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Everything posted by Jal

  1. The line that made me laugh the most in the last few episodes.
  2. Depends on if the investor him/herself went to school and how much discipline and learning they believe comes from a formal education. Going to and completing school can sometimes show dedication and a will to finish something they started, just like starting a business and making it successful can mean a similar thing. Some type of education provides a good fall-back for those who are not successful with their businesses. Also, I disagree that people can go to college at any time. Technically you can, but once you're older you have different responsibilities and may not have the money to fund school. The whole point is that many people will not stop going to Starbucks or stop enjoying small things that make them happy in their everyday lives. There's definitely an audience for this app. Saying that people should be saving money and not spending money is very obvious, but not how a lot of people think. It's more complicated. Spending money gives them enjoyment, so why not feel good about saving a little bit and putting it towards a loan compared to just spending and saving less or nothing at all?
  3. I thought it was very interesting and kinda cool. I'm enjoying all the team captains in their interactions but I find DJ a little too much sometimes. Good thing he's an amazing tattooer. I think it's strange that the top 3 people would choose the same captain. I think it's a bad move, strategically speaking.
  4. This is higher end and has different goals, doesn't it? Sure, I can get Michaels to frame something or show me how to do something, but I'd rather choose a local business run by caring people who have a lot more experience working with their products. The type of quality I'd get from a larger chain store is not the same as a smaller place.
  5. Kevin's a lot more intelligent and caring than people give him credit for. He plays up a certain character on the show, otherwise they wouldn't have him around. He's the most entertaining shark. Anyway, I'd definitely do a deal with him if I had the chance. He gets rejected quite often on the show.
  6. I believe it was Ashland. I never got the Ashland appeal and Chloe is obviously very unique, but I think Miley wanted a country singer on her team.
  7. Completely agree. I don't have preferences for styles of tattoos, and it was stunning. Perfect choice of colours too. I thought Black Cobra deserved a spot in the final two based on that tattoo alone. I didn't care for any other tattoo in the finale.
  8. I was surprised by Doom's tattoo. They're still alive! Even if Erin carries them for the most part, they still have every right to keep going in the competition, just like every other team who is still in it. The show has certain rules about who does the drawings, stenciling, tattooing, etc., but if there isn't a strict rule that both people in a team have to tattoo the same amount of people, it's not their problem. You should play to your strengths.
  9. She could be adopted, but I doubt it. I never understand why show creators change every Indian actress's background into Spanish or mixed race (usually black+white) backgrounds. Doing it now and then is fine, but what's the big deal with matching the actor's own background? There are decent Indian actors out there. It's a little weird.
  10. I believe so. Her singing voice is amazing. Especially recorded. I thought her performance this week was "meh" whenever she was in the lower register, and great in the other portions. Not the best of the night, but certainly very energetic. I enjoyed Aaron, Courtney, and Ali. Loved the Bon Jovi pick by Sa'Rayah. Maybe it wasn't her best performance, but I really enjoyed it. No idea who is going home, but I'm kind of sick of the gravely voices and over-singing.
  11. Billy has a great voice but there's absolutely nothing else that's interesting about him. I normally fast-forward through his performances because (1) he chooses the worst songs, and (2) his appearance doesn't look natural/real at all. He's like a Ken doll.
  12. haha Wé doesn't owe you or anyone else anything. Plenty of people have different registers in their voices, and sometimes they'll slip into the lower one without realizing it, or depending on their mood. It's more likely that she trained her singing voice to be the way it is, rather than her speaking voice. Also, she's young. If she is faking, she'll outgrow it. Sorry to say, but she does have the singing talent to overcome any type of negative rumours about her speaking voice. Edit: also a fan of Kylie and Courtney
  13. I think Wé McDonald has the best voice on the show. Lauren was fantastic, but Wé's depth and quality is astounding, especially for her age. And isn't her name non-Western? I don't see how that's pretentious. Maybe do some research first?
  14. Yup. It made me not want him to win halfway through the competition. He was rarely perfect in his dancing and people ate him up like he was. However, I realize DWTS is more about a connection to the audience and that's what he had. It was a nice freestyle, don't get me wrong. But there wasn't a lot of criticism for him this season like there was for other contestants.
  15. Even if it was supposedly rigged, Alisan has, hands down, one of the most precise and captivating voices I've heard on the show in all its seasons. I'm completely fine with her winning.
  16. People are being way too hard on Keo. I didn't think he was a good match for Jodie at the beginning of the season, but he started to work harder to showcase his partner and seemed to be learning from the judges in the last couple of episodes. Specifically after the switch-up. He improved a lot since the beginning of the season, and that makes me not want to rag on him for the time being. It's not just about the celebrities. The pros can grow as choreographers and as people too. They don't need to perfect out of the gate (even if they were in the troupe). It's a nice wish, but the partnerships are never going to be perfect, with all the different ways people learn and the amount of experience each person has. I wanted Jodie to win, but everyone starts somewhere. And the marks they received were not pity marks. Based off of the other couples that got high marks, Jodie and Keo totally deserved it.
  17. That's the most suspicious thing. He kept going on, and then they showed him making super confident faces at Pete and telling her that he's totally got some of the dance moves down already, as if to say he doesn't need to keep practicing them. It's fine to be confident, but when you say a few weird comments in a row, people will start to wonder about you. I was on Antonio's side when I watched the show, but I'm not so sure about that anymore. He definitely could've handled the situation differently (if that rant above is real). Jodie deserved higher scores.
  18. Best dance with Keo so far. Hopefully it only gets better from here on out!
  19. I get that Nyle was being honest this past episode, but it was such a turnoff to see him boasting.
  20. The show isn't terrible, but there's a lot of work that needs to be done. The laugh track needs to go, and the swearing needs to be more natural. I don't know how to describe it. There's just something jarring about the moments when the characters throw out an f bomb. Like someone else mentioned, it might be because of the traditional sitcom (with the fake sets) look the show has. Sam Elliott's character definitely needs to be developed more, and I think it'll happen in the next season, going by the trailer scene. Now that I think of it, the development of each major character varies too much. Rooster and Sam never go anywhere, Maggie doesn't go anywhere either but she's warm and likeable the way she is, Colt and Abby grow up a little, and Heather changes quite a bit. I enjoy most of the characters. It's just that they're so predictable. Gotta change it up for the next season.
  21. Really enjoyed Jodie's partnership with Val. Hopefully Keo can change up his style of teaching to showcase her more.
  22. Oof, a few of those partnerships were so good (Jodie / Val, Paige / Sacha, Nyle / Sharna, etc.) it actually made me sad to realize these people are not going to be dancing together next week. Really, there's nothing more sad in a reality show like this one than when you find out a contestant could've been reaching much higher heights with a different partner.
  23. It really sucks that Jodie is with Keo. I wanted to like him during these past few years, but now he's messing with a contestant I grew up watching and respected. Really looking forward to her dance with Val.
  24. I get that some are hyping up Christina's team, but Her team IS that good, and they proved it tonight. Not necessarily with the song choices, which could've been better, but definitely with their vocals compared to what we've seen from other contestants. A few of the people on her team have amazing chops, and that's what this show is about. To act like her team is boring or can't sing is nutso to me, and I normally don't even like watching performances after the battle rounds. In particular, Alisan, Ryan, and Bryan were fantastic. Blake's team is good but not many of their performances were memorable to me this round. I'm not a fan of the country song choices so far.
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