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dubbel zout

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Everything posted by dubbel zout

  1. I have enough contempt for the writers and the characters. Yeah, that was weird. "Tease" isn't the right word, because they shouldn't want him not to be good. "We used to be relieved that he was the good Cassadine" would be more accurate, I'd think.
  2. I love how Sonny completely ignores the fact that there are mob troubles because he's in the mob. No, all the terrible stuff that's happened lately is all because of big,bad Ava and the Jerome family. And seriously, Show, a dead bird/rat in Ava's bed? Hayden's sleeping with Nik and a knife? How is any of this addressing the violence on GH? Back to the community garden tomorrow, I see.
  3. Jason Hulking out was hilarious. But it was super gross that it led to sexy times for him and Sam. Just as gross was Rebecca Budig ministering to Nik's wounds. What is wrong with these women?!
  4. Lulu's recklessness? I don't know, but they must have some. LOL. I think it would be nice to see one therapy session. It doesn't have to be antagonistic. They could acknowledge they need to talk about things instead of letting them fester or jump to insane conclusions. And maybe talk about giving each other space to process when things go wrong. I'd rather watch Lulu and Dante in therapy than see Carly whining about mob violence all of a sudden.
  5. FFS, can Kristina climb down off the cross? The martyr act is ridiculous.
  6. The immediate reasons for the affair and split were dumb, but I think seeing one session devoted to their larger issues could be interesting.
  7. I wouldn't be surprised if that ends up having nothing to do with Nik. And I'm positive we won't find out anything for at least a year.
  8. The bequests have been mostly dead-ends, though. What's Lulu supposed to do with an empty envelope? Sam briefly thought pricking her finger was part of the curse, but then she basically ignored it, which is what she should do. Alexis apparently put the dagger and box in the back of her closet to collect dust. And Nik got nothing, so he can't do anything either. As usual, the show totally misses on something that could have had decent promise.
  9. I had to laugh at that. I wonder how often that happens, attorneys turning on other attorneys like that. I was holding my breath throughout the verdict rituals in the courtroom. This show did a superb job of building suspense for an outcome the audience already knew. I think his focus these days is on directing, so it's more his choice not to be acting, not that he can't get roles. That reinforced how amazing the casting, hair, and makeup was. There were some real doppelgängers in there. Yeah, he was basically telling them it was okay to find Simpson not guilty, because there would be a bigger justice in that. That was really interesting to me. That was Cochran's ultimate goal: He wanted to put the system on trial and he did. That's a very sweeping statement. As a woman, I'm afraid a man will kill me. Any man. Margaret Atwood put it succinctly: "Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them." That primal fear is in too many white people, not all.
  10. I loved how awkwardly Blaine left the morgue, while Major, because he was on optimist brain, was all, "Yeah, bad stuff can happen, but we can learn from it!" Hee. I'm really looking forward to the finale(s).
  11. And yet a substantial part of this last episode seemed to be devoted to fancy aerial shots. I was thinking about that when I wrote the original comment, and I'm sure the close-up stuff on the tower was done in a studio—they're not going to risk their main actors like that. I don't know if CGI is cheaper, but some of the far shots of the original climbers didn't look real.
  12. I still think he'll be in Morgan's story. "Corinthos family" doesn't necessarily mean Sonny, though of course all roads eventually lead to him.
  13. It makes me hate this whole story even more than I already do.
  14. What I especially hate about that is that it's not as if we've seen Nik have to tighten his belt and rein in his expenses. There's been zero reduction in his living situation. And Nik is acting like Spencer will have only family money to live on. Doesn't Nik want him to earn his own money?
  15. Emma and Griffin playing cowboys and neurosurgeons was adorable. There are other men whose hair I'd cut first, though. Boo on Emma having to prop Sonny by telling him she thinks he's handsome. It would be laughably pathetic—Sonny needs an ego boost from an 8-year-old?!—if it wasn't so obviously a way to continue to anvil us that Sonny is a Good Man. And of course he'd never wear a cowboy hat with a pink glitter star. Asshole. Sam, ELQ is your son's inheritance; why are you on Nik's side?
  16. I was wondering if that might work in his favor this year, what with all the talk of diversity. Plus, he can act and would actually deserve an Emmy.
  17. Nik needs to lose big and for a while, IMO. His insistence that he's doing this to save Spencer's inheritance is ridiculous; it's just the manipulation he uses to get people to do what he wants. I don't want Rebecca Budig to get ELQ, but if she does and Tracy is able to wrest it from her grasping little hands, then that works for me. As long as Nik is miserable and hurting.
  18. Carly had no idea of the circumstances of her adoption when she first came to town, and that's why she was so determined to get back at Bobbie, especially after seeing how happy and settled Bobbie was.
  19. Yeah, I thought she should know better, too. An excellent point: So, so true. I don't know why GH thinks going bigger and bigger is the way to stay relevant. A really well-written social-issue story, for example, can have just as much of an impact, if not more. And for sheer amusement value: Hee!
  20. I think there was some self-loathing in there. SJB was really good at showing that, I think, but there was more selfishness and entitlement. As I wrote in another thread, Carly hadn't the faintest idea why Bobbie gave her up—and likely didn't care—once she saw Bobbie's ginormous diamond rings, she figured she was owed some payback, and boy, did she go after it. These days, Carly is all selfishness and entitlement, and I think that's a valid place for her to be. It doesn't make her very likable, despite the bravestrongandloveswithherwholeheart nonsense.
  21. She came on hellbent for revenge, and when she saw Bobbie's ginormous diamond rings, she set her sights on Tony. I think if Bobbie hadn't seemed wealthy and part of PC, Carly wouldn't have been so set on using Tony. The fact that he was a successful doctor just added to her contempt for what Bobbie did. And this was all before she knew anything about Bobbie's past.
  22. The men are never shamed for that, though. It's ALWAYS the women who get the snide comments.
  23. I also hate the implied shut-shaming when she continues to point out they all have different fathers. That's true of every woman in Port Charles with more than one kid. So let's stop calling out Liz, writers.
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