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Everything posted by Jal

  1. I know a lot of people hate Blair, but to be fair to her, she clearly said she had both bags. And, the bag her father took was black, which is not a colour of the bags they had. Their elimination was her dad's fault just as much as it was hers. Brodie and Tyler can leave the competition at any time.
  2. What she did made sense to me. I mean...what are you really going to do on national TV? I'm not surprised that people will judge her any which way she decided to handle that moment. It was awkward, but who cares? Not everyone needs/wants to speak to their baby in a baby voice or hold the baby up to their cheek. Also, there are a few people each season who constantly talk about their families. It's not interesting, but it's really not a big deal. I hope Jodie goes very far.
  3. I actually think Tamar did a wonderful job with her performance. Yes, it was power-packed, but she hit all the notes correctly. That's more than I can say about half of the other contestants' performances, most notably Maya's. Bad performance by Moushumi but I think she's got a lot more potential. Adam's style of voice isn't something I've ever liked on the show. I DO enjoy similar artists on the radio, but I guess hearing some voices do other peoples' songs has never interested me. It's boring. Also boring: Nick's falsetto.
  4. I enjoy Erin and her awkward humour on the show. Once in a while she'll have a great joke without being too controversial for TV (like Leah Remini, whom I really enjoy but a lot of people find to be too aggressive). Much better than the previous hosts.
  5. I was really looking forward to her being back. I know they give Edyta and some other pros questionable partners. I hope she's back next season with a better chance.
  6. So far I'm underwhelmed by the two of them dancing together. I was hoping Keo would be a good match for her. Still rooting for her though.
  7. I really hoped Jodie and Keo would have more chemistry together, but the truth is she looked better by herself / with the other girls during her dance. I hope she makes it to the partner swap episode. I enjoy Ginger, Nyle and a couple of the other dancers as well, but no one has been amazing thus far. The Mischa situation is just uncomfortable to watch. She's clearly not in the right mind-set.
  8. I'm already enjoying Nyle and Peta's relationship. They're so much fun to watch. It's only been one performance and I'm wishing that the two of them have an actual relationship, despite the fact that I am a Maksim fan. LOL I hope Jodie Sweetin makes it far. She's been through a lot of crap in her life.
  9. I've quit all the other singing shows so I don't care that they showed Man's World again. Katie was better than Ryan, to my ears. Calm down, Pharell. There are plenty of amazing Indian singers.
  10. One of the best episodes of the show (I was really wavering there for a couple of seasons, but the current one has me back) featuring one of the best characters of the show, Carol. Maggie and some of the others were great too, but this was all about Carol.
  11. It's easy to say things like that from the comfort of home, without having to make that decision in a few seconds. While they're annoying, I didn't find the models to be out of line with their comments, especially after watching how the rest of the contestants have played.
  12. Justin may be annoying, but he's in similar company. I found the cheerleaders to have such a weird attitude at times throughout the race (particularly during their alliance with​ Tanner & Josh when they acted like it was a team of 4 instead of a team of 2). And the Paparazzi were negative nannies during every leg. The only ones who aren't crazy are the Reporters, but they're not as fun to watch.
  13. I'm not a fan of them. Their attitude about other teams, u-turns, and even countries is high-schoolish. Stop caring so much about your BFFs Tanner and Josh, and focus on your own partner.
  14. He seems like a great guy, but his dances do nothing for me. And if they could stop talking about all the women he's interested in, that'd be great.
  15. Ah yes, thanks for the clarification. I thought that dance was good, but not great. Certainly not the worst dance in DWtS history. I hope she makes a full recovery from the very serious health problem :/
  16. I love everything about Sarah Paulson (she's been robbed of awards too many times) and Wes Bentley is very easy on the eyes so seeing them together is wonderful. We all know Lady Gaga is extremely talented and she seems like a genuinely nice person every time she performs in my city. While the acting isn't great, I think they can do interesting things with the character if they don't allow her to speak too much or give her better lines. Side note: There's something very appealing about Gaga. Her body looks like an actual woman's body. It's refreshing to see on-screen. Obviously the show is filled with more talents, including Denis O'Hare and Kathy Bates.
  17. ...or you just don't like Tamar. There's no way that rhumba was "one of the most poorly executed dances" on DWtS. It looked like it had a lot of potential and could've been great during the live show.
  18. Awww, I've always liked Alexa. I do think she could be a little more independent and free from Carlos though, so hopefully that happens.
  19. I doubt the producers of the show would allow her to dance with everyone else if she really was contagious. I enjoyed her dancing before, and admire her for coming back. She wants to win that trophy badly.
  20. Keith is really boring to me. He reminds me of Matthew Bellamy (Muse) and some other artists put together, but somehow less unique.
  21. Hahaha, Shirin is awesome. Loved Jenn's speech as well. She literally said everything I was thinking in that moment after all the Mike hate. Don't mind who wins between Carolyn and Mike.
  22. These people don't know anything about strategy.
  23. Hayley is terribly annoying and one of the worst partners I've seen on the show. She relies on Blair for everything, but criticizes everything he does at the same time. I completely sympathize with him as someone who is very patient. The quiet, small quips he makes after Hayley says something is his way of coping and it seems to be very effective. That being said, Hayley IS very smart, and manages to understand and finish certain tasks much faster than other players/teams in the race. Blair gets someone who tests his mental health, but is also helping him get closer to winning the money.
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