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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I had the same problem trying to buy steaks the other day. I was in a hurry, and thought I'd just go to the supermarket so I could get everything I needed in one place. After about 30 seconds in the meat section, I wished I'd just taken the time to go to my usual butcher. Boneless ribeye? Why?! I finally found one T-bone and two rib-eye steaks, plus a package of pork chops. But I do buy boneless, skinless chicken breasts to chop up and add to pasta or salad for quick weeknight meals. Speaking of chicken, chicken thighs - with skin and bone - on the grill tonight. I make a dry rub with whatever sounds good to me at the time, then baste with barbecue sauce at the end. I have some mustard greens that need to be cooked, so that will be one side, and I haven't decided what else yet.
  2. Yeah, I always park between two cars (or a car and a curb, etc.) if possible. Sure, while I'm gone, those people may leave and be replaced by assholes who ding my car, but I figure my odds are good.
  3. Back when Scully was allowed to dress casually when the situation warranted. Oh, early seasons, I miss you so. Also, "Die Flea Die" as the brand name of Queequeg's shampoo will never fail to amuse me.
  4. I hope this celebrity tournament is similar to the last one or two, where all the contestants had several brain cells to rub together and the clues thus bore a resemblance to a regular game, rather than going back to the long prior history, where the clues were written at about a sixth-grade level - and the contestants still couldn't come up with half of them.
  5. I came into the episode right after the interview segment, so I missed half of the first round. But from what I caught ... Do none of these guys drive cars? I'm truly stunned blind spot and running lights were TS, especially since in both cases someone had already given a wrong, but close answer. The balloon animal TS was also surprising. Knowing the capital of Mississippi is DJ material? FJ was a wild-assed guess for me, as I have zero interest in The Hunger Games.
  6. Me too. I want these six episodes to encompass all the major components that made this show a hit, and the XF brand of humor should be part of that. The show was never only darkness, conspiracies, and aliens, oh my, so I hope this revival isn't, either.
  7. I missed tonight's and last night's episodes, but I've just (mostly) caught up with the latter via the archive. No one knew carhop? I knew wheelhouse, too, in the same category, but that one being a TS didn't stand out to me. Carhop did. I didn't know Jennifer Lopez inspired Baby Got Back, but it was a fairly easy guess, so that was a bit surprising as a TS, too. Maybe the ethnicity tripped them up? Because I would have expected someone to offer her up as a guess. I think the carpetbagger clue was over-valued as a DD, since I knew it instantly even without the visual aid. I know very little about the Greek alphabet, so I could have sat there until the cows came home and not come up with two of those three.
  8. For those here who have seen great results with Wen, were any of you already doing the routine where you just rinse and condition daily and only shampoo occasionally/use a shampoo alternative? Because I've tended to assume the "wow, my hair is so much different" testimonials were a result of switching from shampoo to Wen, rather than switching from another conditioner to Wen. I have naturally curly hair, so I ditched regular shampooing years ago. Making that switch made a huge difference in my hair, so I've always figured Wen would just be a more expensive way of achieving basically the same result -- I'm already washing with conditioner.
  9. ... But won't virtually all of them fall into that category? CC isn't likely to confirm anything beyond casting and writers (and may resort to crap like planted werewolf pictures again), so the vast majority of spoilers - set reports, casting sides, script leaks, etc. - are going to be things that may or may not be true. And if we link to the spoiler itself or post it here with spoiler tags, but then talk about it without spoiler tags, the content of the spoilers is going to be in the posts anyway (by way of discussion of them), right?
  10. Yeah, the whole mytharc-only miniseries thing makes me think this is pretty much pulled out of someone's ass, and I hope so, because I have ZERO interest in a six-part exploration of alien invasion. One of the main draws of XF for me was its status as a sci-fi show that people who don't like sci-fi could nevertheless love. And not just because of M&S, but because of the balance and variety of storylines. The outlandish stuff they were into by the end, in terms of warring alien factions and looming colonization, is something I'm very glad I skipped, so I'd be quite bummed to have that be the sole focus.
  11. That sounds awful; I got bored just reading it, so I can't imagine watching it.
  12. I missed the RO tribute, and I don't see another airing scheduled for this month, so I'll have to keep my eye out for a later repeat. But on the TCM message boards, there is a recap from someone who was there for the taping of it.
  13. I don't mind Sorkin reusing dialogue from one project to the next (assuming it's a good line to begin with and makes sense for each of the scenarios in which it's used), but that's one example where the impact of the second use was lessened by the fact I'd already heard it and, thus, by the context of their conversation, figured it was coming.
  14. We were quite conspicuously not shown the upstairs rooms in the "after move-in" segment, which was annoying because I wanted to see if they were sleeping in bunk beds, in a queen-sized bed hey had to both climb onto from one side because it took up the whole room, or what. For all the HHs we’ve been subjected to who proclaim a bedroom to be too small when there is ample space for a full bedroom set with room to move around, here’s a couple with a room that is legitimately small and we don’t get to see how they made it work. But, yes, I loved the downstairs.
  15. I wondered that last night, too, because he looked rather uncomfortable at times. (But he also looks/sounds bored sometimes, too, so his demeanor is hard to figure out.)
  16. I knew Clinton immediately, but had no clue on the other president. I jumped too far back in trying to come up with it, but I didn't know that about Ford, anyway, so it wouldn't have mattered. I figured Drop Kick Me, Jesus was going to be a TS, but I was disappointed anyway. I thought someone would have known Heartbreaker. I was surprised Paleozoic was a TS, since I thought it obvious from Alex's response to Paleolithic that it was on the right track. I thought the Hoover Dam clue was too easy for a DD. "George Clooney's bride" has a name, writers.
  17. Oh god, not another season with Richard Blais.
  18. I knew there was a thread in which we discussed references to XF in other shows, movies, songs, etc. but it took me a while to find which one it was. Anyway ... I watched Tammy the other night during my free HBO weekend (thinking maybe the great cast means it's a better film than it looked from the ads ... it wasn't, and I should have gone with the free porn on Cinemax instead), and when Tammy and Pearl wake up in the woods, with their car surrounded by trees, confusing them as to how they even got in there (they were drunk), Tammy says, "This is some X-Files shit right here." Nice to see it getting a shout-out in 2014.
  19. It asks something along the lines of, "Are you able and willing to work with whatever ingredients are in the basket?" So Vegan Chef can get lost with his dithering over whether he could bring himself to cook with meat. (If not, I respect that, but don't go on the show.)
  20. C is for the construction paper garland the embellishment on Dorothy's hideous wedding dress resembled.
  21. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Yikes; someone get that writer a thesaurus and a dictionary; the former so he can learn a word other than incredibly, and the latter so he can learn the actions of Nebraska and the Rams don't qualify no matter the synonym used.
  22. Once again, I am out of step with most of y'all when it comes to reacting to contestants -- Alex (whom I did not see until tonight) barely registered with me. The back scratching was the only thing that made me take notice. And I didn't read any disrespect into his FJ answer; I had no freakin' clue, so it doesn't strike me as outside the realm of possibility a contestant wouldn't have even a decent guess and thus, write a shout-out rather than an actual answer. It's not my favorite thing whenever it's done, but I find it pretty benign. Chick Hearn as a TS surprised me, but then I remembered not everyone lives in Los Angeles. The contestant who couldn't come up with the diplomatic immunity DD really surprised me (especially since I found that entire international law category too easy for DJ), but otherwise I thought it was a pretty good game.
  23. Since it's a five-part special (rather than an ongoing show), I suspect it wouldn't get its own forum, but would instead get a thread in the Specials, TV Movies and Other One-Offs forum (under Misc. TV).
  24. I have a cousin who I only see at funerals, and a few years ago she emailed a bunch of us in the family who don't use Facebook, inviting us to join "so we can keep in touch." Give me a break; if you can't be bothered to send me an email from time to time (and, yes, I'd sent her some), you're not concerned about keeping in touch with me. And, sure enough, several of us wrote back and said we weren't interested in Facebook, but it was so nice to hear from her and we'd love to stay in touch via email, here's what's going on in our world, how are the kids/grandkids, etc. ... bupkis. Heh; that was my first thought, too. But at least that's what it's for; if you want to see what others are planning to cook (which I like to do because if often inspires me to make something similar, when I'd been sitting here thinking "I don't know what I want to eat tonight"), you go there, and if you don't give a crap what others are eating, you don't. If you're getting someone's Facebook updates because that's the only way you get important news about their lives, and are stuck getting nightly pictures of their plate ... I'd have that on my peeve list, too.
  25. I left all the food I made at their house rather than making extra to bring home (which is fine; half of what I made them is stuff I don't like). I just used up all my cooking energy there, and when it came time to make my own dinner, putting some oil and popcorn kernels in a pot was about all the effort I wanted to put forth. I think I'm going to do salmon tonight; I have a nice filet I can take out of the freezer when I get home.
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