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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I thought Dorothy did say something (about her, not to her), although I can't think of the line so I may be misremembering that. But she didn't react to Sophia or Rose saying things like she normally would, as if she wasn't bothered by it. It was just such an odd episode for me; first of all, they act as if Rebecca is huge when she's just rather averagely overweight and, second, there are comments flying around without the usual step of one character (often Dorothy) standing in for the audience by reacting - in look or word - to the inappropriateness.
  2. Sophia as a real person would become insufferable rather quickly. As a sitcom character, though, she largely works for me, and at least her actions in the Rebecca episode are consistent with who she's been throughout the series. What bothers me about Dorothy and Rose joining in is the fact it's pretty out of step with even their "it's a sitcom so liberties can be taken" characterization. It's just not them; they have their flaws, certainly, but talking about a perfectly nice young woman they care about by proxy who happens to be overweight as if she's a grotesque creature isn't in line with those flaws.
  3. S4: Herrenvolk Tunguska Terma S5: All Souls Mind's Eye Patient X
  4. It's Dorothy and Rose who bother me most in the episode with overweight Rebecca (well, besides "Frank Fontana" as the asshole boyfriend). Sophia at least has an excuse for saying the things she says (although not for thinking them), but for Dorothy and Rose to do so is quite jarring.
  5. The valet in the Buick commercial confuses me, not because he doesn't recognize the Buick, but because he's looking for it in the first place. The customer hands him the valet ticket (and says, "It's the Buick"), and he must go over to the stand to retrieve the keys, because he has them in his hands as he's running through the lot looking for a Buick (which he doesn't recognize, because Buick isn't the stodgy car it used to be, per the ad campaign). So why, when he did that, did he not pay attention to which slot the keys were in, which would tell him what parking spot the car is in? Also, Buick, you're implying so few people drive your cars there will only be one Buick of any kind in the entire lot. I don't think that's the message you want to send.
  6. And a woman who looks like Nancy Kerrigan.
  7. I don't think there has ever been a "watch football on your [increasingly tiny device]" ad I didn't hate. One, for the gender stereotypes - according to these ads, all men are obsessed with football and all women hate it. And, two, for the sheer rudeness and stupidity displayed by the football fans in those ads. I (a woman) live for football season. But even if I had a phone capable of showing me a game - and eyes that would enjoy watching on a tiny screen - I would never engage in such an activity while out with someone else. Because for week one and all key match-ups, I decline social activities that conflict with my football watching. If I do commit to one because it's an important occasion, then I am engaged with my companion(s). Not surreptitiously checking out the game. So if the men in these commercials were stupid enough to schedule a date for the same time as a game they wanted to watch, they need to put the damn phone down.
  8. Season five is when I stopped being excited about the show every week, and there are a lot of episodes I just don't remember. And I have absolutely no clue what happened in that season's mytharc episodes other than Redux and CC/Emily. So I'm afraid my voting is skewed -- I'm voting off episodes I remember disliking, when the ones I can't even bring to mind should probably go first. Season four is easier - thus far - because I remember everything and, while it has episodes I freakin' LOVE, there are also a lot I either dislike or don't care about. Chinga has its faults - Namely, that doll. And the kid. And her mother - but there's so much in it I enjoy, that with all the crappy or so-so episodes this season it's pretty far down my personal elimination list. S4: Zero Sum Musings of a Cigarette-Smoking Man Herrenvolk Kaddish S5: Redux All Souls Mind's Eye
  9. I find it profoundly offensive. It takes the attitude that it's hunky dory those women were raped because they got babies out of it. Unlike Small Potatoes, it never calls out what is happening. I also think it, like all of CC's gimmick episodes, is all hat and no horse. The dancing is adorable, but I can't abide the episode.
  10. Unrequited is about an invisible assassin or something like that. It's boring as hell, and will definitely make an appearance in my voting next round if it survives this one.
  11. "This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate." Maybe it should say, "... and may be riddled with errors."
  12. My favorite part of Creatures of the Night is the Rocky Horror-style credits at the end - the perfect touch. I love Nick and Will at the theatre in the closing montage -- Nick loving it and Will sitting there a big ball of "WTF?" It reminds me of when I took a friend with me (I used to go to the midnight showings at a local theatre when I was in college). It's a love it or hate it movie, let alone the theatre experience, and she definitely hated it. I hate Lilly's sister, period, and especially with Scotty (and I can't stand Scotty during that time, either), so that storyline drags down any episode it's in.
  13. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    That game still haunts me in my sleep.
  14. That is so wrong. Thanks for taking charge of this and keeping it moving, joelene. Season 4: The Field Where I Died El Mundo Gira Teliko Zero Sum Season 5: Post-Modern Prometheus Travelers Redux
  15. Except it will become the watering hole for the entire squad, and we'll have to listen to Angela lecture everyone on how they should live their lives. And be expected to find such meddling cute.
  16. Something I can whip up during halftime, so probably a stir fry. I know I have snow peas and bean sprouts in the fridge, so some shrimp and whatever I go pull from the garden with a simple ginger and soy sauce ... I think we have a winner. Or I'll get lazy and order in.
  17. Ha - maybe the next round should be an A-Z list of adjectives describing just that construction paper garland wedding dress.
  18. Cynthia was great. Her scenes were often funny, but touching, too. Their first night at the house, with her just standing on the dock looking at her surroundings and marvelling how different it was from her home environment, is bookended with the finale scenes of her putting away groceries in the apartment she was so happy to be renting for herself after having been offered a job in Miami.
  19. Lintels are horizontal pieces that are jointed to two vertical pieces (columns, in this case), and rabbet is a type of joint.
  20. I generally preferred her directing that wit at herself than at others (and certainly when it came to how people look rather than what they do), but my feeling - from, admittedly, only a moderate level of familiarity with her work, but with the entire body of that work, not just the E! years - is that while her jokes could be mean, she wasn't a mean-spirited person. And humor from such an intelligent person never feels truly lowbrow. Near the end of that True Hollywood Story was what I assume is a clip from their reality show, with Joan getting ready to undergo (plastic) surgery. She told Melissa, "If something happens, it's okay." Another conversation shows her telling a worried Melissa she's had an amazing life, they've had a great ride together, Cooper is a terrific kid, and whenever it ends they will all be okay.
  21. Oh, wow, I'm watching the Joan and Melissa "True Hollywood Story" that E! is repeating right now and just watched Joan talking about her parents (with whom she had many clashes over her decision to be an entertainer) -- Joan, Edgar and little Melissa had moved to Los Angeles, and she got the call that her dad had been taken to the hospital following a heart attack. She was on the phone with her mom, saying she'd get a full-time nurse in for him so he could come home, her mom said she didn't want anybody in the house, Joan said, "Too bad, I'm doing it. Good-bye" and hung up. The next day she got a call from Edgar saying, "Sit down, try to stay calm, but you have to get to New York." She said, "My dad died," and Edgar said, "No, your mother." (Of heart failure.) She never got to make up with her mom, and never really got over that. That had to make the estrangement from Melissa even more heart-breaking. I'm so glad they reconnected and went on to have all those years together.
  22. That's too bad. There was much to criticize in her comedy - and I did - but when she directed it at herself I roared with laughter alongside her. And there was much to praise in her work ethic, determination and, especially, in her love for her daughter and grandson. My heart goes out to them. ... in something of a personal way as I sit here continuing to digest this 20 minutes later. I have a mother whom I love more than anything in the world but who can drive me batty like no one else, and had a grandmother who was everything to me, whose death in my childhood absolutely shattered me. Say what you will about Melissa putting her son on "reality" TV - and I've said plenty - but it showed the very real truth those three loved each other dearly and openly.
  23. Today I voted One Breath as my favorite. Yesterday, I put it as my choice for the second elimination. They're all so good, it just depends on what type of episode I'm in the mood for at the time I'm voting (here we are an hour later, and if I was voting now I'd go with Irresistible). Add WOTC and you'd have my tie for third place.
  24. S2: Irresistible. No, DHDV. No, Anasazi. But, wait - One Breath. Arggh. Okay, One Breath is spectacular, but Scully is mute for most of it. DHDV I watch the most often, but is it really the tops of the season? Anasazi spent a summer nearly killing me, but a mytharc episode as number one? Irresistible is fantastically creepy, but Scully doesn't save herself without help, which is fine in one episode but really tiring as a theme ... One Breath S3: This is a two-way tie (JCFOS and CBFR), with the third an infinitesimal step behind. How can I choose?! Jose Chung's From Outer Space
  25. I was watching a Cold Case marathon, but switched to Blandings during every commercial break ... and made sure to watch the morning routine that opens the film, the paint color selection, "In case of emergency, break glass," and the scene the first night in the house where Jim gets all bent out of shape about Muriel having been in love with Bill way back when. I love her reaction upon realizing he's jealous, and especially her response when he asks why she married him: "I'm beginning to wonder! Maybe it was those big cow eyes of yours, or that ridiculous hole in your chin. Maybe I knew you were going to bring me out to this $38,000 icebox with a dried-up trout stream and no windows. Or maybe I just happened to fall in love with you, but for heaven's sake don't ask me why!" Adam's Rib is probably my favorite of the Hepburn/Tracy collaborations (if Woman of the Year had retained its original ending, that would walk away with it). Amanda, especially, gets great dialogue throughout; the script is sharp. The courtroom scenes bear no resemblance to reality, but are entertaining in their outlandishness. And the home movies are delightful. I also love watching Katharine Hepburn and Judy Holliday together knowing the backstory - that newcomer Holliday was terrified of performing alongside the venerable Hepburn, and Hepburn thought Holliday deserved a bright future in Hollywood and talked her up all over town.
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