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Everything posted by DeeDee79

  1. I saw Ketch punking out and pulling out his gun because Dean was beating his ass even with a bum leg. I didn't see Dean as needing to be saved but more as Mary getting hers also for what he put her through. But MMV.
  2. I would have liked to see a scene where Dean tells Mary about how John's obsession with avenging her death ripped away their childhood and affected their relationship with him. I can understand why he shied away from doing so but she should know exactly what their lives were like. I didn't like that Toni of all people was the one that told Mary about John's failings as a father.
  3. I agree but it was MysteryGuest's quote, not mine ?
  4. I do wish that Dean had spoken more about what he went through as well but he's always put Sam's well being before his own. Yeah it sucks but that's why I felt it was in character for him to focus on what her deal did to Sam instead of how it affected him. He's never been one to complain about the raw deal that he's been dealt because he just seems to think that it's his lot in life. Sad, but again in character :(
  5. I agree. I find myself losing interest when the peripheral characters are the focal point of the story with minimal Sam and Dean.
  6. I agree. I haven't been happy with a lot of the writing for Dean this season and I was hoping for the best but braced for the worst before watching the finales. I really enjoyed Dean in this episode and I found his scenes with Mary to be more interesting than the BMOL raid.
  7. This is how I feel about it also. I've always enjoyed both characters but it seems like the writers ran out of interesting stories for them. This so much. Crowley and Cas were awesome in the earlier seasons after they were introduced. Somewhere around season 8-9ish they lost that and started to become bland.
  8. Azazel first killed John in 1973 which would be 44 years ago so yeah it lines up.
  9. I agree with this. Out of the two of them I feel that Sam has had a gentler approach when dealing with Mary even when he's been upset with her and that may have not been what was needed to get through to her. Dean was a witness to John and Sam's pain in the aftermath of her deal and was equally affected from trying to take care of his family the best that he could at the expense of himself. He has a hefty amount of bitterness inside of him which Mary couldn't ignore if she truly cared. Not to say that Sam isn't bitter as well but I can't see him laying into Mary the way that Dean did.
  10. That was my assumption. John died in her arms like we saw in canon but she didn't make a deal so he stayed dead and they never married.
  11. I agree; I thought that it was a pretty great brother moment.
  12. I enjoyed the first part of the finale more but this episode was pretty okay. I can believe that Rowena is dead but I don't think that Cas and Crowley are really gone. I'm somewhat indifferent to both characters nowadays because the writing has been so meh for the both of them but I feel that they're too popular to really be gone. I was excited when the mystery man was Bobby but I was disappointed when it turned out to be an Alt Bobby who had no connection to the boys. I've always enjoyed their relationship with him and I'm not interested in a version that has no emotional ties to Sam and Dean.
  13. I enjoyed this episode. I feel that even though Sam got the action plot and Dean got the emotional plot they were equally important to the overall story. From reading through some of the previous posts I'm sure many won't agree but as a Dean girl I was satisfied with his part of the story. Yes, I do wish that he had thrown in some of what he's been through instead of just mentioning what happened with Sam but I kinda feel like he had to focus on that because Mary's deal ultimately affected Sam more and he was speaking specifically about what her deal did to the ones that were left behind after she was killed. That being said I'm glad he was able to unload with everything he has been keeping inside in regards to his mother and that Mary finally acknowledged how cold and distant she had been to them. Also, yay Ketch is dead and Jody is still alive!
  14. Crowley: "You, big, beautiful, lumbering piles of flannel".
  15. I would also; I really liked Benny!
  16. I warmed up to her a little after we were shown flashback in Hunter Heroci when she was so earnest in trying to get her father's approval on their relationship. I do believe that she cared for him but after her intro with the awful way that she ripped into him when he brought the dog into the clinic I wasn't sad to see her go.
  17. In order from earliest to the most current I would say Tall Tales ( the slow dancing alien was priceless!), Mystery Spot, Wishful Thinking which was mostly due to Audrey and her suicidal teddy, and Just My Imagination (she's got Sparkle on her face!) were the funniest eps IMO. There are of course more that are meant to be comedic but these are the only ones that made me laugh more than a few times.
  18. I would love for it to be Bobby. A confrontation between him and Mary would be awesome!
  19. Nope! I'm right there with you ?
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