing why it's important to get out of an healthy, neglectful relationship. If that resonates throughout generations, then great.
  5. I commented (meanly) on that. She acted like Christine had committed an act so heinous it would ripple throughout the ages. Christine left because she'd been neglected and she saw no chance of that ever changing. Someone tell Robyn Christine isn't duty-bound to stick it out (and stay miserable) for the rest of her life so Robyn can live her HBIC dreams. It takes a special kind of asshole to condemn someone else to a loveless marriage while you flaunt your functional (ish) one. I bet he does that toddler thing where he tells you he's not talking to you, storms back in a huff, and then comes back to remind you he's not talking to you. Note to the producers: please capture this on camera if possible. Please and thank you.
  6. But I'm sure he tried! So hard! All the sacrifices he made! To love her!
  7. I normally watch this show the day after, but I couldn't resist a same-day viewing. My review is, as usual, really long. But in my defense, Kody was especially infuriating this episode. I keep saying he couldn't possibly get worse, and then being proven wrong when he does something particularly nauseating and enraging. I won't make that mistake again, I promise.
  8. Kody has a large amount of respect and admiration for Christine? Since fucking when? Bring the receipts, Kody. Also...I just realized I'm going to write a review, in a few short hours, about an epic battle. Over a snowblower.
  9. And I would bet money that it has not even occurred to him that he is the reason for these strained relationships. He will never accept that he's the common denominator. Confidential to Kody B: you're right that no one likes you. I guess a broken clock is right twice a day.
  10. Thank you! Your mom is a wise woman. A few days after I had my kid, I was like, "hey, you know what sounds great? fries!" (or ice cream or some Advil or whatever) and then someone brought me some. I did that for postpartum friends, too. You're supposed to take it easy after childbirth. It's not a competition about who can be the toughest.
  11. Poor Nurie, dragging her seven-seconds postpartum body around a park, and keeping a big grin plastered on her face all the while. You know what I wanted to do when I was postpartum? Sit in one place and have people bring me things.
  12. I love when a plan comes together. 😉
  13. It's hard to recommend one in specific, since they seem to have no discernible personalities. Any one of them could be your dream man! Go knock on the barn door and introduce yourself, but don't forget to bring your life savings to contribute to Jill's grifting fund!
  14. I'll shave it for him. I'm nice like that.
  15. I'm having flashbacks to Meri's commitment ceremony dress... You're welcome and/or I'm sorry...
  16. Trust me. This is a very important question. She looks like a hedgehog.
  17. Maybe we'll get a great shot of Kody gnashing his teeth and rending his garments on the hood of Christine's car.
  18. Kody [whining and bloviating and complaining]: I don't know why I don't get along with [insert wife's name here]! Me: You. You're the reason. Now fuck off.
  19. Gee, it's hard to imagine why eligible women aren't snapping them up. Sickly and malnourished? No education or ability to make a living? No visible spine or will of their own? A grifting, clout-chasing MIL who'll expect your family to provide meals and entertainment for the entire fam? Wow, get in line, ladies.
  20. She looks like a bargain basement 80s hair band groupie. This scared the shit out of me. Don't worry, Jill. No one thinks you do anything fun.
  21. Was it a sheet cake? I bet you could've burned that right off. Best wishes for your husband as he recovers!
  22. Time to bond with Meri? Is that supposed to be an argument for shelling out $6k?
  23. I had so much secondhand cringe I almost couldn't make it through that scene. Watching Ency beg Andrew to stay—over and over again, despite him telling her he couldn't see a future with her—was honestly one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen.
  24. I had just swallowed some coffee when I read this—and thank goodness, or I would be hosing off my keyboard right now.
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