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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. True but she did make the attempt and go through pretty serious training for the match, which is way more than Cate did at Sleepaway camp.
  2. Did Cate see Farrah's body while when she was training for the match? Maybe her chunky ass should have volunteered to step in.
  3. Exactly! I wonder how anti-abortion Prince Diego would have been if Emily had said "Ok, so after the baby is born she can live with YOU".
  4. Agreed. I feel all three of the adults did what they had to and said what they needed to so they could get their hands on that baby. Cate and Tyler were easy marks and the three adults circled like vultures. Teresa staying overly cordial after the process always seemed like guilt to me. Dawn stays around in hopes of getting another blond, blue eyed baby from Cate.
  5. That's right. Carly is also old enough to decide she doesn't want to miss her good friend Brittney's sleepover to spend a day with those weird yahoos who show up once a year and paw all over her.
  6. I thought Darlene could have given Larry a hug before she left but then I don't hug my bosses when I leave a job. Now I really need to know whose baby that is hanging out at Larry's. Did he/she come with the apartment? The women are leaving the life in droves there's no way Larry can chase auditions and manage a toddler.
  7. I found the comment and gave a similar reply. It gets rough for people over there that give Whit a little push back.
  8. Dunno...perhaps Kelani is a perfectionist??
  9. Is that when Kelani first started losing her virginity?
  10. First thing Cate should do to assist with her "trauma", is to blast the fuck out of Dawn. Cuss the dogfuck out of her one good time for taking advantage of two troubled and stupid teens. All of these phone calls and Alex and Ani bracelets and hugs is not going to change the favt that Dawn's main goal was getting that white baby by any means necessary. If Cate unleashed that and then unleash some hell on Tyler she'd have the ability to move forward with some clarity. Acknowledge that two people in the room snookered her out of her baby. Is Carly better off? Definitely. But the means by which she got there was lowdown.
  11. So instead of taking a hint and backing off of BrandonandTeresa, Cate doubles down and bombards the woman with text messages. Leave those people alone!! And demanding to know what is going on with Carly?? Mind your funky business! What help can she possibly offer? Oh, maybe some bullshit trauma platitudes she's learned from sleepaway camp. Go help Nova find the dog poo around the house and shut up.
  12. This is my problem with teenage sex. None of these guys look like foreplay masters. I would bet 2 shiny quarters that these girls get very little enjoyment out of these sexfests. Of course the condoms hurt, Calen has no clue that you have to pre-heat an oven before you get to baking. Sadly some men never learn that.
  13. That is always going to be the problem w McKayla. No big shakes, Grandpa Tim will figure it out. This isn't going to be her last OOPS baby. If she was left to struggle a little bit she could be more serious about birth control. If made her sit in her own mess she would find the focus. I bet begging for extra hours at the local Piggly Wiggly so the rent wouldn't be late would help her straighten up. Don't get me wrong Calean is not off the hook for not wrapping it up. But the Princess is the one who seems to be without any consequences here.
  14. I was Brooklynista at TWOP when Howard went down gunz a-blazing! Figured I'd just keep the name because...I'm still in Brooklyn. I have yet to have a cap on my number of likes. I love it here!
  15. Olga's fridge was scarily empty for a pregnant woman.
  16. That was some kinda proposal. "Can I take care of you forever?" I mean...I guess.
  17. You Go Emily!! Tell Diego to kick rocks! I'm glad she has the vision to not stick around in a useless relationship, eating shit from some manchild just because they have a kid together. Chloe is on to Jessica's gaslighting. You can't say "I don't care about you" and then say That's not what I meant when you get called on it.
  18. Whew! I thought I was the only one thinking Kelani has lost her virginity several times over.
  19. Why is mom still crying?? Enough with the tears!
  20. Im starting to think they're just fucking with me with this damn Princess Toast every week.
  21. Ohh..Colt's mother controls him with tears. I see.
  22. Good question about the slot machine in the damn dining room.
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