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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Or engaged in the low-level critical thinking necessary to understand that saying a system is elitist and racist is not the same as saying each individual member of that system is.
  2. If that's an unpopular opinion, I demand a recount.
  3. Yeah, and then when you finally enter enough information to reach a human being, they ask you for all the same info you entered. But, yeah, I find it hard to believe it takes "Awesome Sauce" to spark recognition among twins who know each other well enough to know such idiocy is one sister's signature phrase.
  4. As one who enjoyed amusement parks back in the day, I can say one might easily think roller coaster ride upon hearing [X] Mountain, given the number of rides bearing such a name. I love the idea behind these commercials -- that one who is unfamiliar with the film at hand is hearing it summarized by someone and coming up with a first impression and then filling in the blanks in increasingly outlandish ways because movies are meant to be watched rather than described. Fun.
  5. That category was ridiculous, with me grumbling to my cat about a picture of Dewey, sputtering at the TV over a picture of Ferraro, and then nearly dropping my drink when they put up a picture of FDR. I also think Benjamin Franklin as the author of Poor Richard's Almanack was over-valued, as was the Tolstoy clue in the same category. I, too, was surprised only one of them came up with FJ. I'm also surprised North Pole, Willian Safire, Dorothy Parker and occult were TS. I missed the first couple of minutes of DJ, so perhaps there would be more. In the murder weapon category, when The Ring came up, I immediately said video (or maybe videotape). Why is this noteworthy? I've never seen The Ring, and don't remember hearing or reading anything about it. I can't name an actor or character, or even call up a title card in my mind. But that just wormed its way into the back of my brain somehow. The returning champ cracked me up with her response to the be more specific prompt on the Transformers clue in that category after she chimed in with robot (I had no idea, either; I remember commercials for the toys and that's about it) -- "A robot that turns into things that kill you?"
  6. Agility, that's it! "Hey, Scully, is this demonstration of boyish agility turning you on at all?" Tomorrow is going to be a terribly busy day, so anyone else who'd like to put up the next quote, please feel free to take my turn.
  7. Ha - I see we're continuing the bad episode/good quote theme. There is one word from this I can't remember, though. Y
  8. I never could stand Josh and Reva together, so I had to stifle my gag reflex at them being the final shot, but it was hardly surprising so I didn't get upset by it (and since, prior to tuning in for the final episodes, I hadn't watched the show since the mid-90s, it would have been difficult to get worked up about much of anything). But ... I'd have ended it at a Bauer barbecue. With Rachel Miner playing Michelle. And I'd have never stuck Blake with Frank Cooper.
  9. I knew it because I've seen The Last Picture Show so many times I just happen to know Red River is the, well, last picture show. Someone described above how they figured it out based on the elements of the clue, so it's obviously something one can work their way to rather than having to be known outright, but I'm not surprised none of the three came up with it or that Alex thought it was hard. And for whomever said they read the book fairly recently, but didn't get it -- Larry McMurtry used a different film in the book; Bogdanovich changed it to Red River because he's such a Howard Hawks fan. So that wouldn't have helped you.
  10. Yep, exactly. And then Alex said something like, "You gave us the information" that sounded like a partial edit of an explanation, but must not have been, because during the break they decided - I'm pretty sure, as I just came in on the end of her getting some money added back - to give her credit for her answer. But the category was about Nicks, and the clue referenced this "detective and husband," so the answer should have been Nick Charles, but they muddied up the water by saying "this amateur detective and husband" -- since Nick wasn't an amateur, and Nora was the one who got him to take that case despite his retirement and who helped him with part of it, it's no surprise the contestants added her into their answers. Now, they're so famous as a pair, perhaps that would have happened even with a clue that more accurately described Nick. But it was a poorly-written clue.
  11. Spawning the infamous "Crawl under" recommendation in places where the doors stopped a foot or so above the ground.
  12. We did get one where the HHs wish list included a bomb shelter. Tel Aviv, I believe.
  13. I wound up being home for the show and catching most of the clues, and I cannot believe Dizzy Gillespie was a TS. I’m also surprised none of them reasoned their way to “Auntie Maim.” I found the Thin Man clue poorly written; they seemed to just be looking for Nick Charles, rather than both Nick and Nora, but “amateur” detective muddled it – Nick was a detective by profession, who had retired but kept getting pulled into cases by Nora. I was obviously spoiled for FJ by having read this thread, but I’d have known it anyway – I’m very familiar with The Last Picture Show.
  14. While neither is my favorite style, I have no general objection to Shaker cabinets or subway tiles, but I'm tired of them being used in so many renovations on this show, regardless of the style and era of home. That's going to get just as tiresome as the repetitive wish lists of HHs on the regular show.
  15. I don't think I could ever get sick of tacos; one of my favorite foods. I usually make them with shrimp, chicken, halibut or occasionally steak, but whatever my mom does to the ground beef is delicious, so I steal the leftovers whenever she makes them when I'm there (I go to my parents' house most Sundays for dinner). I probably should write down how much of everything she puts in so I can make them for myself when the time comes; otherwise I'll be standing there at the stove muttering, "Okay, I know there's thyme and oregano ..."
  16. I have leftovers of my mom's taco ground beef (the only ground beef tacos I'll eat), so I'm going to make tacos - the beef, some cotija cheese, scallions, romaine lettuce and the last tomato of the season - and a mixed greens salad with some cilantro pepita dressing I made this weekend.
  17. Man, between The Last Picture Show and The Thin Man, I'm really bummed that I won't be home for tonight's game.
  18. Oh, and about the dogs pulling on a leash: That really stood out to me, too, but then I realized they’d do it when being brought into that little yard to meet potential adopters, but then generally do fine on a leash when out and about being temperament tested for various things and when going on their walk with the existing dog during the home inspection. That made me think it’s not that they have no leash training, it’s that they cannot contain their excitement when they’re about to possibly get a home. (And, yes, I do think the dogs have a sense of what that area is about.) With that said, I’m sure they do need more volunteers in order to get the dogs more time outside their kennels-- I don’t think everything is ideal at the rescue center, I just think they’re doing the best they can reasonably do under the circumstances. I also like what I’ve seen of their adoption criteria and processes; some rescues and shelters will hand a pet off with zero screening, and some will go so overboard with their requirements that people who would provide a good home are denied (e.g. rescues that require someone be home during the day). Tia’s crew seems to reside right in the happy middle where they look for a good fit and the basics (like a secure fence), doing their best to ensure the dogs get a forever home but not requiring it meet some narrow definition of The Perfect Home. To that end, I liked seeing Mariah initially unsure about the fence at one home because it wasn’t anything with which she was familiar and seemed flimsy, but completely sold once the adopters explained the research they’d done, how the fence was secured, and why it was recommended for containing dogs.
  19. I didn't think to list it because it's not a dislike but instead a "no, thanks," but I'm not a big rice eater, either. I'll eat it with curry in order not to waste all that soupy sauce, but as a random side dish, bed for stir fry, etc. -- pass. I'm not a fan of starchy sides in general. I don't like potatoes other than as crispy French fries or chips, and I don't like sweet potatoes in any form. Quinoa is perfectly tasty if someone serves it to me, but I'm never going to choose to add it to a meal on my own. Noodles, great, but in soup or as a main pasta dish; as a side, they're just filler to me. Garlic bread with certain soups and brown 'n' serve rolls for Thanksgiving (an odd yet strong craving), but otherwise bread is just for sandwiches.
  20. - ha-- to a-m-t, that --------- on- o- m- -o-hoo- -anta----. --ah, -t ran-- r--ht -- th-r- --th --tt-n- a -on- an- --arn-n- ho- to -ra-- m- o-n ha-r. Small Potatoes: T, A, H, N, R, M, O Post-Modern Prometheus:
  21. It seems they normally had about 200 dogs, and the 400 is a result of the sheer scope of the problem in New Orleans right now. There are several million dogs (and even more cats) euthanized in shelters every year in this country for the simple fact there are that many more of them than there are homes for them. Pits and pit mixes fare the worst among dogs nationwide. Tia and her crew are putting a Bandaid on a gushing wound, but that Bandaid saves dogs (and the show brings awareness to save more). The homeless pet overpopulation problem will never end unless more dogs are fixed, and I thus hope they continue to partner up with programs that provide mobile spay/neuter services and community education (because the government funding certainly isn’t going to be there any time soon). In the interim, they have to do what they can with the resources they have. It’s a nationwide problem in need of a nationwide fix, that is going to come from the collaborative efforts of local organizations. There does come a point where I think euthanasia is the more humane option than prolonged life in a kennel, no matter how good the care. But some of these dogs come from situations where rehab takes some serious time, and some take an extensive time to find an adopter for various reasons, yet after that they can go on to enjoy 8-10 years basking in the love of a good home. So it's hard to say how long is too long. Take Roxy from the update episode -- one could certainly have looked at her life over the year and a half she was there and said in all reasonableness and love, "This dog is miserable; let her go." And what a tragedy that would have turned out to be in hindsight. That doesn't mean it's never the right call, just that it's very hard to know when a healthy dog is better off euthanized than kenneled.
  22. Yeah, I forgot an A -- blame it on the Bloody Marys. - ha-- t- a-m-t, that --------- -n- -- m- ---h--- -anta----. --ah, -t ran-- r--ht -- th-r- --th --tt-n- a --n- an- --arn-n- h-- t- -ra-- m- --n ha-r. Small Potatoes: T, A, H, N, R, M Post-Modern Prometheus:
  23. I suspect this will do it, but we'll see: - ha-- t- a---t, th-t --------- -n- -- -- ---h--- -anta----. --ah, -t -an-- ---ht -- th--- --th --tt-n- a --n- an- --a-n-n- h-- t- --a-- -- --n ha--. Small Potatoes: T, A, H, N Post-Modern Prometheus:
  24. Oh, yes! I can still remember sitting in the theatre, watching him reach over to her, and getting ready to come out of my skin that this fantastically dark movie was going to wimp out in the end, and then realizing I should have kept the faith. That was perfect.
  25. I know he went on to play the president and do all those Allstate commercials, but Dennis Haysbert will forever be Pedro Cerrano from Major League to me. I say "Hats for bats. Keep bats warm" every time I see him.
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