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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Yes, and yes. Per the Los Angeles Times, it was developed in early 2016 and shot in October. If Budweiser wasn't such gross beer, I'd buy some.
  2. Constipation following surgery is common. Is she on an opiate painkiller (e.g. Buprenex), post-op? Those cause constipation. So do the drugs they use for anesthesia. So does not moving around much. So, basically, it would be a medical wonder if she was pooping normally. Sometimes stool softeners are recommended, to help ease things along. Added water and added fiber (e.g. psyllium husk, or canned pumpkin) are natural aids. You're not crazy, you're worried. It's what we do. And, yeah, she's probably totally fine with all this.
  3. What's the pizza crust recipe? A low-carb crust that tastes "really good" is a rare find, indeed.
  4. Sui has been second to Earl as my favorite since the moment we met him, so I'll be sad not to see him anymore, but I'm happy things are working out for him. It was nice to see how appreciative he was of Tia and Earl giving him a chance. I remember so well the pride on Earl's face when Tia told him she was impressed with the work ethic Sui (whom Earl had recommended) was showing in his first days, and the pride on Sui's when Earl passed that along. Black is so cute. And his owners seem so excited to have him. I enjoyed the behind-the-scenes special that aired before this one, too. I love Grumpy Old Man Arnold and am glad he's okay. And, of course, Jethro. I'd seen a lot of that footage via a friend emailing me links from Tia's Facebook page, but it was fun to see his antics again.
  5. Similarly, only on TV will the person doing the punching suffer no ill effects to their hand. If the show has a comedic element, the character may dramatically shake their hand and say, "Ow, that hurt," but we won't see any bruised, swollen, or scratched - or worse - knuckles, no difficulty using that hand for a few days, etc.
  6. I had to go look up those characters, as I don't watch either show (Criminal Minds and American Horror Story). I associate the name Spencer with Spencer Tracy. My cat Maddie was named after Maddie Hayes (Moonlighting) - only I spelled her full name Madeleine, while the character was Madolyn. And my cat Louise was named after the titular character from Thelma & Louise. In fact, her middle name was Elizabeth, because that was the character's middle name and it just seemed to flow so nicely. I almost gave Riley the middle name Nora, in tribute to Nora Charles (The Thin Man), but with my last name I wouldn't have liked her initials. So she's Riley Alexandra. Alexandra is just a name I like, plus Maddie and Baxter both had A middle names - Alice and Adam, respectively - but I suppose it could represent Alexandra Spaulding from Guiding Light. Piper is another name on my list. It's a name I've liked since I first heard of Piper Laurie. As an X-Files fan, I cannot associate Piper with any middle name other than Maru, so if I ever name a cat Piper, she will have to be Piper Maru, and then I'll look like some crazy fangirl who named her cat after Gillian Anderson's daughter. (There's an XF episode titled Piper Maru, which was the name of a ship involved in that episode's investigation, but the ship/episode was named after the kid.) Thus concludes my list of cats named after TV/movie characters. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.
  7. I've never seen one where customers bring their own cats; those I've seen are places where cats available for adoption (and who have the temperament for such a setting) roam the café. It gives patrons a chance to relax by playing/cuddling with a cat, and also gives potential adopters a chance to see the cats out of a cage.
  8. Beautiful babies, FanOfDorks. Spencer's eyes are great! I like the name Spencer; it's on my mental list of potential future cat names.
  9. I'd never seen that commercial before, but that's gross. I like the one where the guy goes into the other room to get something to wipe his kid's face and comes back in to find a clean kid and the dog licking his lips, but that kid had the normal amount of food around the mouth for someone little and not all that coordinated yet. This shit, of a kid deliberately smearing food all over the place, including dumping it on his head, without a parent stepping in to teach him to eat food, not play with it, is on a different level.
  10. Oh, I do. I don't store them there (blech), and I don't put the one I want to eat in there for long (also blech), but when I want to just slice a tomato and sprinkle it with some salt and pepper or basil, I want it a little chilled.
  11. I like her, too. And Casey. And Padma. Not John, though. With Emily eliminated, we're now left with chefs where any one of them is qualified to win this whole thing. And while Brooke and Sheldon are my favorites, I'd be happy to see Shirley, Casey, or Sylva wind up going the distance. But John winning would annoy me; we have five people who make good food and seem to be good people, and one person who makes good food but is an asshole. So I'd just rather one of the non-assholes win.
  12. The latter -- she was recounting how her grandpa made it, and then how she was going to spruce it up. The Cool Whip part came when describing her grandpa's version, and we saw her with her own whipped cream in a mixing bowl (rather than a tub of Cool Whip). There's no way the judges wouldn't have mentioned it if she'd used Cool Whip, and not even Emily would have used an ingredient like that.
  13. Yes, she had to use them, but how was up to her, and she opted for raw when they weren't fresh enough for that. Oops, sorry - there was a big white space and I didn't realize a reply below that had already said the same thing. So, what aquarian1 said.
  14. It has never mattered in these "cook something inspired by a memory of ..." challenges, and over the years I think a good number of contestants have simply made up a story to go along with the dish they wanted to make. In Brooke's case, she may very well have said the crepes were something she grew up eating, and has continued the tradition by making them for her son, and we were only shown the part where she talked about her son. (If not, and she was asked "What does this have to do with your childhood?" that would have been an easy story to make up.)
  15. Considering how everyone laughed - and how much an idiot he'd have to be to have been serious - yeah, I agree. I think it was a producer-prompted excursion to get some "the gang relaxes" beach footage, but, on the off chance it was organic, it was still a facetious "hey, there's a beach over there" prompt to go relax now that they'd made it through the restaurant wars challenge.
  16. This is the second season, not third, in which John has competed -- season ten, and this fourteenth season.
  17. That's one of those movies where I adored it at the time, and then watched it again when I was older and thought, "God, we really were unbearable!" (But the garage door opener? And "We will always go dancing"? I'm still there for it.) And I never stopped loving the soundtrack. A friend and I - while, admittedly, quite drunk - once listened to Would dozens of times in a row. And Dyslexic Heart still makes me smile. So, interesting news - thanks.
  18. I want to say it's uncommon for a fridge to be included here in southern CA - whether renting or buying - because my experience bears that out, but I hear about enough places where the fridge is included that I'm not sure that's accurate. To be safe, maybe it's 50/50 odds as to whether it will be included. But definitely not strange for a fridge to go with the previous owners/tenant and the new resident to have to bring/buy their own. But a stove is virtually always included, yes.
  19. The EMS guy with the vocal fry (Landon? The guy who rolls with Brooke) has a voice that bugs me, but the way he reacted to the suicidal patient tonight really touched me. That poor guy, mourning the loss of his mom (and haunted by the fact he dropped her casket; I've been a pallbearer, and those things are heavy!), hearing his dad is terminal, trying to take care of a teenage brother who's just running away from everything. I hope he gets the help he needs.
  20. I didn't think he was already in bed, either, but 10:30 seems a pretty common "bed time" for adults (not that people are asleep by then - although, obviously, some are - but that it's when you shut things down and get in bed to read/watch TV for a bit before dozing off), so, either way - dressed for bed or in bed at 10:43 - it's a non-issue for me.
  21. Starving to death isn't the real danger, it's hepatic lipidosis (not the best article, but all my saved research was so technical as to make the eyes glaze) -- a sudden and dramatic decrease in caloric intake can cause serious illness in cats, sometimes in a surprisingly short period of time. So, unlike with a dog - or human - you have to be careful with the "well, when you get hungry enough, you'll eat" stance. It's more likely to happen with a cat who's not eating because of illness rather than stubbornness, as the latter is more likely to finally give in and eat something s/he doesn't like, but it's something all cat owners need to be aware of.
  22. Valiant effort by the editors to create suspense, when an amoeba could have figured out Emily was going home. It sounded like a delicious collection of food. Even Emily's cake would have been tasty, just not up to the rest. I'd have loved to eat my way through that event. I have no problem with something like making fun of someone's accent when it's done between friends and with good-humored intent, but when "tea in your termos" didn't land the first time, Brooke should have moved on. I still like her very much, and had a pang of nervousness when she got the "I'm homesick" edit. Impressive palate, too -- I wanted someone to ask Voltaggio how many he got when he did the QF challenge for himself before filming, so I'm glad she did, and love that her greatest victory was performing better than him. John is delusional. But, man, did his dish sound good, and it shows just how utterly delicious the top three must have been to have edged him out. Like I said, this was one where I'd have loved to be among the tasters. Casey's impression of Padma needling her about the scallops cracked me up. I like snarkily judgmental Padma, but I also like people mocking it, so that worked for me on both levels.
  23. That would be odd, since the whole point (from producers' standpoint) of classifying reality TV participants as contestants rather than actors is to exempt them from SAG-AFTRA (and all the protections that come from being in that union).
  24. It's a common misconception, but avocado is not toxic to cats. I don't recommend cats eat avocado in large amounts, as that could cause digestive issues (and there's no need for them to eat it at all, as it's not part of their natural diet), but persin is not poisonous to cats. (I don't feed it, but there's an entire brand of pet food (Avoderm) based on incorporating avocados). So if kitty has a hankering for it, no harm in letting him have a little sometimes as a treat. As well-known veterinarian Dr. Jean Dodd said:
  25. I'm always leery of films with animals, since a quick glance at the history of the American Humane Association (or the history of film) is enough to tell you "No animals were harmed in the making of this production" isn't remotely the assurance you want it to be. If there's plausible evidence of harm, I'm out. So, my longstanding crush on Dennis Quaid aside, not to mention my support of a pro-adoption message, I'll be taking a pass on A Dog's Purpose unless it's conclusively proven that footage is not just deceptively edited, but truly much ado about nothing. I reverse my burden of proof in these situations.
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