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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Yes, lung cancer. And "let's kick it in the ass" was his catch phrase. One of his cleaner ones, anyway; much of what he said couldn't have been shown on network television. (Thus the Detective Manners character from Jose Chung's. "You bet your blankety-blank bleep I am!")
  2. She says it, when Mulder bursts in to the animal shelter and she has already kicked ass and taken names. He tells her that's twice she's gone to confront a suspect without backup and she just cheekily responds that's she's immortal. And then takes the dog. Have I mentioned that I love Scully beyond all reason?
  3. And when Clyde Bruckman - who had visions of people's deaths - was asked how she dies, he said she doesn't. Now, do I think Scully is immortal? No (especially if she's joking about it, because Alfred Fellig (Tithonus) showed her it was an awful thing to endure). But I like the joke in this episode.
  4. I've been bursting for a week to be able to talk about this episode with more than one person. "This is how I like my Mulder." "So you're agreeing with me?" "No, you're bat crap crazy." I was getting annoyed that we were spending so much Scullyless time with Mulder and the Were-Monster at the graveyard, and then was about to get myself all into a lather that Mulder was going to have to burst in and save her, when ... Scully has saved herself, apprehended the killer, and helped herself to the dog. God, I love this episode. All the callbacks to prior episodes, and all the great commentary on the human condition.
  5. I don't know the actors from anything else, just that he and the redhead huffing paint are the same actors who played stoner kids during the series' original run -- in Quagmire ("Dude, you made me drop my toad") and War of The Coprophages ("Something tells me it's more than my mind you guys are interested in expanding").
  6. I love just about every minute of this episode. The humorous ones have all been among my favorites, and this one became an instant classic for me.
  7. That's what I assumed, too, and exactly why I assumed it. And still do.
  8. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Justin Tuck announced his retirement.
  9. Yikes - Tia dislocated her knee and broke her leg in two places (by jumping over the back of the couch and landing wrong - isn't it always something stupid like that that winds up really injuring you?), had surgery, had some post-op complications (including a blood clot) and wound up back in hospital, finally got back out, but needs to have at least one more surgery, and is pretty well down for the count for the next couple of months. Lucky is taking care of her. :-) (A friend emailed me posts from Tia's Facebook page.)
  10. I love Uncle Jethro. I like that they used the show to bring attention to Chagas disease. Poor Kizzy! And Poor Lizzie. "Sometimes I hate this job." It was heartbreaking seeing Ashley so depressed in her kennel, but I'm glad they show that it happens sometimes. Watching Jackson make himself at home was great, though. And I'd have been as nauseated as Tia, riding in the car like that. It made me a little queasy just to think about.
  11. I love Sam having C.J.'s back there, because I spend a lot of that MS reveal arc pissed off on her behalf. Other than the president and Abbey, her actions are going to be the most scrutinized; the first thing every news department would do is assign someone to go back through every one of her press briefings to look for any comment she ever made remotely relating to the president's health. Clip after clip of her speaking will be re-broadcast and analyzed. But she finds out from Leo. And after just about everyone else.
  12. Same here. I liked that scene, and one of my first reactions to it was, "Oh man, Scully is going to have a field day with this." We won't see it on screen, but it's been playing in my mind ever since.
  13. Was it an accidental pregnancy? Did she do IVF? Did they ever say? (I quit watching some time in season six, but I don't remember it being explained during the time I did watch.) Add me to those thinking that was a stupid story line.
  14. No, it's Scully's line. And (That's just your yes/no answer under the spoiler tags.)
  15. There's an even better line after that motel room clip cuts off! I'm not familiar with Kumail Nanjiani, but he was good in this.
  16. I'm glad your kitty came through okay, BookWoman56!
  17. I think it's interesting that montage doesn't include any of Myrna Loy's various "exotic" roles during the early years of her career. Oversight, respect for the fact she spoke back then - and even more loudly later - about the ridiculousness of it, or just the sad fact there are a whole lot of examples to choose from (especially from that era)? I love the compilation of Jesus after Jesus. And showing that the Fu Manchu depictions didn't get any better from to '32 to '65.
  18. For the curious, this is the Vibiana website, and an L.A. Times article about Fraser's Redbird that gives a recap of the building's history.
  19. I'm a stickler on that one, too, but I think it's another example of where common usage is turning - or has already turned - nauseous into a synonym of nauseated.
  20. Yes. Joey, like most people who say "supposably" (or "supposebly"), means supposedly but thinks it's pronounced supposably. But supposably is a word. Its meaning is in the same ballpark as that of supposedly, but much narrower, and it's not a word that has been in common use (correctly) for some time. ETA: I just did a search, and found a "Word Facts" article on the two words (and it references your Friends example). I also found a very short one saying, "Supposably is a word, but there's a 99% chance you don't know how to use it." Heh.
  21. I liked that piece, and that was my favorite part. "Oh, President Ted Cruz will nuke somebody. But at least you know it will be another country. Donald Trump might nuke Iowa because someone insulted him on Twitter."
  22. I wondered about how that really went down, too, and then was thrilled to see they both got rave reviews for their dishes.
  23. I recently re-watched all four Scream films within the span of a week, and, yes, the changes to her face are quite distracting by the last one. I haven't watched her in anything since that, so I don't know if she's had even more done.
  24. I absolutely love her as the villain. I copy her delivery on "I hate this fucking song" from time to time. But the best is when they've going over the list of (past their prime/never had a prime) players she's inviting to training camp, someone points out one of the men listed is dead, and she says, "So cross him off, then." Anyway, "hell yeah!" moments from Major League. "I say fuck you, Jobu. I'll do it myself." And Suzanne Dorn, as Roger heads to the big game, "Oh, there's something I'd like to tell you." (Which is that, as an act of revenge upon finding out Roger was a big ol' cheater, she slept with his most-hated teammate.) That's it, I'm pulling out the DVD as soon as I get home.
  25. I don't think we're too far away from PSAs with that message needing to be issued.
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