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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. Funny, because a coworker was telling me about the movie and inside, without my expression changing, I'm thinking, "Man, that sounds waaaay too Christian for me." Phew, that's harsh. A baby singing about Jesus' blood and sin? I grew up Mennonite and even we were singing about Jesus loving the little children of the world.
  2. What's sqwiggy to me is when anyone refers to Olivia and Jake as "brother and sister." Ewwww. Also, I still cannot forget that the woman who was worth 2 BILLION on the black web is still walking all around, unguarded and no one tries to take her. One week after the"auction" she was walking around unguarded. I say scrap all of them and have Sally spew her lies and vitrol for an hour each week.
  3. Abbyzen, Take care of yourself. Lindsay Graham seems like a likeable Republican (if there is such a unicorn, ahem). Anyway, please CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG, but they are all saying (Graham this AM included), that ACA is failing, insurers dropping out but isn't only because MArco Rubio spearheaded a vote to take away the funds that insureres would get if they lost $ insuring the sick, pre-existing conditions, etc? Thus doing it on purpose exactly so the ACA would fail??
  4. Comments are great. To sum most of them up:" You are gloriouslyfollowing the Lord's Command, but be careful because its a frickin infested place you're in." One poster even has LULAROE as part of her screen name, lest you question her fundy credentials.
  5. I thought it was painful. Mireille still is wearing that pale coral ultra-cakey lipstick. Ben still has 1 emotion--Smarm.
  6. I love that place! Lucky duck. Do you have a little tent??
  7. Joe's shirt looks vaguely Nehru-ish. Mika's got runner's legs. Joe has good hair, not much more. Thanks Joe, for ruining orange as my favorite color and 1/2 of my wardrobe.
  8. And....it's a KAC bloodbath this AM! KAC, Obama can also surveil you thru your daughter's photo on the credenza behind you.
  9. Steve Scaliese is a Lying Liar who Lies. Can we get that jerk who shouted out "You Lie!" at Obama to shout at this guy? Willie: "You are saying that NO ONE who has coverage now will lose their coverage." LLWL: "Well.. I suppose if you like the Obamacare law in itself, then you will be a loser when it's gone" (recap) Campbells Word Soup!!! Indian Dude's wild hair is fabulous. I normally listen in my car but now I'm at work streaming it on my PC so I get to see stuff. (including Scarves of the Religions of the World) At 7:16 a.m. during my morning commute during a snowstorm I get treated to Joe pointing out that Bill Clinton letting Monica Lewinsky blow him in the White House in the 90s then made the girl students in his kid's Episcopalian private school start blowing guys.
  10. Are you sure there is NO chance that Sherlock was comforting Kitty, or vice versa, and they succumbed and this baby is his? ANY chance at all??
  11. I read this as "Shul," the Yiddish word for a religious school. Ben's next step in exploring Fundamentalism of all types, perhaps?? RE Jessa's "Southern" accent-- next video expect a hoop skirt and a lace parasol.
  12. Oakville, is this a texting error or is Fox and Friends viewership over 2 million??!! If so, then: 1. I see how Trump won the election 2. Then Fox' female TV personalities ought to be able to afford to add about 8 inches to their sleeveless dress hems.
  13. Joe's making fun of Obama's bowling skills. "What's his average, 45? I guess they don't bowl at Harvard." Maybe they don't bowl at Alabama state schools ,either??
  14. No Sean, that wasn't a "cute" question. NOTHING about our current situation is "cute." Also--SIZE MATTERS (ie new health bill vs ACA) Lackey. On the lighter side--RATNER BROUGHT CHARTS!!
  15. This chick is 19!! Nine teen and not pregnant and getting married? These people. BTW--he looks hunky, unless its just the one blue plaid shirt photo. Makes Jeremy look tubby.
  16. RE Video: Can it be that I haven't heard Jessa's voice before? Why does she sound like a Southern Belle, y'alls and that crap. Is Arkansas that Southern? Maybe so, huh?
  17. I'm looking forward to this, I thought it was not renewed. When did they start series in march? TeeVee is weird nowadays--gone is the first week of Sept thru mid May series runs of my past. It's a new game out there.
  18. I apologize to her then. I will go back to pistolwhipping Joe, in my mind.
  19. Mika has a hellalotta outrage. She's gonna adopt a refugee. I wonder how many refugees one can find in the South of France?
  20. Well that was a Felicity Jones-level of suck. Octavia flubbed her lines as much as Che does. But--Weekend Update was the best ever! So funny! I also liked Drug Company Names and Cinnabon skits. Also, Jeff Sessions skit sucked, but the KAC having no legs (like Gary Sinese) was great. Why did it take them Like 4 months to show that Villasenor and Moffat can do impressions?? I love impressions, reminds me of Rich Little when I was a kid. We never saw Villasenor doing impressions until that bed skit a month ago--she's good--and Moffat's talent until he did Casey Affleck.
  21. May I point out that we will never see Derek or Jill in any of those 2 places???
  22. Expect a listing from him of the meetings Hillary Clinton had with the Russians. Ohhhhh....that's right.....she was SUPPOSED to be meeting with the Russians as SOS.
  23. Best quote of morning: (concerning Trump administration's denials of Russian contact) "It's like when Obi Wan Kenobi said 'These aren't the droids you are looking for.'" Won't work on us, I don't think their admin has any Jedi mind powers like he did. Mika is home sick. I hope she doesn't have that disease you get from chickens. I hope she is wearing a Christian Science scarf with her PJs (Christian Scientists are into healing--is this close enough oakville?)
  24. YES. We don't ever want to have to refer to Israel as the "Giant Red Baby."
  25. TED CRUZ: "It's a nothing burger. There's no there there." (ie Sessions lying during confirmation hearing about meeting twice with Russian ambassador during the campaign) WILLIE: "How do you know, Senator, that it's a nothing burger?" Meanwhile underneath is the scrolling banner: Senator Cruz: Session Russian Meetings a NOTHING BURGER"
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