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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Even Gillian of the infamously bad memory knew it was wrong and told CC, but he left it in.
  2. I'm surprised FJ only required one of the three countries; to me, Ireland is essentially a given since it shares a border (and it would be illogical for the roads to suddenly switch at that border) and thus a second one should be required.
  3. --r--e r---? Ye-h. Gre-t ----m. -ee--y ----e- mo--e, tho-gh. Pilot: H, T, G, M, R, Y, O, E Finale: S
  4. I know there's an additional monthly charge for DVR service, which I don't use (I use my recordable DVD player), so I have "regular" receivers that don't include DVR capability and thus don't incur that fee, but is that $8 for your leased equipment? Because I don't have any "service plan" charge on top of my programming package. I'm going to give them until Monday to email me back before calling, so I'm hoping to gather some intel between now and then. Because I just can't imagine them leasing equipment for free. And no way am I paying a monthly fee for equipment instead of just buying it, but before I go buy a receiver I want to know for sure I can't, against all odds, get one for free.
  5. For those who have Dish and lease your receiver from them, do you pay an additional monthly equipment fee of any sort? Why I ask: I have Dish, and I own my equipment - two dishes and two receivers (my game room is attached to my garage, which is detached from my house, so I had to get a separate dish) rather than lease it from them. The game room receiver is on its way to death, but when I contacted the retailer from whom I'd purchased it, I found out they no longer sell Dish equipment. I called Dish and got an updated list of local retailers, but through the course of that conversation I was told I could lease a receiver from Dish for no additional cost whatsoever -- not just no upfront charge (or shipping), but no ongoing fee; I would continue to pay exactly what I pay now every month, which is my programming package fee, the HD package fee, and the fee for having a second receiver on the account. Allegedly, the only difference if I leased as opposed to buying my own again would be the requirement I return the receiver to them should I ever cancel my service. Naturally, this sounds too good to be true, since the primary reason I have always bought my own equipment (from whatever cable or satellite company) was that leasing involved an additional equipment lease fee (by which, in short order, and certainly over its lifespan, you've paid FAR more for the receiver, dish, whatever than you'd have paid to buy it). So I sent an email asking for confirmation in writing, but haven't received a response yet.
  6. I'm heading home now, and might be going out tonight; if so, this will be the last update until tomorrow. --r--- r---? ---h. Gr--t ----m. ------ ------ m----, th--gh. Pilot: H, T, G, M, R Finale: S
  7. ------ ----? ---h. G---t ----m. ------ ------ m----, th--gh. Pilot: H, T, G, M Finale: S
  8. ------ ----? ---h. G---t -----. ------ ------ -----, th--gh. Pilot: H, T, G Finale: S
  9. Yeah, assuming LA = Los Angeles rather than Louisiana, there are a lot of short-term rentals here, and they're spread out over numerous neighborhoods and price ranges. It's everything from weekend party rentals to two-week vacation rentals to six-month in town on a project rentals.
  10. ------ ----? ---h. ----t -----. ------ ------ -----, th---h. Pilot: H, T Finale: S
  11. I posted about this in the season thread, and OWN stated it as featuring just Julie, Heather and Norm. Who are fun to listen to, but not much of a reunion since they've been fast friends ever since. I'll still be tuning in, though. Segments on Oprah: Where Are They Now? tend to run only about five to eight minutes, including the recap. So, expect cute but not at all illuminating.
  12. Nope, no S. How often does that happen? ------ ----? ----. ----- -----. ------ ------ -----, ------. Pilot: Finale: S
  13. No, I haven't seen a chunk of season seven, or any of season eight or nine. I used to see shows through to the end no matter how awful they got, but Moonlighting cured me of that habit. Now, my attitude is that once entertainment stops entertaining me, I'm done. Continuing the crappy episode, good quote theme ... ------ ----? ----. ----- -----. ------ ------ -----, ------. Pilot: Finale:
  14. Except those car-carts move about as smoothly through a grocery store aisle as a motorhome moves through an alley -- no problem, unless anyone else happens to need to use the passageway at the same time. I agree. The best parent with the best child can still experience an embarrassing moment of rebellion; kids are like people that way. :-) So when I see someone trying to rein in a child who may be tired, over-stimulated or just testing boundaries, I swear that I - despite my dislike of children, period - am sympathetic, or at least non-judgmental. But when the rugrat is wreaking havoc within eye or earshot of a parent who is happily ignoring the inappropriate behavior, it's on. Corralling that shit is their job upon opting to become parents. Try and fail ... a tip of my hat to them. Abdicate their responsibility ... screw them.
  15. I don't go to the supermarket often (I go to a local market, mostly, plus the farmers' market and some specialty shops), but one of the chains at which I do sometimes shop has those things. I hate them! They are big and bulky and always in the way and ought to be shitcanned. It's a grocery store, not a playground.
  16. There's quite a bit of discussion about it in the Media thread, starting here.
  17. I have to be in the right mood to go to the market, and unless it's an absolute must, I'll only do it when I can take time to go in the middle of a weekday afternoon; I hate dealing with the evening or weekend crowd. Of course, the downside to going then is the potential for several people having their kids with them ... which is fine, except for when they let Junior run up and down the aisles, stand right in the middle, fiddle with stuff, kick the cart, etc.
  18. George made BIG sausage patties, and sausage doesn't have to have casing, so I don't think he failed to meet Gronk's requirements. I thought Doug should have won (and, based on his reaction, so did he), but I don't think George pulled a Melissa and failed to deliver what was requested. But watching George have to switch to Plan B in the middle of the QF made me say aloud "Again?" I've barely seen the guy cook, yet it already seems like every time he does he has to abandon his original plan halfway through.
  19. Okay, I have no idea what this is from (if Scully is the second speaker, it's obviously from season nine, so that would make sense - I haven't seen that season), but Dude's name must be Rocky. I don't know what he's talking about, but ... One and a half, Doctor. You know, Rocky, I'm a mother. Mothers are women, too. Right?
  20. I believe she called it tom kha snow, so it must have been made with those ingredients (lemongrass, fish sauce, etc.) but I'm not sure how she did it.
  21. You have to vote in both, even if you didn't choose Asian in the first one, so it was suggested to just pick "Other" for that second one if it doesn't apply to you. Anyway, yes, there is a huge difference (but I'm the opposite of you -- I love Mexican, and hate Tex-Mex).
  22. Okay, that confirms everything I thought, but I still don't know the name in the second line. Grrr. So, lets see if the "E"s help.
  23. In her email, she complains about Alex not consoling her daughter after she ran off in tears, declaring she'll "never forgive him" for that. Which I find just plain stupid. (As I said, that's not his role, and if the kid had come back out for the kids and parents segment at the end of the show, she would likely have received some consoling/encouraging words then.) But then in the emails from Alex, he's objecting to being asked to redo the opening as a capitulation to this mother's complaining. And that separate issue is the part that is unclear to me -- is what aired what she wanted changed and it didn't happen, or did Alex originally say something different in the opening and it got changed to what aired? If the latter, what did he say? Because, as I said above, unless he said something that insulted the girl, I agree with his stance that it's ridiculous to ask him to change it.
  24. I know what you mean about that generation. My dad is far from helpless, but when my parents divided up who was going to be in charge of which household chores, my mom taking the grocery shopping was a no-brainer -- he cooked like a pretty typical bachelor, while she was a great cook, so it's pretty easy to decide which one of those two should be choosing the ingredients. But then, fast forward through 45 years of this division of labor, and you wind up with a man who doesn't know where the bread aisle is in the grocery store, let alone which local bakery has the whole wheat he likes. And, to be fair to him, the same can be said for the things my mom has rarely had to do in all these years. I'm an only child, and I have this mental picture of, "If Mom dies first, I'm going to have to teach Dad how to X/do the Y for him, and if Dad dies first, I'm going to have to teach Mom how to X/do the Y for her."
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