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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Scully's look in response to Mulder's car door ruse is one of the bazillion reasons I love her so much.
  2. I get the distinct impression Googling that would result in one of those searches I feel the urge to physically scrub from my computer, so if you'll take pity and spare me a trip to Urban Dictionary, I'm all ears -- what is BBW?
  3. I missed yesterday's episode, but that clip ... yikes. Speaking of yikes, Alex's surprise when women answer correctly is always offensive, but his reaction to stoicism was particularly bad. Ryan reminded me of Tom Arnold circa Roseanne with the way he moved around like that. I know James Garner was referred to as Jim socially, but I've only ever seen him credited as James, so I'm iffy on that being ruled correct. Margaret Mead as a triple stumper? I found that quite surprising, along with blood pressure and turbine. Also Jennifer not knowing LVB = Ludwig van Beethoven, but her reaction afterward tells me she's well aware what a brain fart that was. Cloakroom was less surprising, but still something I'd have thought at least one of the three would know. Same with Dumas, George Sand and flywheel. I had no idea who wrote Life of Pi either, though. And no clue on FJ, either, as is so often the case with religion/mythology clues. Like Jennifer, I threw out King David, but I felt sure that wasn't right.
  4. Because no one in this world tears up more beautifully than Gillian. Heh - we have the world's prettiest crier and the world's ugliest in the same series!
  5. Methinks you are onto me. :-) - th--- - s-- s--e -- these s--e -e---e -t ----st-c-. ----e-, --- -e-e-'t -t ----st-c-. - s-- the ----e. Kill Switch: T, C, E, H, S First-Person Shooter:
  6. Good call with E. - th--- - --- ---e -- the-e ---e -e---e -t -----t-c-. ----e-, --- -e-e-'t -t -----t-c-. - --- the ----e. Kill Switch: T, C, E, H First-Person Shooter:
  7. - t---- - --- ---- -- t---- ---- ------ -t -----t-c-. ------, --- -----'t -t -----t-c-. - --- t-- -----. Kill Switch: T, C First-Person Shooter:
  8. No, I just didn't see it that way; not every older man, younger woman couple gives me a "sugar daddy" vibe, and they didn't. They sure did annoy me, though, and I felt bad for the kid who got stuck with that room. I figured with such a large family, the basement would be renovated into one big "hang-out" space everyone could use, not an oversized master bedroom with an enormous closet to house her shoe collection and allow room for his shirts to all be spaced a half-inch apart from each other. Yeah, the more I think about it, the higher up my list they go.
  9. I thought Bartlet had already been in office a year when the show started, meaning fall semester would have been when Zoey was already ensconced as First Daughter, not when she would have been on the campaign trail.
  10. Okay, thanks - I hope it was just an assumption. (I don't even really know what Instagram is, let alone how it works.) This, on top of posting a big clump of pictures he "saw" with the ones he "liked" marked in green, made it seem like this person was able to track what he viewed:
  11. Pusher! When he's getting ready to go in after Modell.
  12. Sorry, queequeg; I think it's a beautifully-directed episode, but not enough to distract me from the lack of substance. Or parade of stereotypes. Or insistence on obscuring the kiss. I do love the two Scullys passing each other leading to a double eyebrow raise, though. - t---- - --- ---- -- t---- ---- ------ -t -----t---. ------, --- -----'t -t -----t---. - --- t-- -----. Kill Switch: T First-Person Shooter:
  13. I'm just relieved he didn't try to date any of you.
  14. Ah. Well, Triangle still fits that bill for me -- I never re-watch that, so the only line I remember from it is "Oh, brother." - ----- - --- ---- -- ----- ---- ------ -- ---------. ------, --- -----'- -- ---------. - --- --- -----.
  15. I'm confused now, because I thought you and aguabella were one in the same (since you write the same). But unless you're talking to yourself, I got that mixed up. Oops. Is the episode being referenced the one where they stuck one of their several kids into a small former dining room so they could turn the entire basement into their master suite? And a drinking game based on how many times she called him "Baby" would leave participants dead of alcohol poisoning? They annoyed me. But I don't remember a "sugar daddy" vibe. When I think of that, I'm always taken to the Trophy Wife and Slave Sister in Aruba episode. Those people were a piece of work, "needing" several thousand more square feet for the kids' toys.
  16. Okay, I think I know what this is just based on the letters up there and what words would make sense, but I don't recall Mulder ever actually saying it. Was it in that piece of crap First Person Shooter? Anyway, it's "You saved the world, Scully," isn't it?
  17. Probably because they decided to combat their six-seasons-of-saying-the-same-dialogue ennui by creating their own backstory in which the characters existed in the real world and were thus having it off.
  18. I'm curious to hear others' opinions on Rocky Mountain -- I am not a fan of westerns, but my dad is, so I tend to toss in a couple of westerns on DVD with each selection of birthday and Christmas gifts. I'm largely flying blind because, again, not my genre, and running out of options as the years pass, so recommendations are always appreciated. RM is available on DVD, so I'd love to hear other posters chime in on its merits.
  19. My next-door neighbor has some mobility issues, so I help out whenever I can, and because of that she bestows a holiday gift on me each year and seems flustered if I gift back anything remotely equivalent rather than just a little something. So this year I'd like to do a baked treat -- if I spend time but little money, I think it will be right up her alley. The problem is she's diabetic. Now, she is not insulin-dependent and has wonderful self-control in eating sweet treats in whatever moderation necessary to avoid terribly raising her blood sugar. But I'd like to make her something that, while not sugar-free, is diabetic-friendly for someone in her situation -- I'd like her to be able to enjoy it a little at a time and ultimately enjoy the whole thing (or most of it; she has visiting grandchildren) rather than treating herself to a few servings and then needing to pass it on before it goes bad. Thanks in advance for suggestions.
  20. I apologize that this is OT, but ... I understand tracking things he "Likes" since I assume they'll show up with a "Liked by" designation just as posts here do, and among those listed users will be DD. But how was this person able to track things he merely looked at? The abdication of privacy rights by social media users never fails to blow my mind, and unless I'm reading that post wrong, this sounds like another example. So, if it is, in fact, incorrect that someone was able to track what he viewed, I'd love to be corrected via PM (so as not to further derail). Back on topic, it is adorable that DD was praising internet odes to XF. He seemed like a rather different person, with respect to XF, at that WonderCon that took place during the filming of IWTB and he has just become more charming since.
  21. By charging 15% less to those who do, that's exactly what is happening. And that someone objecting to that discriminatory practice, rather than the one engaging in it, was the target of the piece is disgusting. And I don't like to play the Oppression Olympics, but there are several groups of people other than atheists who would almost certainly not have been subjected to such a thing by this show or who, if they were, would have rightly engendered outrage.
  22. Because I am That Person, I was initially saddened by the falling sheep. But when the cowboy started crying over him in ICU, I cracked the hell up.
  23. Were the opening credits insanely loud for anyone else? The opening segment was at normal volume, then Padma's voiceover was just blaring out at me, and then it was normal again once the episode resumed. Doug giving his menu board to his young fan was adorable. On to the substance ... I'm not much of a clam chowder fan, but I do prefer Boston style (as opposed to Manhattan) if I'm going to eat it. Melissa's Thai style cioppino sounded interesting, and looked even better; it's the only one I'd have wanted to try. Katie's sounded bad and looked worse, so it's no wonder she lost. I understood the sentiment behind the chefs choosing George, but given that the prize for winning was re-entry into the competition, I'd have chosen Stacy who had made it further and went out with a dish that was merely the least great of the night. Now he gets to come back in more than halfway through the competition without having to have gone through any of the challenges the others had to survive in order to also still be here at this point. But I did like his attitude about the whole thing. Anyone who voluntarily associates with Mike Isabella is still suspect to me, though. I wanted Katie to win the QF, simply because while I don't think she'd make it past the next round or two, I think she has cooked well enough to deserve her spot at this stage of the competition and am thus rather tired of hearing her criticized by competitors who haven't been any more impressive than she has. Adam is exactly who I'd wish Richard on. Padma's "I just made a big mess by behaving like a child and now expect some lowly employee to clean it up for me" gave me flashbacks to my teenage summers spent working retail. The food looked good overall. Mei's lamb didn't look terribly under-cooked to me; I prefer medium rare, but would be fine with it more rare. Had she cooked it off the bone, though, as she proposed as a hindsight fix -- no thanks. Adam's dish just looked weird, and it seemed worth sending him home over. Melissa played it safe again, but more than that her shrimp looked over-cooked, which is something I just can't stand (and what is her obsession with knife cuts?!). Doug's mussel and chorizo dish sounded just delicious, but I'd have wanted a bit more. George's lamb kabob and lentil side looked quite simple and almost plain, but I also really wanted to eat it. Gregory's dish also made me hungry (and I love jackfruit). I'm not at all surprised they were the favorites. I don't watch programming online, so I don't watch Last Chance Kitchen, and don't much care that it's back. But I guess I'm rooting for Stacy.
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