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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. This weekend, for reasons known only to them, someone in my neighborhood within earshot of my backyard played The Final Countdown on a loop for about half an hour. I had a friend over, and asked her if I was the only one thinking of the Geico commercial. She said no, she found herself wondering what on earth they could be microwaving to take so long. Other than Peter Pan, I love pretty much all the "It's what you do" Geico commercials.
  2. Bastet


    I haven't watched it yet, but I recorded it, because I go back and forth on whether I should be taking certain supplements (or giving them to my cats). I try to get everything I need from food, but I fall short with certain things. Supplements help. But at what cost? The thing that burns me is it's not even an informed risk I'm taking -- it's one thing if I have accurate information on what's in them and decide the benefits outweigh the risks, but I don't have the full picture. So I'm left feeling apprehensive when I skip my vitamins ... and when I take them.
  3. I think both things are factors; there are topics people just don't care about, but this is also the era of the 140-character attention span.
  4. It depends on the person who gave you the gift. Because, yes, asking for a gift receipt very clearly indicates you don't like it/don't need it/it doesn't fit and want to exchange it for something else. So if they're the kind of person who would be offended or hurt by that, then you're better off just donating it (or, if you know where they got it, exchanging it without a receipt; you'll probably get less for it, because you get the lowest sale price, but you can still put that towards something you want). But if they're the kind who isn't bothered by that, because they'd rather you have something you'll use/enjoy, then go ahead.
  5. Brandi and her new owner adore each other, Dee is enjoying her job and bonding well with her handlers, and the rescued duo are on the road to recovery but not yet ready for adoption.
  6. I have a feeling my thoughts are going to generally mirror those of the EW review about the first episode, despite how good the trailers make it look. I'm so prepared for that, it won't even be disappointing. But I'm in this for the MOTW, anyway, and I've always been most excited about the Were-Monster episode -- now even moreso. I really think that one's going to be great, and I can't wait (and I'm so bummed I didn't find out about the local screening in time to go this past weekend).
  7. The team at FOX cutting these trailers has earned their money, because they all look really good. I can't judge how effective they are at enticing viewers unfamiliar with the show, but they're great at evoking happy memories for this long-time viewer. The X out of flashlight beams even resulted in an embarrassing squeal. My usual characterization reservations are intact, and I'm guaranteed to like the MOTW episodes better than the mytharc bookends, but I'm in.
  8. No wonder GA was having trouble finding the Scully of today rather than playing the Scully of 20 years ago; they're writing her as the latter. I understand the impulse, but this highlights my biggest fear for this whole thing -- that she comes off looking ridiculous, the stubborn skeptic after all she's seen. I hope this kid who saw the episode is correct that it works. (Which it would for me if she's coming from a place of "Mulder, not everything is paranormal; this could be a lot of things, and we need to find out what" rather than "Mulder, it couldn't possibly be your paranormal theory.")
  9. Wait, the mom cleans up the mess? Ugh, now it's even worse. I had turned away from the TV before it ended, but what I saw was bad enough. It's the mom's bathroom in which Little Miss "We're, like, goth-goth" decided to dye her hair, and when the mom realizes the mess being made behind the locked door to her own bathroom and asks to be let in, little miss ignores her. Oh, hell no. But her response is to clean up after her?
  10. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    And then there was the flip side, with all the coded language about how "articulate" and "clean-cut" Wilson and RGIII were compared to the tatted up Kaepernick.
  11. With Brandi, she has the same thing working against her all the dogs do -- there are more of them than there are people to adopt them, so the odds of her being the one picked out of all those dogs by any given adopter are against her. Then, as the years went on, she had the additional problem faced by all dogs her age, as many people want either a puppy or a young adult. Add in her specific issues, that she needs to be an only dog, and that she requires a nearly escape proof home and someone willing to be vigilant every time a door is opened, and you start to see how another dog with an open, happy demeanor like hers can seem like a better fit than her for a lot of people. Tania's conflicting emotions were palpable, and I cried when she said goodbye to Brandi. Then cried more watching Brandi and her new owner spoon. I bet Brandi settled in quickly, and I hope they have many years together. I really felt for the guy; he's seven months out from losing his dog, and finally emotionally ready to adopt another. It's no small thing to open his heart to a dog he'll probably have only 2-5 years with, rather than the 15 he had with his first dog. I am so happy to have finally seen Brandi get chosen; I've been ridiculously attached to that dog since the first time I saw her on my TV. I enjoyed the episode's other stories, too, but I've been waiting for Brandi's for years.
  12. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Oh great, another Patriots Super Bowl.
  13. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Quoting myself to say "happy" was a stretch, but I feel a lot better at the end of this game than I did at the end of the second half. Damn, though. I knew when that long Seattle drive ended in a punt, they weren't going to have time for that epic comeback victory. If they'd recovered that onside kick to get themselves another drive, though? Twenty four unanswered points ... I think they'd have done it. Great play in the second half, just too big a hole to overcome.
  14. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Well. Welcome to the game, Seattle. TD on offense and sack on defense. Obviously I'd love an epic comeback here, but after that embarrassing first half I'll be happy with a respectable loss. Heh; so, of course, Wilson promptly over throws, costing them an easy TD.
  15. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Can you invoke the mercy rule with 3-1/2 quarters to go? Wow, this is an embarrassing game. I should have gone back to sleep.
  16. I like all the Peyton Manning commercials with the Nationwide jingle in his head, and the newest (to me) one is no exception: "Epic comeback starts right here" during the ping pong match is my favorite, but "Don't open that cellar door" as he watches a horror movie is pretty good, too.
  17. I'm not sure, because I was a little distracted during this portion of it, but I think that in that "X-Files Reopened" special I watched yesterday, CC said something about bringing CSM back and offering a plausible explanation for why he didn't actually die in the series finale. Which, if accurate, really pisses me off because that's some Slasher Film Part IX level "he's not really dead" nonsense right there. Dude was a post-fireball pile of bones! CSM is a great villain and synonymous with the show, so I certainly understand wanting to bring him back. But I wish they'd do it only in flashback or something. The screening yesterday in Los Angeles was of the "Were-Monster" episode. Did anyone here go?
  18. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    While I'm still pulling for Seattle in a huge way, it's nice to know I can actively root for whatever NFC team makes it to the Super Bowl now that Green Bay is out. I don't care about Carolina one way or the other, so I guess if they win out and wind up against Denver in the Super Bowl I may have to get over my Elway hatred to pull for a nice swan song for Peyton Manning. But, otherwise, NFC all the way.
  19. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Holy. Shit. Yes! I don't loathe the Packers the same way I did with Favre under center, but Rodgers has annoyed me the last few seasons, and I like the Bears - and a close friend lives for them - so even though I haven't always rooted against Green Bay in recent years, I've never rooted for them. And I love me some Carson Palmer, so I was really pulling for Arizona. With that play sending it to to OT, I was nervous as hell. But that OT drive? Beautiful, Cardinals!
  20. I'm watching football tonight, so just popped in a DVD to record tonight's episode, and according to my program guide's description of it we do, indeed, finally get to see Brandi with an i get a home. I'm so excited!
  21. I finally caught that 20-minute special FOX put out recently on TV this afternoon (so, 30 minutes with commercials) and liked it. The production values look pretty outstanding. Love seeing DD and GA do some of their own stunts. And I really love seeing GA's non-Botoxed forehead wrinkle when she raises her eyebrows; I hate when actors try to convey emotion with faces that don't move. But did Scully call Mulder Fox in one scene (when they're talking about placing William for adoption)??
  22. The fact Qatar no longer has an endless supply of money to toss after it is the underlying reason, yes, but the ratings have been dismal all along. I think that's what the "I wonder if they considered ..." musings are directed at; things they might have done to increase viewership. (Of course it's a moot point now, which is a shame.)
  23. I see the episode threads are up, but won't open until the day of airing. Since the first episode is being screened this weekend and next Friday (and possibly other days; those are just in my area), should anyone who sees the episode early post in this general revival spoilers thread, or just wait until the 24th and post in the episode thread?
  24. I think most viewers comprehend that, and there's a difference between "Please, doesn't everyone know that?" and "I thought that would be something at least one of three people qualified to compete on Jeopardy! would know."
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