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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Right, and if she winds up always wanting to stay, and he doesn't want to be in a long-term relationship that isn't cohabitational, then they're not the right fit for each other and need to move forward separately. He gets to state what he wants, but he doesn't get to dictate what she does (ever, but especially not when they don't have a marriage or equivalent partnership), and he's had some inappropriately demanding moments lately - after the writers had course corrected a relationship that started on a highly problematic dynamic - so I wonder where they're going with this.
  2. Bastet

    College Basketball

    I'm a bit surprised the NCAA medical staff didn't take him to the hospital (they monitored him for a couple of hours at the stadium, where he remained alert and stable, and then several hours later, back at the hotel, other officials urged him to go get further checked out) - not because I think someone should have suspected a blood clot was the cause of him going down, but because the one thing known about what happened is that his unprotected head hit the ground really hard. Thank goodness he went, and thank goodness he wound up with a doctor who said she saw his fall, things aren't adding up, and she wants to do further testing to find out why he went down in the first place. So he got the necessary treatment to dissolve the clot, and it didn't have the chance to possibly do severe or even fatal damage. I like the story behind that grumpy pose on the stretcher. (So maybe, if he didn't even want to be wheeled out, the med staff wanted to take him to hospital and he refused.)
  3. Aaron Rodgers, NFL quarterback and winner of a Celebrity Jeopardy match several years ago. Glasgow was a bit surprising as a TS, with "go" in the category. The Call of the Wild, too (even though that one stumped me well), along with copper (at least that no one even guessed an element one might make a pot out of), and, especially, cognac. I've never read any of the books in the first lines category, and only figured out three of them based on the clues. Same with action figures, but a little worse -- I only figured out two of those. I only ran conjunctions and places, but only missed one each in the remaining first round categories. In DJ, I turned in my usual poor performance in the mythology category, only coming up with one (blacksmith, since I didn't actually need to know mythology). I was pretty bad in historic people, too, only getting two. I ran acids, musical godfathers, and still figures, and only missed one "urge" (the British word for zucchini) so at least it wasn't a disaster of a round for me. FJ was an instaget. I thought I got all of them this week, but remembered I didn't come up with LBJ until time had been called, so it doesn't count.
  4. No, it's Spanish - Albert Pla's recording of "El Lado Mas Bestia De La Vida".
  5. He was even irritated that Darlene was going to go to Hawaii with Molly. Dude, Molly bought tickets and invited Darlene. It was to be a friend trip for the two of them to continue getting to know each other as adults and have some fun. Ridiculous that he'd be huffy about her going on a vacation without him. Seriously. It's hardly the end of the world if they don't live together for a while. Darlene has a lot of family ties right now, and Mark is probably where it's best for him to be. So if Ben doesn't want to move back into that environment, I get it (I thought it was stupid for him to do so to begin with), but he needs to just go get his own place. Then Darlene can choose whether to move her and Mark in with him or stay where she is. And if she chooses to stay and he can't handle it, then they can break up. He makes his choices, she makes hers. And of course they discuss them, since they are in a committed relationship, but he thinks he has far too much of a say over what she does with her money and her family.
  6. I just looked it up, and ratings were down by half; the final episode of the last batch on Animal Planet, back in February, got a 0.11 (599,000 viewers), while this first episode on Discovery got a 0.05 (337,000 viewers). And I agree - they did a terrible job of letting existing AP viewers know it would be airing on Discovery, so any new viewers going around the dial Saturday night, happening across it on Discovery, and deciding to watch were never going to make up for that.
  7. I've seen that film so many times I can recite along with it, and I've always spent that scene laughing at Jake's reaction to seeing Suzanne. But you're right - Sheen is doing some legit acting there.
  8. That wouldn't bother me at all; in fact, I prefer it. I don't mind if people leave their shoes on when they come into my house, but I'm happy if they take them off (which most of my friends do, since they don't wear shoes at home, either, so they have the same habit I do) - because no shoes in the house means not having to vacuum quite as often.
  9. Very; he abstains from a whole bunch of stuff in addition to alcohol. He's one of those ultra-healthy living people, in both diet and exercise. Yet not obnoxious about it. I like him for so many reasons, including that.
  10. Yeah, I'm really interested in continuing to see that dynamic, where these guys are still part of her life, not just fathers to their kids. At the party for Husband Three, Husband One and Two are there, because they're family. I agree. Rebel is a LOT, because Erin Brockovich is a LOT, and I think Sagal is doing a good job with how, sure, there are messy and tacky aspects of her, but the bottom line is she's smart and strong and spends her days helping people.
  11. Sorry to hear that, @Scout Finch. CKD is very common in cats, so there is a lot of information out there, and this site is a good repository, but that can be very overwhelming; I suggest trying to digest it in chunks. Start with "Just Diagnosed? Click Here". The "Key Issues" page is even shorter, honing in on what you can do to make your cat feel better. The most important thing is getting your cat to eat, so of course you want to feed the lowest-phosphorus food she'll eat (hopefully without having to resort to one inappropriately low in protein), but a kidney-friendly diet is of no use if the cat won't eat enough of it to meet her basic nutritional needs. So don't stress out too much over which food. If hydration is an issue, subQ fluids can be a big help. I don't want to rattle off too many other things and overwhelm you more than you are, so take a look at that site when you feel up for it. You'll learn the secondary conditions to look out for and things that may stall the progression of the disease. And, no, they very much do not all suddenly crash and die agonizing deaths! I'm sorry you've had two friends experience that, but please don't add more worry to your life by assuming that's going to happen to Willow, too. Generally it's like with any progressive disease; in the final stage, quality of life decreases, and at some point it's time to decide to let go. My cat Maddie lived for seven years after her CKD diagnosis, with her kidney values mostly staying in stage one, sometimes stage two and occasionally normal; when she died of an unrelated disease, her kidney values were right at the high end of normal.
  12. That's not the same meal (everyone is in different clothes).
  13. Yep, and I didn't know that until the Peloton bike craze put this overpriced machinery on my TV and subsequent discussion let me in on the meaning of its name, but knowing what a group of bike riders is called meant getting a recent Jeopardy! clue, so the influx of commercials isn't completely useless. Annoying as hell, but not completely useless.
  14. If my mom had ever chased me around the house over a bite of food, I hope my dad would have steered her toward the psychological help she needed and stepped up to shoulder his share of the parenting load he was clearly neglecting if she was losing her shit over a single bite. Some of those Kraft commercials feature bratty kids, but in that one it's the mother I think has lost her damn mind. The kid didn't refuse to eat her vegetables, she just ate one bite less than what Mom wanted, declared she was no longer hungry, and got chased around the house by a lunatic with a loaded fork. If she really is full, get over it. If she consistently claims to be full one bite shy of what you want her to eat as a means of asserting some control over her life, be the adult and outsmart her by putting one more portion than you want her to eat on her plate.
  15. I laughed pretty hard when her analogy was that being able to communicate with him in Spanish was like the relief of finally taking a pee when you've really needed to go.
  16. I don't care for most professional wiz but personal disaster storylines for women, or adult children pissy that their moms had important work to do in addition to raising them, and this is short on nuance and subtlety, but it's a first episode - and shows have been a lot more obvious about a lot less important subjects. I don't know a lot of these actors, but it seems to be a good cast. I came for Mary McDonnell, but I liked the performances overall. And I like some of the relationship dynamics, and Rebel herself - the pull between emotional tugs like "I'm going to pay for her valve replacement myself" and economic reality that if she does that she can't afford to help anyone other than that one person. I like the investigator, and hate the junior associate at the one ex-husband's law firm; if they dare set up a sexual tension scenario between that dick and the daughter, I will be pissed (no, TV writers, we do not actually harbor secret attraction to men whose worldviews and life's work we find repugnant). There's definite room for improvement, but decent promise in a first episode. How can I not like "You are 72 hours short of the goal, you son of a dick!" and "To cook you dinner?!" in unison by all the women? Pretending COVID doesn't exist is distracting, and there are some scenes I can see how they were filmed with minimal risk and others I wonder about, but I'm in.
  17. Well, maybe they didn't leave - or stay gone from - their parents' house in the typical timeframe, just like the Conner kids. Regardless of where they lived when, since they'd already been without a mom for however long - rather than always having a mom present in their lives and then getting a stepmom as well - I can still go with everyone in the family coming to regard her as Mom sometime in the last nearly 30 years even though the kids were teens when she first came into their lives. I mean, yeah, it's another continuity error from writers who don't pay as much attention as we do to the show's history. But I can make it work and thus not be distracted or annoyed by it. Becky supposedly having dissected a cat in Biology when we saw numerous details about her refusal to dissect a frog in Biology, I can't. But the blended family dynamics of people we haven't seen in nearly 30 years, yeah, I can just go with it. Charlotte was older. Charlotte was the Roseanne and Molly the Jackie:
  18. They never once made it to 22. The closest they ever got was season two, and I think that was 18. I don't know; Glenn Gordon Caron was so bad at time management that maybe if the order had been for 13, he'd have still delivered nine.
  19. So many years have passed that if Ty Tilden met this woman shortly after we last saw the family, she'd have been Charlotte and Molly's stepmom for so long by this point they could all very well regard her as Mom (especially since there isn't another mom in the picture). So, yeah, they should have just written "stepmom" in the script rather than "mom", but it doesn't bother me.
  20. Of course Blais’s QF order is as obnoxious as he is. The frantic timeline of the QF was stressing me out through the TV. Jamie’s shrimp and grits looked quite appetizing, and I don’t even like grits. Brittany’s mushroom toast was the thing I most wanted to eat, but I figured Jamie was going to win. Dawn’s “This dude is crazy” about Gabriel had me giving her a virtual high five, and then she said he was chefsplaining to her, and I was in love. Most of the EC food looked great. The judges’ top three dishes were my top three, and I’m jealous they got to eat them and I just got to look at them. Avishar and Shota were nice together in their interview.
  21. I'm going to be watching something else tonight, so checked the archive while I ate my lunch. The Al Pacino TS surprised me; maybe they got tripped up by the Fredo part. Impeachment was surprising, too. I ran the first round (well, by giving myself credit for a couple of clues I feel confident I'd have known had I been able to see the visual). In DJ, I got all the women on stamps even without being able to see them. I also ran the Constitution and Wipe Out categories, but missed three each in books and TV songs and two in Europe. For FJ, I knew Buenos Aires immediately, but it took a moment for Bogotá to come to me. I had Santiago as the third, though, so it's good we only had to name two.
  22. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I don't remember Phillip Adams (which isn't surprising, reading about his career). How horrifying -- two of the victims were kids, five and nine years old. So his child is another victim in this, now growing up not only without a father but with the knowledge their dad killed five people, including two little kids.
  23. Ugh, yes. I mean, at least they didn't hook them up, but even hinting at the future possibility was gross given what we'd seen of Daniel and, specifically, his relationship with Betty. I understand what the source material provided, but within the remake universe just suggesting it was annoying; "our" Betty deserved better.
  24. Despite being utter failures at their rare, sporadic attempts at pet ownership (other than, apparently, still having the chickens, which was an oddly satisfying bit of continuity), Dan decided to be a foster to senior dogs; Louise's creepy vet brother pays people to provide home care to such animals, and Dan took one in. Odds are, we'll never see the pooch again.
  25. Ha - I damn well knew which movie it was, but couldn't spit out the title at first; somehow what came to mind as Glenn Close was talking (thank goodness this was a video clue to give my brain time to right itself) was Basic Instinct. What followed was quite the rapid-fire thought process: No, that's the Sharon Stone movie. What's the one Close is in with Michael Douglas where she boils the bunny and says she's not going to be ignored?! Holy hell, I've seen this film and it's such a piece of pop culture it's parodied all over the place; if you asked me an hour ago I'd instantly know, but for some reason right now I am drawing a blank. I remembered in time, but that was a rather exhausting process for what should have been a pretty easy clue for someone my age.
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