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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. One of the announcers of the Denver/Arizona game (or one of the other afternoon games) did it too! "That's literally threading a needle." Unless Peyton Manning was getting ready to stitch up a rip in his jersey, no it's not.
  2. My feelings on this would violate site rules, so I'll keep them to myself. Pusher Beyond the Sea Oh, the agony. But as much as I love those episodes, they ranked last among the remaining.
  3. At this stage of the game, with nothing but beloved episodes left and thus elimination votes being cast based on the tiniest of things, MM got my vote because of the awful VOs. (Ice got my vote on the "Well, I certainly can't vote for anything else on the list" theory.)
  4. That seems quite common to me. I love the great outdoors, but when it's time for sleeping I was always happy to have a nice bed in my parents' motorhome. I knew plenty of other kids who loved to sleep outside instead, though. It's probably just exciting to do something different, to be "away" from the parents (even though they're right inside), etc. Well, consider my mind blown, too - I had no idea.
  5. Dylan McDermott on The Practice gives him a pretty good run for the money.
  6. This is just ridiculously hard now. And I am so bummed about Darkness Falls. Ice Memento Mori
  7. I, too, figure Ina's recipe will serve at least twice as many people as she states and reduce accordingly. And, even though we use the same salt, I automatically cut it in half on top of that reduction. I do, however, generally maintain the amount of lemon called for; lemon and garlic are two ingredients I pretty much can't get enough of.
  8. The chicken I was going to roast Wednesday before Tabbyclaw gave me an irresistible craving for pasta carbonara is finally going to be cooked tonight. Cut up, slathered in an herb/wine sauce that takes me all of five minutes to make, sprinkled with some paprika and grated parmesan and baked. I have some leftover Swiss chard gratin that can just be heated up, and the chicken is all prepped, so when the 4:30 game is over I can pop it in the oven, make a simple mixed green salad, and plop back down for the 7:30 game while the chicken cooks. It's very hot and I have cramps, so lazy is the name of the game today. And possibly tomorrow; lazy is pretty much a football season-long theme.
  9. My condolences on your loss, cooksdelight. At least they're adults, but, yes - enough already.
  10. Although it was even more obvious than usual which house was theirs, the follow-up was done too quickly to show us what the place is going to look like, and I'd have preferred looking at the scenery on the northern side of the island instead, the HHs were so likable I enjoyed the Canary Islands episode in spite of itself. I loved her reaction when he got out of the car (back home) without his jacket. If they can be married that long, go through multiple renovation projects together, and still enjoy each other's company, they're doing something right. They clearly have money coming out of their asses, yet didn't give off the entitled air seen in so many twentysomethings with a paltry budget on the domestic version of the program.
  11. Change Ice to Darkness Falls and that's me. I love all the remaining episodes, so voting for them is hard and seeing any of them go causes a "But that's so good!" reaction. But some of them are in my "I don't quite know when it should go out, but certainly not now" category.
  12. It has reached a point where some sort of annoying vocal affectation seems to be a prerequisite for casting on this show. I don't remember the last episode of this or Renovations I saw where the HH didn't speak with either a vocal fry, that "uptalk" which makes everything sound like a question, or some variation on a teeny bopper voice. I don't know why these women refuse to speak like mature adults, or why HH loves to put them on the air. Add in the closet space and man cave jokes and the need for women to be able to watch the kids while cooking dinner, and HH is just flinging sexist stereotypes all over the place.
  13. I stumbled across that in a friend's freezer recently. I was disappointed in the pistachio, but the sea salt caramel was divine.
  14. To entertain myself, I tried ranking the remaining episodes. As always, I have my number one and number two. And, after much deliberation, I managed to whittle down my number three slot to a two-way tie (one of which is JCFOS, so clearly some of y'all are crazy <g>). But I couldn't get any further with number four than a four-way tie, at which point I gave up.
  15. I thought that was common enough knowledge not to be a TS on Jeopardy. That was probably the TS that surprised me most last night. Boxcar Willie was the one that made me the saddest. I came up with it at the last second, but while my brain was spinning around trying to remember what it was called, my arms were doing the motion because I could see one plain as day in my head. So I got a good laugh when Alex said, "Yeah, the [pumping motion] thing."
  16. I didn't regard FJ as a gimme, but was suprised to find it a TS given the relatively short time between the events discussed in the clue and the taping of the show. But none of them came up with either of the two names; had someone known Brat but not Blatt or vice versa and scribbled down a guess to that effect, I wouldn't have thought much of it. But for none of the three to come up with either name surprised me.
  17. "This yard isn't as flat as I'd like." Fool, please -- there is about a one percent grade going on. And if you fantasize about knocking down one more wall, I will not be held responsible for my actions. I only saw bits and pieces of the HHs moving to Kansas City, but that was enough to sprain my eyeballs. Kitchen with a pass-through inadequate to hovering over the children every second? Check. Forgoing the downstairs master suite in favor of sleeping upstairs in order to be closer to the children who, with any sense of self awareness that survives these nimrods, will want the parents to get the hell away from them? Check.
  18. There's some refreshingly candid and mature conversation in When Ladies Meet, thanks largely to the source material (by playwright Rachel Crothers).
  19. It pained me to vote for HTGSC, but I just couldn't pick another episode to put before it (Squeeze almost got that slot instead, but first season nostalgia won out). Now, if JCFOS goes out this early, I will spontaneously combust.
  20. You've got ten minutes up on me; I made the same decision based on seeing "fifth graders" in the episode summary.
  21. Syzygy is out already. Sure. Fine. Whatever. Je Souhaite Paper Hearts How the Ghosts Stole Christmas
  22. I hope things improve for all. I had been planning on roasting a chicken tonight, with side dishes to be determined, but your post as I headed out made me think, "Oh, that sounds so good, and I haven't made it in eons ..." So, yeah, add some leftover steak and omit the peas and that's what I had for dinner.
  23. The $5 off coupons that come on the back of many of their flyers don't expire, either. I have a stack of those and the 20% off coupons for any time I need to shop there. And they'll honor competitors' coupons, but not after the printed expiration date.
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