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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Interesting; is that on a mobile browser or app? Because on the "regular" forums.primetimer.com website, Edit is one of a row of icons below the post in the bottom left. It's the pencil.
  2. Well, obviously you do, Phylicia, because you apparently do not think the things he admitted to doing constitute sexual assault. (Or do you just think okay, that was wrong, but he still shouldn't be named, shamed, and punished because he's your friend, and a Black man in a racist society and criminal justice system?) So how is any victim in Howard's College of Fine Arts ever going to feel like the system at your school is going to do anything but dismiss her ("Forget those women") if she comes forward and says a student or professor did the same thing to her?
  3. Well, sports movies are about people, not sports, so that explains why a film set in that universe can still make you laugh, cheer, and/or cry even if you wouldn't sit down and watch a real-life version of whatever game the characters play.
  4. And they will pretend they get a call from their real estate agent telling them their offer was accepted and the house is theirs.
  5. Thinking more about how I reasoned my way to "Georgia On My Mind" pretty quickly, I wonder if this is the second FJ in as many weeks made easier for me because I've watched Designing Women a ridiculous number of times. I am positive the conversation about a Valentina Tereshkova question in the Trivial Pursuit game they played in one episode is the reason I was able to immediately answer with her full name rather than "the cosmonaut, first woman in space, oh what is her name ... Valentina something." And now I wonder if "Georgia On My Mind" being the show's theme song (and thus something I heard repeatedly a few months ago when I most recently pulled out those DVDs) means it was closer to the front of my mental filing cabinet and thus easier to access as I thought about a really old song that was a hit in 1960 and would represent something about Jimmy Carter.
  6. Unfortunately, it's true not just for him but for many. Melissa King told a similar story during her season, and I don't recall if she said it on TC, but Kristen Kish has said it elsewhere. It happened to a couple of my friends (one Korean, one Japanese) when I was a kid, and I've heard many adults share the same bad memories.
  7. Yes, there are always two rounds of voting - the first round whittles all the nominees down to the top five, and then the final round produces a winner and a runner-up from those five.
  8. Dr. Oz guest hosting J! won that least favorite moment category, with 37% of the vote (83 votes). That made for a decisive victory; runner up (something from This Is Us) got 18% (40 votes).
  9. Good game, and good for Courtney securing a spot in the ToC. I did just okay in the first round, where I usually excel; I missed two each in famous names and shapes, and one in TV high schools. Only missing one of those is thanks to cultural osmosis, as I've never seen any of the shows. I also missed five in DJ, but that's a great score for me in that round. And, after three missed FJs in a row (two of which I didn't even have a guess for), I got FJ pretty quickly -- it didn't take long to arrive at Carter as the candidate, so then looking at the years and thinking about what would fit something particular about him, it came to me.
  10. The Blouse Barn scenes were among my favorites of this season, so I'm a little bummed that chapter is closed. I assume Moira and the Jazzagals will be a continuing thing, though, and that's another storyline I love; I like the interaction between her and all the other women. Same with Moira on the town council; she needed something to do, so I'm glad she now has two ongoing things. I hate beards, so I enjoyed clean-shaven Mutt, but I laughed really hard at just-awakened Alexis freaking out, thinking he was a stranger there to rob her, because he really did look different. Her working for Ted will be interesting. The final family scene in the season finale was probably a bit much, but I went with it. And I totally bought Johnny telling off their former friends. I should probably pace myself more, but I have trouble sleeping and it's so easy to say "just one more episode".
  11. Not including the area code when giving you a phone number seems natural to me in a place with only one area code; unless they specify an outside area code, you know it's the local one. And I guess having the local area code entered as a default is no big deal if most people's numbers use that area code (and the minority with a different one can easily override it), but it does seem a bit odd to do that given how many people use a cell phone number they got someplace else as their primary or only phone (and thus do have a different area code). Maybe it's not common there? It used to be annoying when someone would give me their cell phone number with a long-distance area code as their contact info; you want me to incur long distance charges to talk to your ass a few miles away? No. What's your home number? (Back when most people still had one.) But since AT&T switched my home phone from a traditional line to U-Verse years ago, there's no distinction between local and long distance, so I no longer care. But I'll still call someone's home phone rather than cell phone if they're good with that, because it's better reception.
  12. I would be very surprised if it's a problem in the restaurant; there, the dishes were fully conceptualized and tested long ago, not something she came up with on the fly, and while the food needs to come out in a timely fashion, she's not held to a specific countdown (and she has a second set of eyes making sure what goes out is right). Even with the specific countdown, she usually could have made it with just one extra minute. So I think it's very much a timed competition problem for her, but something she's able to make work in real life.
  13. Well, they weren't going to cast Romano's mother or department heads. Of "our" characters who appear in the episode, Susan is the one (other than Elizabeth, obviously) who would have wanted to attend on her own, not purely out of professional obligation.
  14. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Of course not. Because when even a self-serving internal investigation that you decline to have put in writing and refuse to release even redacted details of prompts you to impose $10 million worth of fines, why would you want to suspend the guy who oversaw the whole operation that dozens of victims and witnesses risked their necks to tell the truth about and who was the direct subject of several allegations? No, just make the organization cut a check and agree to some buzzword changes, and hope everyone will forget.
  15. Some variation (e.g. "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good") is more commonly found in political discussion.
  16. Wasn't he fired after TC filming had concluded, so he was still employed (in whatever capacity the restaurant was functioning) at the time those talking heads were recorded? I think anyone who has children to raise, whatever they and the other parent normally pull in, would mention the benefit to their family of winning a big ol' chunk of change, especially when their income comes from an industry that has been hit particularly hard by a pandemic.
  17. I like that they kept it real and didn't have the characters suddenly talking nice about Romano just because he was dead; it's true no one but Elizabeth would miss him. But Susan not attending the memorial is out of character. They got along in this really odd way, so while I buy her not wanting to speak, I don't buy her not feeling - based on her personality and their interaction - like she needed to attend.
  18. Anemia was a surprising TS. The semicolon TS also surprised me a little; using them to make winking faces in text before emojis is before their time? ;-) Blowhole, too, as did Up (at least that no one took a guess), pharmacology, and recombinant. I usually do pretty well with non-fiction (it's almost all I read), but I missed three. I ran the rest of the first round, though, so I was off to a good start. I did well in DJ, too; I ran July, genes, and Shakespeare (not a category I tend to run), and only missed two in musicians, and one each in women (I, too, said Sister Sledge, but only as a joke!) and Rs (I could not come up with raspberries in time). But, for the third day in a row this week, I did not get FJ. Rivers are my weak point when it comes to geography, but I feel like that shouldn't have stumped all four of us.
  19. There's a live chat thread. Normally the episode thread opens up as soon as the episode ends, but this one didn't open until an hour later, when the Amateurs episode that got tacked on ended.
  20. This was a disappointing result, for a chef who managed to get fired for misconduct in an industry where misconduct is particularly rampant to get the win, but I still greatly enjoyed the season and am bummed it’s over; I just wish I hadn't learned about Gabe until after. The way Dawn conceptualizes and cooks, timed competition is not a good fit for her, so it’s really impressive she made it to the finale. She cooks food that makes me want to reach through the screen and eat it, so the exposure should be great for her. And Shota, too – he’s so impressively innovative. I wanted ALL the food, especially Dawn’s gumbo and dessert and Shota’s curry. (Not that I didn’t also drool over Gabe’s food, especially his second course; as I said, I wanted all the food, those were just the ones that most matched my favorite flavors.) Three great cuisines to have in the finale; what a treat that would have been to get to eat it all. Good to see Tiffany Derry again (and, on a shallow note, she looked great) as one of the judges at the dining table. Jamie uses “bitch” way too much for my taste (I will not use it at all), but I like her and she worked her ass off for Dawn. All the sous chefs were well matched with their chefs. I'd kind of forgotten how much I miss Maria until she came back on my screen. That was a nice dinner with the guest judges on night one; I just wish they hadn’t flashed from dish to dish so quickly, as I wanted to see what everyone made! (Psst, Tom, it’s the cavalry, not calvary, you call in for help. Oh, well, at least they pronounced Willamette correctly.) How long do we have to wait for the next season?! I enjoy this show so much, especially in seasons like this, when everyone gets along so well.
  21. Sounds like there shouldn't be another date with this guy.
  22. Those reports may be premature: It seems like if it's not true now, it will probably, given his current condition and his health history, be true soon, but hopefully he still has a slim chance. I can't imagine being his loved ones dealing with such a horrible situation while also having to face media accounts that jump the gun.
  23. Yes, a production's legal team will take a hard look at any script that gives a character the same name as a real person or another fictional character to make sure there's no defamation or copyright infringement claim to be made based on similarities such that the character could be determined to be meant to represent that person/character. This doesn't affect giving multiple characters within a show the same first name.
  24. Exactly. Animal lifespan is the bane of having pets, so that speaks to how rewarding it is -- we sign up to get our hearts broken over and over again (the 20th loss is every bit as hard as the first) because the unconditional love they give us, the joys of sharing a life with them, and the comfort that comes from knowing we provided a great home to a dependent creature makes that pain worth enduring for all we get in exchange.
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