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Everything posted by dmeets

  1. I literally LOLed at how anticlimatic it got. Here they went and built up to this epic final battle, every superhero past or present who's been in the main cast facing off against the "biggest villains they've ever faced" only to have the phantoms do a quick lap and then shuttle off Nyxly and Lex to the Phantom Zone. Okay, that's all folks, time for the wedding! Oh, sorry, except you Mon-El, you have to go away forever first. You too Andrea, nobody likes you except Lena. For a brief moment I thought Supergirl was going to turn herself in to the Gov't for almost draining the sun, and that would explain her not joining any future crossovers. At least they didn't go that route. Aw, Cat correctly said Kara Danvers! And then went right back to Kira for the rest of the pep talk. 😂
  2. The team better reunite soon. The "oops, just missed 'em" is going to get old real fast (and the previews suggested it's happening next week as well). I'm not sure I agree with Gary's deflection/assessment of Nate. I don't see him as intentionally seeking out relationships with no future. The Amaya season seems so long ago, but I thought they'd only settled down when it seemed they'd stay in their alternate lives. Maybe I'm misremembering and it was always doomed to fail. But with the O.Z., they developed feelings before she was swapped with Behrad, brought back, and then banished to totem duty. But then I've never really found an issue with Nate's relationships. Had he ever pursued Charlie or Zari 2.0 that'd have been troublesome. And I'm hoping they don't go there with I hope "no good deed goes unpunished" doesn't come to fruition with the teams aiding Maude and Eddie. I liked both characters and wouldn't mind seeing more of them. No Bishop sighting was a huge plus. If only the show could keep that up.
  3. So now 12 hours in (or was he thrown out of?) the crashed car before receiving medical attention from Erika (the son wasn't with her after all?) has become 9 hours (allegedly!). Yet no one bats an eye. Great interviewing, Andy! I really hope "it lands differently when there are plane crash victims" was an unfortunate choice of words and not a pun attempt. It's sad that with Andy, it could be either. Crystal shouldn't be stuck on the shithead couch. Reminds me of the reunion that poor Eileen was stuck sitting with Brandi and Kim because Yolanda ducked out early making the "teams" lopsided, so they opted for a blondes vs. brunettes seating arrangement.
  4. Meg seemed exhausting to be around, she was also crying last week and bitching repeatedly at the beginning of this episode because it was getting late. She went from passive aggressive to straight up aggressive towards Kenneth and I don't think she would have behaved that way towards someone more outspoken. Yes, it was way late to be asking for a switch, and I think he only came to his decision when he realized Prajje was bound to get lavished by the judges, but I think at least some of the designers would have defended her if she'd said "I've already designed, patterned at this point, I wish you'd have come to me this morning." It's telling that everybody either defended Kenneth or kept their opinion to themselves.
  5. It makes me nervous that TPTB are continuing to work with Vicki in any capacity. I never want to see her again. So that I can try my best to avoid accidentally ever seeing her, what does she consider "my town in OC?" Coto? Rancho Santa Margarita? Anaheim? All of Orange County? If her ego's any indication, I'm assuming the latter.
  6. If Door-it and Lisa didn't have their "feud" with Garcelle, they'd have contributed absolutely nothing to this season. Hell, even last year all Door-it contributed was a Buca di Beppo renovation. So it was rich hearing Doggy-Dumping Door-it accuse Garcelle of contriving a storyline. I'll reluctantly admit that Lisa had a small point when she said Garcelle could have brought up the race comment to her rather than drop the bomb at the reunion. It's not too dissimilar to what Kyle did to Garcelle last year. But then Lisa lost any high ground she could have claimed when she pulled that Harry comment out of thin air. It's the same stunt she pulled against Door-it when she retaliated against "is her behavior induced? (i.e. does that baggie mean she's a pill addict?)" with "were you all doing coke in the bathroom?" This better not be a 4-part reunion due to a bunch of pointless filler like Lisa and Erika's "bitches be going down" pep talk and Kyle's Halloween promo.
  7. Does that mean Kyle and Door-it were booted from the clique? If they all have to be back next season I'd love to see them turn on each other. Edit: Oh, nvm I take it Lisa was just referring to that trio as their own clique. What's ironic is Lisa herself could have played a key role in driving Crystal to the other side, after the swimsuit stunt she pulled.
  8. If I were one of them, I wouldn't concern myself about her remembering. She can't even remember which car-flipping incident her son was involved in (no Kyle, Erika isn't adding details piece-by-piece, she simply can't remember the details of the lies she told).
  9. Hopefully both Erika and Sutton are done with her after seeing how manipulative and two-faced she's been to everyone. Maybe next year will finally be the take-down that the beginning of last season teased before she and Brandi were able to flip the script and draw everyone against Denise instead. Lisa actually thinks she's been putting all the effort forward in reconciling with Garcelle? OMG. And the editors seemed to actually agree, showing all her "sincere" moments (including the gross "I'm so glad you broke down") yet declining to show all her talking heads and refusing to intervene and in fact siding against Garcelle in her dust-ups with Door-it and Erika. But wow, when Garcelle brought up Denise, the expression on Lisa's face looked as though Garcelle had brought up the husband. I like that Crystal and Sutton reconciled, and hope the reunion doesn't re-open the feud (with a 4-part!!! reunion, I have a hunch nakedgate may take up the better part of an episode). Though now that she's become fan favorite, Sutton doesn't need a feud with Crystal to stay relevant the way she felt she did the beginning of the season, and Crystal was over it after the first three confrontations. So hopefully both bury the hatchet permanently. That amazing dinner party was wasted on these shrews. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to let Stoner Mauricio near the instruments. Kinda wish he and Kyle had gotten thrown out of the place after that. Then we would have been spared the most transparent shit-stirring of the season yet. Did Crystal actually take the time to learn/remember everyone's Chinese zodiac sign? Impressive if so. Or did they cut a part of the scene where Kathy and Lisa told her their birth year first? And do we really think they were honest about their birth year?
  10. We did see, when everyone pretty much took Sutton’s side on Nakedgate. Everyone criticized Crystal for saying she felt violated and basically said she was exaggerating. Crystal held her own and let Sutton spiral into a tizzy merely by existing. And I’ll never forget that side of Sutton or warm to her, regardless of whether she smells Erika’s BS. The Mean Girls do seem to now have an established pattern of challenging women of color for their feelings. “you say that, but it’s simply not true.”
  11. If Tom's children want nothing to do with him after what he did (alleg... oh who are we kidding? Of course he did) then good for them. But I guess only Erika is allowed to leave. Sutton has said she's done playing detective, so I have no idea why Erika continues to add to her Greek Tragedy multiple acts at a time. Nobody else is going to challenge her, so what's the point? Kathy's way too obvious with the shit stirring. And everyone is way too happy to engage.
  12. It's actually comical how every time Erika relays her life to the women, she has to tack on at least a half dozen "oh but then"s to maximize the drama. "He got in an accident. Oh but then he flipped his car 6 times. Oh but then he was unconscious for 12 hours. Oh but then I was the one who found him. Oh but then he's been in cognitive decline ever since. Oh but then he's been cheating all along." "Burglars broke into Tom's house. Oh but then he fought them off. Oh but then he has glaucoma. Oh but then the stress triggered something with his brain and he needed to go to the hospital. Oh but then my son was the only person nearby who could check on him. Oh but then he flipped his car 6 times. Someone called me at 3, oh but I didn't hear about it until 6." Then cue shocked faces from Kyle and Door-it. It's just so blatant that it's bullshit. How does the same woman who flew off the handle at a figure of speech about her son, react to an actual supposed near-death experience he had with a "guuurl you don't even realize the week I've had. S'cool though."
  13. Dementia-addled Tom confronted burglars which exacerbated his glaucoma which required him going in for eye -- no, brain -- no, ankle -- surgery. And then the son, who was the only person who could check on Tom, on the way home flips his car 6 times in a freak snowstorm (maybe he lives off the Grapevine?). Guessing Erika thought after these latest woe-is-me tales, anyone who crossed her would come across like a heartless bitch. Would explain her smugness at Door-it's: "Let's see who'd dare challenge me now and bring up the son." I'll always loathe Door-it or Pique after their bullshit remarks about Eileen being "unfair" to LVP by failing to disclose the recent deaths in her family prior to the reunion and their overall pigheadedness in their early seasons. Fortunately Door-it never fails to disappoint in being a waffling, hypocritical, pretentious, moronic asshole. Translate that into four languages. And it's pretty ballsy of her husband to make multiple mentions of his bankruptcy. Might wanna keep your financial situations on the DL. Could have used some Camille right about now. Lisa's not even trying to hide her disdain for Garcelle. She must have really thought Garcelle would have been leaping for a chance at a reconciliation by now. Zero chance Kathy doesn't know who Bernie Sanders is. I'm sure she was right there with Sutton dreading the prospects of his presidency at that time the prior year. Just more of her weak attempt to play the kooky neighbor.
  14. "We are too kind, too forgiving, and very sensitive." Well 1 for 3 ain't bad I guess. "Not built for negativity" LOL. Every reunion appearance says "gurl what?"
  15. I was looking forward to NBCSN's coverage of the Paralympics since IMO they did a much better job with the Olympics than NBC. However, they're doing everything I hated about NBC and then some. 6 hour blocks making it hard to find events; rarely deviating from swimming, track, or basketball; replaying events 2-3 times on the same channel; and most frustrating of all, the USA!-USA!-USA! coverage at the expense of everyone else is even more extreme than the Olympics. Especially with swimming. Making it a point to caution the audience that no Americans are in a particular race (A I don't care, and B I could already figure it out based on the flags superimposed on the lanes), or spending the entire race talking about the American in 3rd or 4th with a passing acknowledgement of winners if they're from other countries. Track coverage was similar, though the cameramen didn't always get the memo as the announcers would prattle on and on about the Americans while camera is panning to the rest of the field, causing the announcers to be like "oh yeah and here are these foreigners." And while I can understand why there'd be a lot of storytime segments, and I'm a little more forgiving about it here than with the Olympics, I swear they show the same segments and interviews like 4 times. I appreciate the commentators' enthusiasm, but sometimes it borders on condescending. "Wow she did such a good job, I'm so happy for her!" I sometimes get the impression NBC thinks of the Paralympics like they're the Special Olympics. Even the former Paralympic athletes on commentary, which you'd think if anyone knew better it'd be them. But maybe I'm just grumpy by how much they've been NBC'ing up the coverage these games. I think between Track and Swimming it feels like a hundred world records were broken. Craziness. While he should have an amazing paralympic career ahead of him, I still felt pretty bad for Ezra Frech, the 16 year old high jumper who came in 5th while his teammate Sam Grewe won gold, having to shadow Grewe during the interviews and listening him talk about what it felt like to win and watching him talk to his family at home. He was legitimately thrilled for Grewe but it kinda sucked. Sorry Ezra, family chats are for winners only.
  16. To be fair, I yell fuck you at Door-it at least three times a week through the television so it wasn’t a tough guess. I wish Garcelle had gone in for the kill tonight. “Tell us again about all the black people your children and mother know.” But that’s why she’s classy and I’m not.
  17. IMO Door-it is the worst HW ever as far as Beverly Hills goes. Utterly worthless, vapid, and pretentious. Oh look, there’s another three “fuck you”s right there. Since Door-it rehashed Palm Springs, I wish Garcelle had brought up her ridiculous comments during the race discussion. “I’ve been done with your snobby ass ever since telling us about how you can’t be racist because of your mom’s best friend.” The way Sutton is handling Erika proves to me that she was BSing it and manufacturing drama with Crystal early on, face roller and all was just a performance to ensure relevance this season. Door-it could’ve used some lessons from the mouse. I get the sense Lisa mainly likes Delilah’s boyfriend in hopes of frequently seeing him shirtless. Though to be fair, he seems to be a fairly nice guy. Not that the bar’s set high next to The Disick.
  18. My guesses? a) Door-it, Lisa, and Erika b) Door-it, Door-it's accent, and whatever tacky shit Door-it is wearing that day
  19. Last week at the end of the ep he told Zari 2.0 that he was travelling to the future to visit with their parents for a while. No idea why he couldn't just travel back to the moment he left, but apparently the writers felt there are too many cast members on the ship with the addition of Bishop? No idea why Kayla knocked Mick out and then fled. Does she know what Bishop has planned? Between the birthing scene and Constantine being knocked around to near-death, the last third of the episode was difficult to watch.
  20. How "nice" to see the real Door-it again. The wishy-washy asshole who thought that Eileen owed an immediate disclosure of her mother's passing to LVP prior to the reunion, who can't remember what her accent sounds like half the time, and who thinks nothing of disposing of animals as if they're dresses from last season. Oh, and also the financial shadiness and possible coke. Allegedly
  21. Lisa wishes she had an ounce of the wit and talent of Brett Somers.
  22. Maybe, but I think she was announced as the lead in the Days of our Lives spinoff for Peacock. I think she's just frantically digging her heels since she decided to go all in on Erika. Doesn't explain her continued face mutilation, however. She and her sister have been the biggest instigators in dragging on the arguments between Sutton and Crystal. I think Kathy was trying to stir shit up again by rehashing the other big argument they'd had in Palm Springs.
  23. That was a surprisingly mature discussion about race (although Door-it continues to be the worst). But I suspect the only reason it happened at all was that Kathy was trying to re-ignite tensions between Sutton and Crystal now that the Tomasina joke had to be put to pasture. Thankfully neither took the bait. I'd like to think they're truly moving on, but the real test is going to be at the reunion where it's likely to take up all of Part 1 (I'm sure they'll save the Girardi drama for the last part, assuming they're legally allowed to discuss it by then). Kyle and Door-it are starting to realize they may be backing the wrong horse. Lisa's clearly going to be ride or die to the end. She's needed Erika (and Door-it) ever since Eileen was let go. I want to appreciate what Sutton's doing, but she was god-awful the first half of this season, definitely hypocritical about observing others' overreactions, and I don't really believe she'll say this all to Erika's face, not without a promise from the others that they'll have her back. But maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.
  24. It may be less of an issue with the Winter Olympics events, but have the camera operators stop acting like they're composing art projects. The diving coverage especially was full of pointless angles and zoom-ins on the platform/springboard of divers' finger nails... ankles... arm pits... the tops of their heads while the camera peeks up from below the platform. There's no art cinematography award, and some of the zoom-ins bordered on fetish. It's okay to show events in their entirety, even if Team USA winds up not being a factor for the podium (looking at you men's gymnastics... or rather, not looking at you since NBC couldn't be bothered most of the time.) And yes, please try to make programming more DVR friendly, or easily searchable on the apps by event (in its entirety!). Try splitting that 5-6 hour block into smaller programs rather than just tell me Diving/Equestrian/Water Polo/Weightlifting/Volleyball/Shooting (in no particular order). Oh and fix the audio sync issues. NBC broadcasts (at least on Spectrum) had a 1-2 second delay pretty much throughout the entire two weeks. Really noticeable on diving and during Tirico's segments.
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