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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. A phrase from one of my favorite movies Notes on a Scandal comes to mind when I think of Whitney. " Chronically untouched". We never see anyone genuinely reach out to Whit to offer her any sort of affection and that has to be a hella lonely existence. We constantly see her stealing these touches and bits of contact from any man that's in her orbit. It's pathetic and opportunistic the way she does it to men who seemingly let her do it to avoid embarrassing her. She's a predator and we would be way more grossed out if she were a man.
  2. ??? Maybe we're supposed to read it backwards 🤔.
  3. I'm fascinated. Let's explore this some more. Would Buddy hoist his belly fat on her back? Is that how it would work? Because in my mind's eye, I only see two orbs trying to come together.
  4. 20/20 ran a story on Diane Downs who shot 3 of her kids in the 80's. I know we've mentioned it before but Janelle's resemblance to her is downright scary. Same dead eyes.
  5. You think we're watching Tyler Part Deux in the making?
  6. What I need Whitney to ask herself is, are any of Buddy's friends/family saying he should date her?? She also needs to consider how suckass her crew must think she is if the best they think she can do is minimally employed, mumble mouthed cokehead that mooches off of her any chance he gets.
  7. Farrah a genius. Ha! Yeah Farrah, I still remember when she called herself making boss moves by selling her car online and instead she got scammed out of a few thousand dollars. Genius my ass.
  8. Poor Luke. How dare Kate tell someone when he says all matter of bullshit to her. Asshole. You can tell Luke has never experienced an accidental knee to the balls.
  9. Kate always looks afraid. Perhaps I'm too much of a hardened NY'r but I cannot stand how mousy Kate is. Say what you need to say to the man like a grown up and quit with the teary eyed dramatics.
  10. Oh so Katydid is getting blackout drunk. Hmmm...is this a chicken or the egg type deal? Is she pissy drunk and the result is dead inside Puke? Or does Puke act as if he's dead inside so Kate gets pissy drunk? Did i say that right???
  11. Does Kate have lockjaw or something? I can't focus on a single thing she says because I marvel at her clenched teeth. I'd love to witness a convo btwn her and Kandi from RHOA.
  12. A comedian huh? Ok...why not I guess. If Whitney can call herself a dancer, then I guess Buddy can be a comedian. Have we ever heard Buddy say anything funny? Have we even understood anything Buddy was saying? Nothing like a giant manchild who will do anything to avoid getting a damn job.
  13. Cassandra's face is what I'm feeling watching these people in physical form. The side eyes that say "here we go again", the blank stare she gives when they have yet another reason why they didn't make goal? Her face is my spirit animal.
  14. Ha! You think Whitney would ever let BooBear go if she ever got her hooks on him? We saw her proudly announce 80 text messages and 1200 phone calls to the fake boyfriend Lenny when he went missing for 1 day, she would go full bunny boiler over Buddy. To his advantage, he could do all manner of fuckery to her and still have a place to rest his head. Stay minimally employed, start doing "blow" again, get terrible tattoos none of it would matter. She'd never cut him loose.
  15. She needs to rebrand. What Whitney calls dancing would be perfect for Dr. Now's barely mobile patients. Some arm waving, some hip wriggling and Voila! Dr. Now's requirement for light activity is met. Quit calling it dance, cause it aint that. Not anymore.
  16. I marvel at how she puts together all of this choreography without lifting a single foot. It's Sit and be Fit set to music.
  17. But only if her checks go back as restitution to Scott. Make sure he has a conservatorship though. The man ain’t right and I’m sure he’s in a national database for tricks.
  18. This week the "select" group of girls learned ONE dance move. They didn't learn a single bit of choreography.
  19. As un-PC as it was, I can't lie and say I didn't perk my ears up to hear the answer.
  20. You have to be careful about people who lie when there's no reason. All the guys are talking about Decision Day and Luke says "Nope, not us. We haven't talked about it at all". Why lie?? Because Kate said she was gonna dump his ass? Big whoop! He wants Kate to lie about his crying in the closet after sex. Lie, lie, lie. Luke is overly concerned with how he's coming across and this was not the reality show for him. He's an asshole that doesn't want people to know he's an asshole and he's failing at keeping the secret. Why is he on tv??
  21. I've been noticing this across a number of reality shows. I'm not a fan at all.
  22. Jasmine's body language in the car says it all. She is so stiff and frigid. There's no way for Will to get past that wall and I don't think he even wants to try anymore.
  23. I want to punch Kate in the throat! Her halting manner of speech drives me batshit! Spit it out!! The man feels dirty after screwing you. Take a hint!
  24. That goat just did.
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