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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Yeah, I read the wrong birth year for her; she's going to be 77 this year, not 79.
  2. I make shrimp tacos with mango slaw a lot, and just had them a few nights ago. It's a variation on this recipe. (I just use two kinds of cabbage rather than a slaw mix, I omit the sugar , and I cook corn tortillas rather than using those pre-made hard shells.) Salmon and asparagus tonight (and my ever-present mixed greens salad). I went out last night and had fettucine with chicken, mushroom, spinach, and alfredo sauce, and it was delicious, but ridiculously unhealthy (it's an old-school restaurant, so it's white flour pasta and the sauce is heavy). So time to balance things out tonight.
  3. Same here, so I was pretty close to stunned only one person served meat on the bone. Don't they go through everyone's dishes at JT, and we just don't see it? Kwame was very lucky his team was in the middle, because his shrimp, while fitting nicely within challenge parameters, seemed to be a fairly universal disappointment. Then again, I was sure Isaac was going home because his dish, while fitting nicely within challenge parameters, seemed to be a fairly universal disappointment. Yet the guy who made food everyone seemed to enjoy eating but was out of the place for the event was sent packing instead. I'm glad they didn't go reaching for things to criticize about Marjorie's dish to make it seem like she was up for elimination, but were instead clear that she put out well-received food on a losing team. The QF challenge could had felt like a fun, lighthearted exercise if it hadn't taken up so much air time and, especially, if it hadn't conferred immunity this late in the game. I know Beefsteak is a booze-soaked event, and it sure made a lot of people show their true colors; that was quite a lot of macho asshattery at one table. "We eat with our eyes first ..." "People who say we eat with our eyes first should be stabbed with a pork chop bone."
  4. That made me look up Grace Slick; she's going to be 79 this year <knock on wood!>.
  5. Maybe because it was the first clue in the category, Alex could have been generous and given some sort of "we need the word" prompt, but I have no problem with Fred being ruled incorrect because the clue asked for "this word" formed by filling in the blanks. It asked for the word, he gave them the letters. Not reading the clue carefully is on him, just like when contestants give the state instead of the capital, the author instead of the book, etc.
  6. Supposably is a word (meaning capable of being supposed; conceivable), but often (probably usually) when you hear it, it's someone mispronouncing supposedly.
  7. I was going to say much the same thing - Fox "the blind leading the blind" Mulder not picking up on how Gupta was interpreting their meeting felt very typical to me.
  8. With only 1/2 cup of yogurt, I bet even I would like that (I hate yogurt - yes, even Greek). Looking forward to your report. I don't eat a lot of sweets, so I don't bake a lot of sweets; I'm thus always keeping half an eye out for easy dessert recipes to make for guests.
  9. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Boy howdy. No matter who is playing - even when it's the Giants - I watch little to no sports media during those two weeks. I'd have to sit through five hours of ridiculous, killing time blather to cobble together a combined ten minutes of useful information. I'll read some analysis in the immediate aftermath of the two championship games and again a day or so before the Super Bowl, but otherwise I stay away.
  10. Since Scully is one of my favorite characters (sometimes in spite of how she's written), I'd love for you to come back to the XF forum and expand upon this opinion if you're inclined -- it's so different from when you posted in that forum, I'm really curious what changed your mind about her.
  11. Well, that's definitely going on the blooper reel (like DD poking her in the breast with the TV antenna in the Home outtake). Since I've been as excited about getting another gag reel as about getting more episodes, we're off to a good start.
  12. Including clips of the performances (as well as of the acceptance speeches) was a smart choice, because the piece shows not just how little time it takes to go through the list of every black person who's won an acting award in the nearly 90 years of Oscar history, but the kinds of roles for which many have won.
  13. Yeah, I noted that as one of my favorite things, too, and it was really one of of my favorite things. Oh wow, I thought Sister Mary looked familiar, but I did not place her as Karen Kosseff.
  14. Plus, it's not as if Marjorie was giving Angelina an undeserved promotion, she was just talking her up on a TV show more than was probably warranted.
  15. I hate Pretty Woman, but if I'm going around the dial when the "You work on commission, right? Big mistake. Huge" scene is coming up, I'll stop and watch. I'm like Quof; If I'm leaving rather than purchasing because of bad behavior, I will make it known then (and in a follow-up letter).
  16. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    You're not going to abuse that poor child by making him watch the Super Bowl without a jersey are you? :-) Sports has a long history of racism, whether talking about owners, players, or fans. There were racist folk who enjoyed watching people of color pound each other in sport despite the fact they didn't want them to drink out of the same fountain. Or who today trot out the old "they're good at sports" chestnut and think that means they're not racist. And all sorts of things in between. Relevant to the double standard being applied to Cam, how can you be a fan of the NFL and be racist? You can require black players (especially black QBs) - unlike their white counterparts - to remain within a narrow box of behavior, so that when they step out of it, they are unsportsmanlike, classless, uncivilized, thuggish, take your pick. While their white counterparts are passionate. To be clear, especially since some posters here have criticized specific actions of Cam's: I do not think every single person who takes issue with any given action of Cam Newton's is doing so only, or even partly, because he's black. But collectively, and the sustained hand-wringing over practically every move he makes? Hell yeah, racism is all up in there.
  17. Their chemistry didn't seem any different to me in this episode. Maybe they were both sick, and maybe that exacerbated or even solely caused what was going on with their voices, but it seemed at least in part deliberate to me because it came and went not from scene to scene, e.g. if it was present for all the scenes shot on sets A and B, but not in any of the scenes shot on sets C and D - as if they were sick on the filming days for the former and getting better (or not yet sick) on the days they shot the latter - but from line to line, like a deliberate means of emphasis. And she, at least, was like that in the first episode (which was shot several weeks apart from this one), too, just nowhere near as frequently. At any rate, it was the quiet talking and mumbling that bothered me more (and that was listening through a high-quality AVR and good speakers; a friend who was watching through the internal speaker of a somewhat old TV was having a terrible time understanding many pieces of dialogue). Part of it was my hearing, but part of it was them because I don't normally have that kind of trouble. I don't remember noticing any of these issues in the third episode, so if it was there it wasn't distracting.
  18. I was finally able to watch Thursday's episode a short time ago, and that is exactly what I said aloud at the end of Jessica's Whitesboro piece. It was fantastic from beginning to end, but I think may favorite part is when she just sputtered at the mayor near the end, because what he was saying was so utterly stupid she could not formulate words in response. All the looks at the camera were great, too.
  19. In IWTB - written by CC and Frank Spotnitz - Mulder and/or Scully refer to William as "our son." I think it was Mulder, but that movie is kind of crap, so I haven't re-watched it in a long time. And because it comes and goes in the episode. I, too, think it's an acting choice, and it worked for me in the first episode because it was more judiciously used. Here it was too much.
  20. I've heard the first syllable pronounced that way when people are saying the word with exaggerated effect - the emphasis shifts to the first syllable and the i turns into a long e ("That is REE-diculous") - but never when just saying it normally.
  21. Very annoying writing, yet I'm trying to be sympathetic to those who had to work under CC's mandate of coy bullshit as to paternity the first time around; "my" rather than "ours" may be a reflex. (Although Wong was gone by then.) Or a desk, right? Was Kyle nearby, just like when it happened to Mulder again at Kyle's house? Mulder says something to him about "like when I was at Sanjay's apartment" when he's talking to Kyle about his abilities, but I can't remember the specifics.
  22. It had to happen sometime, and of course it was going to be January 2016, the Month of Celebrity Deaths.
  23. Yes, this came towards the end in the production order. I initially thought it was also written to air fifth, so I wondered what switching it to the second slot was going to do to the characterization trajectory over these six episodes, but I recently heard it was always designed to come second (and was just filmed fifth). "Einstein's Twin Paradox: A New Interpretation, Dana Scully's Senior Thesis. Now that's a credential, rewriting Einstein."
  24. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Given the timing, I assume the basis of this loony fan's "Ban Cam From Our Stadium" petition is Newton's tossing a Seahawks flag on the ground. Which he did in his own stadium, not Seattle's. I think he's giving himself, not the Seahawks, a reputation (as someone with too much time on his hands, who needs to get a grip).
  25. Final adjusted ratings for this episode show just over 16 million people watched.
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